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Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Luxembourg 21/09/06 Final conference of PICTURE research project (FP6-SSP1) Final conference of PICTURE.

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1 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Luxembourg 21/09/06 Final conference of PICTURE research project (FP6-SSP1) Final conference of PICTURE research project (FP6-SSP1) “Cultural heritage and cultural tourism in the framework of the EU Research programmes” Michel Chapuis EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Directorate I “ Environment”, Unit I 2 “Environmental technology and prevention of pollution” (cultural heritage aspects) Tel: +32/2/295.41.06 E-mail:

2 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 « Policy Drivers »  Lisbon European Council (March 2000): European Research Area as reference framework  EU Sustainable Development Strategy (Göteborg European Council June 2001)  Barcelona European Council (March 2002): 3% of EU’s GDP by 2010 =2% private+ 1% public  Johannesburg World Summit (September 2002)  First integrated approach (tools & methodologies) in FP5 : Key-Action « City of tomorrow and Cultural heritage », orientation maintained in FP6 (SSP)   Compromise on FP7 (24-7-06) and proposed specific programmes FP7   „London Declaration“and „Prague Message“ (Sept.2004 & June 2006 ) on cultural heritage research

3 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 1952:ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 1957:EURATOM treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983:ESPRIT programme 1984:First Framework Programme (1984-1987) 1987:‘European Single Act’ – science becomes a Community responsibility; Second Framework Programme (1987-1991) 1990: Third Framework Programme (1990-1994) 1993:Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the enlarged EU 1994: Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998) 1998: Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2000:European Research Area 2002: Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) 2006: Proposal for the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) EU research: the history so far

4 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Lisbon Strategy S&T contributes to the Lisbon objectives: economic growth, employment creation, environmental protection, social challenges: fight poverty, improve human health and quality of life (GSM, remote working, safe roads, also culture and cultural tourism…)

5 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 è The overall principles and context: tangible heritage, movable/immovable è The Key-Action « City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage » within FP5 (FP5 EESD) è The sub-sector 4.2 of the FP5 Key-Action related to cultural heritage research and area 4.2.3 for its integration in the urban setting è EU-FP6 activities:thematic priorities 2,7, 8(SSP), coordination of research, ERA-Net è Other European initiatives: COST, EUREKA, è EC expectations : Environment Impact Assessment including C.H. to be applied by M.S., Regions, Cities.. 5th and 6th EU RESEARCH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES TO ASSESS /PROTECT/Further INTEGRATE C.H. IN THE URBAN /RURAL SETTING- RELATION WITH OTHER RESEARCH ACTIVITIES

6 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 CULTURAL HERITAGE RESEARCH and cultural tourism in FP5 è 4.2.1: Improved damage assessment on cultural heritage ( 14 projects) è 4.2.2: Development of innovative conservation strategies (17 projects) è 4.2.3: Foster integration of cultural heritage research in the urban setting (2 projects: SUIT and APPEAR) è SUIT : « Active Integration of urban historic areas within towns »(application of EIA, SEA EU Directives ) è APPEAR: « Accessibility Projects, sustainable Preservation and Enhancement of urban Archaeological Remains è Others: also SUT-Governance « Sustainable Urban Tourism »+ accompanying measure on landscapes: DEMOTEC + INCO-MED projects

7 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 è Air pollution threshold levels for cultural heritage: CARAMEL,MULTIASSESS,CULTSTRAT,Noah’Ark è Damage and restoration on historic buildings: ONSITEFORMASONRY, DIAS,ASSET, COMPASS, ROCEM, FORTMED, McDUR.. è Novel Microbiological Tools for conservation: COALITION,CATS,BIOREINFORCE,BIOBRUSH, BACPOLES, BIOBRUSH,BIODAM.. è Environment inside Museums: IMPACT,MIMIC,MASTER,LIDO,VIDRIO,IDAP, PAPYLUM,INKCOR,MIP,MODHT,TEXMED.. è Integration of C.H. and C.T. in the urban/rural setting: SUIT,APPEAR,DEMOTEC,PICTURE,Hercomanes Clustering in C.H. (FP5 & FP6 projects)

8 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Research in FP6-SSP Has contributed and contributes to Community interventions/ programmes: è Cultural heritage based on Art 151 of EC Treaty è Structural Funds based on Art 158 & 159 of EC T. è Water Framework Directive and complementary measures including civil protection è EC « CAFE » Initiative (Clean Air for Europe): mentions the effects of air pollution on C.H. è Legislation on export of cultural goods and cooperation between institutions and museums

9 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 FP7 (2007 –2013): the Specific Programmes + Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity People – Marie Curie Actions Cooperation – Collaborative research JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom

10 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 9 themes 1. 1. Health 2. 2. Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology 3. 3. Information and Communication Technologies 4. 4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 5. 5. Energy 6. 6. Environment (including Climate Change.. & the tangible C.H.) 7. 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) 8. 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities 9. 9. Security and Space FP7: the Cooperation programme (Collaborative research) FP7: the Cooperation programme (Collaborative research)

