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General Observation Period (GOP) Susanne Crewell & GOP Partner Meteorologisches Institut Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität (LMU) München
GOP Characteristics General Observation Period from January to December 2007 Comprehensive data set suitable for testing hypotheses and new modeling techniques developed within the QPF-Program. The GOP encompasses COPS both in time and space - to provide information of all kinds of precipitation types and - to relate the COPS results to a broader perspective (longer time series and larger spatial domain)
GOP Observations Optimized exploitation of existing instrumentation - routine measurements normally not available to the scientific community - continuous/coordinated operation of existing instrumentations suitable for statistical evaluation Focus on measurements which are available in near real-time Rigorous quality control, cross-checking and error estimation Easy access to data, quicklooks and analysis Close connection with COPS activities no funding for instrument development or upgrade near-realtime analysis + first-order model evaluation WG "Precipitation Process" & data management Personnel funding for observations only when instruments are moved to other locations Provision of coordinated observations and model output to SPP projects (VERIPREC, STAMPF, DAQUA, QUEST,...
GOP Precipitation Observations High resolution surface precipitation (rain gauges) DWD, various water authorities, environmental agencies and urban networks 3-D hydrometeor distribution (weather radar) -16 C-band DWD radars - polarimetric research radars: POLDIRAD, DLR; DWD Observatory Hohenpeissenberg - C-Band radar Karlsruhe; X-Band radars Bonn & HH - operational radars in neighboring countries Rain drop size distribution (RDSD) - network of vertical pointing Micro Rain Radar (MRR) - in situ disdrometer Joint objective of COPS WG3 & GOP Investgation of the differences of the RDSDs over flat terrain including maritime conditions on one hand and over orographically structured terrain on the other hand
LE GOP Organisation WP-GOP-1Rain gauges WP-GOP-2Weather Radar WP-GOP-3Drop Size Distribution DSD WP-GOP-4Lidar (aerosol, cloud base, mixing layer height) WP-GOP-5GPS water vapour column WP-GOP-6Lightning networks WP-GOP-7Satellite observations (cloud properties, water vapor, aerosol) WP-GOP-8Meteorological stations WP-GOP-9Management
GOP & COPS MRR transsect will be coordinated with POLDIRAD RHI scans during COPS GOP to provide information of all kinds of precipitation types to identify systematic model deficits to select case studies for specific problems to relate the COPS results to a broader perspective (longer time series and larger spatial domain)
GOP Network Observations Integrated Water Vapor (GPS) about 180 stations within Germany about add. 40 in neighboring countries process more french stations set-up of 5 stations in COPS area for 6 months to get a better estimation in the structured terrain Cloud and aerosol vertical information (Lidar networks) - lidar ceilometer observations from institutes & DWD > 100 in Germany - coordinated (regular scheduled) EARLINET (Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Garmisch, Cabauw, Neuchatel..) with a high quality standard to derive statistical aerosol properties Lightning detection systems - Conventional lightning detection system (BLIDS) - VHF network in Northern Germany - VLF LINET system in Southern G. July & August 2004 IWV [kg m -2 ] cloud base height [m]
GOP Satellites (FUB + Nowcasting SAF) a) spatially highly resolved products (250-300 m, polar orbiters) b) temporal evolution from Meteosat Second Generation (every 15 min.) InstrumentTechnicalProductsInformation SEVIRI / Meteosat-8 x~5 km over Europe, x~3 km nadir, whole disc every 15min. TCI, CM, clear sky BT, Int. water vapor (IWV), cloud top pressure (CTP) ~3.3 K clear sky, ~0.7 g m -2 (day, land) ~52 (high-), 121 hPa (low- level clouds) MODIS / TERRA & AQUA overpass Europe ~10:30 am, and ~1 pm; resolution at nadir 0.3 - 1 km TCI, CM, optical depth, liquid water path (LWP), effective radius (r eff ), IWV, geo., cloud depth 4,5: ocean and warm bound. layer clouds clear sky land surfaces and above clouds, ~0.24 g m -2 MERIS / Envisat overpass ~10 :30 local, resolution at nadir 0.25 - 1 km TCI, CM, optical depth, CTP, IWV ~183 m (single low-level) clear sky, ocean, land and above clouds AMSU / NOAA more than 4 overpasses microwave BT, rain rate high res. rain rates throug combination with IR CPR / CLOUDSAT Scheduled launch: autumn 2005 radar reflectivity profiles, LWC/IWC combination with Calipso
Near real-time Radar and Satellite Statistical evaluation of water vapour, cloud and precipitation structure extraction of station output (rain gauges, MRR, GPS,..) together with model output and online visualization diurnal cycle on a monthly basis of all parameters time series at station and maps convective/frontal cell tracking vertical structure (hydrometeor distribution) regional characteristics sub-grid properties The Near Real Time (NRT) processing for the GOP and COPS area. The information at FU Berlin is online with a delay of 2 hours (flight mission planning; near real time assimilation,....
