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Joining With The Disciples Acts 9:26-30. Background Background –Converted in Damascus (Acts 9) –Went to Jerusalem after three years in Arabia (Acts 9:26;

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Presentation on theme: "Joining With The Disciples Acts 9:26-30. Background Background –Converted in Damascus (Acts 9) –Went to Jerusalem after three years in Arabia (Acts 9:26;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joining With The Disciples Acts 9:26-30

2 Background Background –Converted in Damascus (Acts 9) –Went to Jerusalem after three years in Arabia (Acts 9:26; Galatians 1:17-24) –Left Jerusalem a hero –Returned as “scum”

3 Purposed To Join Them Not ashamed to associate Courage to join them (Acts 28:22) Church often slandered today

4 What They Stood For Beliefs were well known –Who Jesus was (John 6:41, 42, 68) –How He died (Acts 2:23; 3:14) –That He was raised (Acts 26:20, 24)

5 What They Stood For Most did not share this faith –Compare 3,000 to 1,000,000+ –Many tried to kill him –Men like Joseph of Arimathea risked all (Mark 15:43)

6 What They Stood For Made a commitment –Guilty by merely associating –Necessary (Luke 14:26) –To stand with Christ is to stand with His disciples (Matthew 25:40, 45; 2 Timothy 1:16-18)

7 Gave His Influence To The Church All of us have influence –Remember, “No man is an island” –Are either a good or bad influence in the home, community, and the church (Matthew 5:13-16)

8 Gave His Influence To The Church Wanted to use his influence –His intention (Acts 9:20, 21) –Many Christians move, quit, or are taken in like a “stray dog” somewhere –Influence is precious (1 Peter 3:1, 2)

9 Worked To Benefit of The Church Didn’t take a “back seat” –We are in a “contact” religion –Use our talents (Matthew 25:14-30) –Preached boldly (Acts 9:28)

10 Worked To Benefit of The Church A place for each of us –Church is a body (1 Corinthians 12) –Every part necessary (vv. 15-17) –Where God wants us (v. 18) –Appreciate one another (v. 21) –Work together

11 Worked To Benefit of The Church Where are you in the work here? –Will it improve? –What if everyone in the church here was like you?

12 Worshiped With Faithful Saints He was “with them” –Suppose he had forsaken the assembling together? (Hebrews 10:25) –Did he consider the time together important? (Acts 11:26; 20:6, 7)

13 Worshiped With Faithful Saints What happens today? –Some worship with “sound” brethren as a matter of convenience, not conviction –Worship anywhere when traveling –The faithful need encouragement

14 Conclusion Are you a Christian? Have you “joined” a local church?

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