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Discover How My 11yr Old Daughter is Getting Sales Online And YOU Can Too!

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Presentation on theme: "Discover How My 11yr Old Daughter is Getting Sales Online And YOU Can Too!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover How My 11yr Old Daughter is Getting Sales Online And YOU Can Too!

2 This was the strategy that my wife and I used to put food on the table when we first got married. We made many sales doing this. It got to the point that we used to take laundry baskets full of orders to the post office everyday when we started doing this strategy.

3 When we taught our 11 year old daughter how to do this She made her first sale online in less than 24 hours…

4 In case, you haven't heard about the story….

5 On Monday, July 27, 2009, I had to wake up my daughter late at night because she just made her first sale with what I showed her the day before.

6 The day before, she woke me up and said she wanted to learn how to make money online because she wanted to earn a laptop computer and......didn't want help paying for it.

7 So I wrote her a plan and she followed it!

8 The REST is history.

9 Now she's making up to 1-3 sales a day!!!

10 On this webinar, Steph and I are going to share with you that exact strategy and give you a plan to follow......So make sure you stay on this webinar because we will walk you step-by-step through it! our Product in 60 Seconds

11 Why should anyone focus on this strategy?

12 This a perfect strategy for someone that has never made a sale online in their lives because it’s as easy as 1-2-3 (Literally) and it’s totally FREE!

13 You really need no experience or technical skills. (Thank god)

14 What is the value that YOU will receive when YOU start doing this?

15 YOU will be encouraged and come to the realization that YOU can make money online and it’s not just some stupid pipe dream

16 You can start make money online and gain the confidence you need to build an amazing online empire.

17 The BEST Part about this Strategy

18 If there's no sale then there’s is no cost – “REALLY” there is no RISK

19 There is a ton of opportunity and Profit Potential doing this strategy

20 It’s almost as big as eBay in online sales

21 But, here’s another great thing about it: It's a direct sale not an auction – so you know your potential profit upfront.

22 So What In The World Is It?


24 How you can quickly make sales online

25 It's easy, it's fast, and it doesn't cost you a penny until your item sells.

26 Sell your New, old and used books on Amazon or anything you have sitting around that has a ISBN, UPC, or ASIN. You know that bar code on the thing you want to sell.

27 Books have ISBN numbers.

28 Typically items in stores have UPC codes.

29 ASIN numbers are usually for things that don't have ISBN numbers of UPC codes.

30 As long as they have a ISBN, UPC or ASIN you’re good.

31 There are only 4 things you need to remember.

32 1. List items 2. Get orders 3. Ship orders 4. Make Money

33 Here is a list of things you can sell:

34 Books Music Videos DVDs Video Games Electronics Office Products Tools & Hardware Kitchen & Housewares Outdoor Living Sports & Outdoors Musical Instruments

35 7 Steps to Making Money on Amazon

36 Step 1: gp/seller/sell-your- stuff.html

37 Step 2: When you land on that page you will do a quick search by ISBN, UPC or ASIN number.

38 Step 3: Then it will take you to a new page. There are few parts to this. First, make sure that you verify that you are in fact selling the item you want to sell. Second, select the condition of the item you are selling.

39 Step 3 continued… Third, add your comments about the condition. Forth, select continue.

40 Important: Make sure you are truthful here. If it's scratched tell them. If it's signed tell them. This is also a place where you can add in that you are also giving a bonus if you want. I suggest look at how the top sellers are doing it.

41 Step 4: On this page you'll be asked to put the price you want for your item. Make sure that you look at the other Competing Marketplace offers and make your price lower or in line with them. Don't go too low because you'll lose money and it could cause the market to go lower.

42 You will also be asked exactly how many you have for people to purchase. If it's the only one that you have make sure you only put the quantity as just “1”.

43 Third you will then be asked to select the types of shipping that you will allow. Now here's where you can make even more money on the sale. Why do I say that? Let's say you allow international shipping, which means you will collect 12.49 for shipping credit, but it only costs you 6 bucks to ship it. Guess what you keep the extra 6 dollars and 49 cents. It doesn't always work that way but it sometimes does.

44 So if you want to allow international shipping then do that. If you want to allow expedited shipping then do that. You are required to do Standard shipping there is no way around that. So, select the ones you are willing to do and make sure you send them the product the way they want it shipped. Then Click Continue.

45 Step 5: On this page, you have to either log into your Amazon account or set up one.

46 Step 6: After you continue, you will land on a review page to verify everything you just typed in and selected.

47 Step 7: Sign up to sell with Amazon and you’re done!!

48 Follow these 7 simple steps and you're on your way to selling quickly. Don't forget once you have your account set up you can do it over, and over and over again.

49 TIP #1

50 What kind of things sell the fastest?

51 Taylor (11 yr old) said…. “Diet, Business, Religious books - sell the best”

52 TIP #2

53 Check your orders every morning. Pull orders the night before to save time as well.

54 TIP #3

55 Ratings are important!

56 TIP #4

57 Ship as soon as possible. You get paid after you confirm shipment.

58 TIP #5

59 Review the Reports Amazon provides periodically.

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