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Nature of communication in Organizations Richard McCroskey.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature of communication in Organizations Richard McCroskey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature of communication in Organizations Richard McCroskey

2 Myths Meanings are in the words Communication is a verbal process Telling is communication Communication will solve all our problems Communication is a good thing The more communication the better Communication can break down Communication is a natural ability

3 Organizational communication The process by which individuals stimulate meaning in the minds of other individuals by means of verbal or non verbal messages in the context of a formal organization

4 Goals in organizational comm. Develop interpersonal relationships Gaining compliance Gaining understanding Accomplish a task

5 Functions of communication Informative (task) Regulative (maintenance) Integrative (coordination) Management Persuasive (compliance) Socialization (relationships)

6 Networks Formal Informal (grapevine)

7 Communication Flow Downward Job instruction Rationale Ideology Information Feedback Upward Horizontal

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