11 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 European Construction Technology Platform includes C.H.: ECTP-FACH (1) è ECTP: all stakeholders for research on construction including C.H.: leadership of industry/SMEs (large construction companies included) è Produce the «Vision 2030 » and « Strategic Research Agenda »(SRA) and then « Implementation Plan »to specify priorities and help EC to propose topical issues in FP7 calls è In ECTP: 8 Focus Areas (FAs), one on C.H. :FACH FACH mostly for immovable but “driver” for the “movable C.H.; it includes 6 “vertical” WGs and 6 “horizontal” WGs (WG 4 on energy & environment- and WG5 on “management, exploitation and maintenance” WG6 on “cities and territorial aspects”; horizontal WGs on “education & training”,”preservation of art works”, “technical standards and specifications”,“socio-economic aspects”, disaster prevention”,“communication”..; è

12 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 European Construction Technology Platform includes C.H.: ECTP-FACH (2) è Also specific doc on C.H. “SRA-Vision” still to be improved ; so far 5 meetings of FACH; next meeting on 14/10/06 (Dubrovnik) è Better links of FACH with other FAs- From SRA : priorities and proposals to be recommended to EC for FP7 : input into the JTI and projects proposed by ECTP HLG, or specific proposals in C.H…

13 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 FP7 Environment Programme Climate Change, Pollution, and Risks (indoor air, strategies for prevention and mitigation of natural hazards) Sustainable Management of Resources: management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity (management and planning of urban environment, preservation of landscape, marine environment..) Environmental Technologies (includes water, waste, air, built environment, cultural heritage..) Earth Observation &assessment Tools (forecasting methods, urban development & social & economic tensions related to climate change)

14 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Environmental Technologies in FP7 è Environmental Technologies; for managing resources/treating pollution more efficiently, related to water, soil, air, sea, soil, waste..; for preventing or reducing environmental risks and disasters, promoting sustainable production and consumption, technologies for the sustainable management of the human urban and rural environment including the built environment è Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat: improved damage assessment on cultural heritage, development of innovative conservation strategies, foster integration of cultural heritage in the urban setting. è Technology assessment, verification &testing: processes &products, life-cycle analysis ( chemicals risk assessment), intelligent testing strategies, European Environmental Technologies Verification and Testing Systems.

15 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 The starting point for FP7 Cultural Heritage Research in the Environment Programme The overarching objective is the Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, which requires a multiple integrated approach :  Focus on complex assemblies and not only on individual materials  Indivisibility among damage functions, assessment and monitoring for conservation  Importance of context in research on the moveable and immoveable heritage

16 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 (initial proposal at 21/09/06 still to beconfirmed/amended ) FP7 first annual workprogramme related to protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage) Damage assessment, diagnosis and monitoring for the preventive conservation and maintenance of the cultural heritage: complex assemblies and not on individual materials (Collaborative projects) Networking, knowledge transfer and optimisation of results in cultural heritage ; ERA-Net for the preservation of the tangible cultural heritage (Coordination and support Action) Consolidation and dissemination of results: large European conference in 2008 (Coordination and support Action)

17 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Research areas2007200820092010-.. Diagnosis, assessment and monitoring technologies and tools xx Managing environmental changes, hazards, damage mitigation and preventive conservation xx Cultural Heritage compatible materials (jointly with Priority 4 NMP) xx Conservation and restoration techniques (jointly with Priority 4 NMP) xx Protection of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes xx Fostering the integration of Cultural Heritage in the urban/rural setting x Support, training and coordination actionsxxxx FP7 tentative roadmap for cultural heritage

18 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 Cultural heritage under the FP7 Environment research priority ( provisional Status September 2006 ) At a later stage of FP7 (from 2009 or 2010): new technologies and tools supporting research possibly: è For archaeology and landscapes è Fostering the integration of cultural heritage in the urban and rural setting, also in relation with cultural tourism and research on the sustainable/built environment as well as rational management of heritage sites, historic cities and surroundings è Possibly further issues related to the first stage 2007-2008 complementing initial selected projects è Also Coordination and Supporting Actions all over FP7

19 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 What next ? è Finalisation of PICTURE project : a lot has been achieved ;last deliverables for « Cultural Tourism Impact Assessment » & « Strategic Urban Governance Framework Impact Assessment » : impact of cultural/built heritage on sustainable tourism: need of testing/validation of CTIA on cities, and if possible still further economic data on impacts from cultural heritage and cultural tourism on economy è Measures for results dissemination and exploitation: optimise/sustain/update IT Resource in cooperation with EICI è Importance of exchange of information, and complementarity with other connected projects in the C.H. and other projects measuring level of sustainability and efficiency (cf FP5 LASALA, and EUROCULT21 projects for implementation of Agenda 21 at local level ) è Assist in expression of future research needs in FP7, participation in future related events, including those with support of EC DG Regio, DG Enterprise, DG Education and Culture, DG Research (ECTP-FACH event in Dubrovnik on 14-17/10/06, also considering Socio-economic programme of FP7, etc..) Thank you for your attention!

20 Michel Chapuis – Picture Conf. Luxembourg 21/9/06 EC Information Brochures: New Technologies for the Future of Our Past A Review of the EC Research on Environmental Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage (FP5 and FP6 projects) Next publication foreseen soon EC Web-sites: EC Web-sites: themes/article_1354_en.htm Information Priority 8 (SSP) of FP6 and FP7:

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