GOP Stations LocationInstituteShort information BonnMeteorologisches Institutprecipitation (radar), clouds, radiation +met FrankfurtInstitut für Atmosphäre und UmweltTaunus Observatory GeesthachtGKSS Research Centerclouds and water vapor GarmischFZ Karlsruhe IFUaerosol, clouds and meteorology HamburgUniversity and MPIwater vapor, clouds, precipitation and meteorology HannoverInstitut f Met. und Klimaforschungclouds and meteorology JülichForschungszentrumsoil moisture KielInstitut für Meereskundeclouds and basic meteorology KarlsruheFZ Karlsruhe IMKprecipitation (radar), wind and meteorology LeipzigIfT und Universitätaerosol and water vapor LindenbergDWD ObservatoryPBL, radiation, clouds, wind (very complete) MünchenMeteorologisches InstitutMeteorologisches Institut und DLRDLRaerosol, water vapor and clouds ZugspitzeSchneefernerhausSchneefernerhaus und Zugspitzgipfelaerosol, water vapor, clouds and snow all Meteorological & Geographical Institutes, Research organisations & NP to contact!
GOP Preparation Establishment of the data base - coordination with DWD and data owners - coordination with COPS campaign data how to set-up and how to get fundingDWDCOPS campaign Quality control of the observations - rain gauge estimates (UniBonn) - radar and satellite observations (QUEST) - joint effort of data ownersUniBonnQUEST Tailoring model output to data available from GOP - definition of model domain, horizontal resolution, boundary conditions... - focus on Lokal-Modell-kürzestfrist (LMK) - preparation of special model output (integration into NUMEX) → time series in model time step resolution at selected stations → selected 3D-fields at asynoptic times for satellite/radar comparisons - online visualization of statistical properties from model and observations (diurnal cycle, PDFs,..) long-term evaluation identification of case studies MAP Forecast Demonstration Project
GOP funding
Example Station Bonn InstrumentDescriptionStatus Lidar Ceilometer CT25Kbackscatter profile, cloud base heightoperational Microwave radiometer MICCYliquid water path, temperature and humidity profile operational Infrared Radiometer KT19.85cloud base temperatureoperational Micro Rain Radar (MRR)profile of drop size distributionoperational X-Band Radarradar reflectivity and radial velocityoperational Scintillometer "Scintec BLS900"sensible heat fluxoperational Rain gaugerain rate (5 min average)operational Meteorological weather stationT, rh, p, wind, rad.operational Radiative flux measurements planned Cloud camera planned Flux (profile) station to be installed Soil moisture to be installed
Microwave radiometers MICCY Conrad MARSS WVRA IRE TROWARA Drakkar HATPRO MTP
Atmospheric Emission liquid water path LWP=250 gm -2 Temperature profile Water vapor profile ν / GHz 3190 ΔTb 90°950 Scattering! Downwelling radiation zenith pointing Czekala, H., A. Thiele, S. Crewell, and C. Simmer, 2001: Discrimination of cloud and rain liquid water path by groundbased polarized microwave radiometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 267-270
Humidity and Atmospheric Profiler (HATPRO) Radial blower Rain sensor GPS Rose, T., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert and C. Simmer, 2005: A network suitable microwave radiometer for operational monitoring of the cloudy atmosphere, Atmos. Res., 75(3), 183-200 Design based on BBC results suitable for LWP & IWV as well as humidity & (boundary layer) temperature profile rain sensor, GPS, clock environmental humidity, pressure and temperature
Time series example
Boundary layer Profiling RMS between RS & HATPRO lower than 1 K below 1 km lower inversion strength of is well detected 6 angle retrieval performs much better than 5 1.4 km N=48 Bias RMS Dry season in Benin Comparison with radiosonde and tower (dots) 300 K 290 K
90 & 150 GHz Dual Polarization Radiometer external elevation scanning to avoid polarization mixing Breaks due to cranes in field of view will be operated on UFS Schneefernerhaus starting next week! improved LWP radiative transfer studies snow crystals
MIcrowave radiometer for Cloud CarthographY Crewell, S., H. Czekala, U. Löhnert, C. Simmer, Th. Rose, R. Zimmermann, und R. Zimmermann, Microwave Radiometer for Cloud Carthography: A 22-channel ground-based microwave radiometer for atmospheric research. Radio Science, 36, 621-638, 2001.
3 GHz FMCW radar -30 dBzmin ~3 m range resolution
MIcrowave radiometer for Cloud CarthographY high spatial (1°) & temporal (1s) resolution observations azimuth and elevation scanning integrated water vapour (IWV) and cloud liquid water path (LWP) temperature and humidity profile combination with cloud radar and lidar 2 successive 30 deg azimuth scan
Vertical Hydrometeor Distribution combination of different instruments (radar, lidar, microwave radiometer, radiosonde) Cabauw, 9. Mai 2003 drizzle
5 9 Instrument Δt / sΔΘ /° Δ LWP /gm -2 WVRA 30 s4.6-5.529 DRAKKAR 1 s11-13.323 MICCY 1 s0.4-0.915 Looking at cloud variability: LWP time series offset
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