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Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice The Information and Cooperation Forum (ICF) Presents: cross-border asylum network

2 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees ICF: NGOs from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia Targets:  improvement of reception conditions in the Member States of the European Union  cooperation, qualification, lobbying Issues:  accommodation  social benefits (including withdrawal and Dublin II cases)  medical care  access to labour and education / training  social work and social counselling  freedom of movement  participation of refugees

3 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees The EU Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 on Minimum Standards of Reception Conditons for Asylum Seekers  the implementation: harmonisation or downgrading?  why improvement of reception conditions?

4 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1. Accommodation Matters*  basic needs of refugees and asylum seekers  the EU Council Directive 2003/9/EC on accomodation issues *Under the ICF lead agency of Foundation GEA2000 GEA 2000 Slovenia

5 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 2. Houses and Camps  forms of refugee accommodation in Central Europe  centralised or decentralised accommodation?  housing on borders  recommendations –accommodation should give access to information and social services –accommodation should invite contacts to local population –private accommodation instead of centralised camps  best practice: Integrationshaus Austria

6 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 3.Accommodation and Food  modalities of food distribution  frequent shortcomings  recommendations –asylum seekers should get money to make own choices regarding their nutrition –asylum seekers should get the opportunity to cook for themselves –food distribution has to respect religious diets and culinary customs

7 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 4. Right to Privacy, Family Life and Security  accommodation centres and privacy  security in accommodation centres  protection of family life  the needs of vulnerable groups –women –children –traumatised persons  recommendations

8 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 5. Access to Counselling and Information, Legal and Health Services  the need for orientation and support  shortcomings  recommendations –Information has to be provided at the beginning –access of NGOs to centre inhabitants has to be granted –legal advice and services have to be within reach

9 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 6. Private Accommodation  merits of privacy  securing the needs of refugees  financial support  recommendations –private accommodation should be privileged –private housing has to match the needs of asylum seekers –services have to be within reach

10 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees THANK YOU! For further information please contact

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