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SOI BiCMOS  an Emerging Mixed-Signal Technology Platform

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Presentation on theme: "SOI BiCMOS  an Emerging Mixed-Signal Technology Platform"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOI BiCMOS  an Emerging Mixed-Signal Technology Platform
Tak H. Ning

2 Outline Evolution of Silicon Technology
CMOS for Mixed Signal -- Why and Why Not? Why SOI BiCMOS for Mixed Signal? Some Recent Developments Summary

3 Evolution of Silicon Technology
CMOS + ? CMOS BiCMOS PMOS/NMOS BIPOLAR 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 CMOS First bipolar invented First transistor MOSFET (1963) (1947) (1960)

4 What Happened to BiCMOS?
Previous BiCMOS aimed primarily for digital applications CMOS was low power but very slow Digital BiCMOS goal was to add bipolar to speed up CMOS circuits PENTIUM 1 was BiCMOS! CMOS speed improved by scaling Need for digital BiCMOS disappeared by early 1990’s

5 Devices Capable of e-Commerce Worldwide
Technology required: computing + communication

6 High-Speed CMOS Trends
Power supply voltage ~ 1 V Gate oxide thickness ~ 1 nm Short channel length but high off current Not suitable for many analog applications gate Gate oxide source drain Channel length

7 Technology Drivers and Trends
System needs Faster, smaller, lower power, more reliable It is a mixed-signal world! CMOS for computing For communication : RF and analog CMOS, if it can be done Silicon bipolar, if CMOS cannot do it Non-silicon only if unavoidable

8 Analog Transistors Typical MOSFET Typical bipolar Bipolar is preferred

9 Why BiCMOS? Systems need Integration for better systems Status:
CMOS for high density and low power digital functions Bipolar for RF and analog functions Integration for better systems Faster, smaller, lower power, more reliable Status: ALL major semiconductor companies either shipping or developing BiCMOS

10 Why Not BiCMOS? Cost, Cost, and Cost Circuit design challenges:
Process complexity Need to evaluate cost versus benefit Circuit design challenges: CMOS voltages scale (up to a point) Bipolar voltages do not scale

11 Why SOI BiCMOS? SOI CMOS is here; bipolar is needed Isolation Cost?
Devices automatically isolated from one another Reduced substrate-coupling noise Cost? SOI wafer cost adder Cost saving associated with isolation Opportunities for innovation

12 Why SiGe-Base Bipolar? A much better RF and analog transistor
Higher current gain Larger Early voltage Smaller transit times E B C n+ p+ p+ n n+ n+ subcollector

13 Improvement Factor: (SiGe)/(Si)

14 The Challenge of BiCMOS
Bipolar MOSFET G E B C n+ p+ p+ S D n n+ ~ 0.2 mm n+ subcollector ~ 2 mm Buried layer thickness issue Isolation issue

15 The Challenge of SOI BiCMOS
Bipolar SOI CMOS Buried oxide subcollector

16 SOI BiCMOS SOI BiCMOS has been around for years! What’s new?

17 SOI BiCMOS -- for Mainframes
SOI for reducing soft-error rate No power/speed advantage for CMOS Source: Hitachi, 1992 IEDM

18 SOI BiCMOS -- for Mixed Signal
SOI on high-resistivity substrate 1 mm Si; no SOI advantage for CMOS Source: Hitachi, IEEE TED, vol. 49, 2002

19 Bipolar Transistors: from Bulk to Thin SOI
E E B C n+ B n+ C p+ p+ p+ n n+ 0.1mm n n+ n+ n+ subcollector buried oxide substrate of SOI ~ 2 mm Bulk Thin SOI Fully depleted collector SOI bipolar

20 Fully-Depleted-Collector SOI Bipolar
Electrons drift across depleted collector region towards reachthrough Source: J. Cai et al., 2002 Symp. VLSI Technology

21 SOI Vs. Bulk SiGe Bipolar Device
Subcollector Experiment SOI bipolar IBM’s Production SiGe Bipolar

22 Measured I-V Characteristics

23 Measured Cutoff Frequency

24 What About Cost? Cost adder: Cost subtracters:
SOI substrate Cost subtracters: No subcollector No epi No deep trench Must look at cost versus benefit

25 Complementary BiCMOS fT of npn = 25 GHz fT of pnp = 2.5 GHz No SOI NPN
PMOS NMOS INDUCTOR No SOI fT of npn = 25 GHz fT of pnp = 2.5 GHz Source: NEC, 1998 IEDM

26 SOI Complementary BiCMOS
pnp npn nMOS pMOS E E G G B B p+ n+ C p+ C S D D S n+ p+ n+ n+ p+ p n n+ n+ p+ p+ p+ n+ n+ p n buried oxide substrate of SOI npn, pnp, and CMOS on same thin SOI

27 Advantage of Complementary Bipolar
Source: Hitachi, IEEE TED, 1995

28 Summary Mixed-Signal Technology Performance SOI BiCMOS CMOS Time

29 Summary Silicon technology evolution continues at rapid pace
CMOS development is rapidly reaching its limits Opportunities around the corner of the redbrick wall SOI BiCMOS likely to emerge as preferred technology platform for mixed-signal applications

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