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DimesVI3D © Prepared by Tomer Har Yoffi Liron Beniash Nadav Gruber.

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Presentation on theme: "DimesVI3D © Prepared by Tomer Har Yoffi Liron Beniash Nadav Gruber."— Presentation transcript:

1 DimesVI3D © Prepared by Tomer Har Yoffi Liron Beniash Nadav Gruber

2 What is DIMES? D istributed Internet ME asurements & S imulations

3 Background DIMES lab is located in Tel Aviv University. The research is performed through Local Agents on computers throughout the world. DIMES lab is producing a weekly internet visual topology maps that can help examine how the Internet topology changes over time.

4 Previous Project The topology maps are being viewed with a tool called: The DIMES Visualizer Requiring a manual downloading of a zip file & local execution. The connection to the DIMES DB is very poor. A very slow and heavy tool!

5 DimesVI3D © Project Vision On the fly DIMES map generator: Enabling view of all kind of information about a week in a network life. Enabling control of the 3D graph such as zoom-in, zoom-out, rotate 360, color display and more. A webby research tool, no data download. Produce 3D graphs out of raw data. Improve current work environment look, feel and speed.

6 How does it work? Architecture Overview Creating Translation Files RMI Connection To DB Distribution Algorithm 3D Display Interface and Filter

7 Client sideServer side Applet GUI Html DB Connection Pool Interface with the user. Displays the topology of the net. Contains the applet. RMI - Interface RMI – Implementation / Server BB Connection Servlet Architecture

8 Creating Translation Files DIMES projects gathers weekly information of ASes, edges. Our Location Generator program extracts the data into ready to use files. The files are then used as input to generate 3-D graphs using Tomer Tankel’s algorithms.

9 RMI Connection To DB The connection between the Dimes Lab DB and our application is done by RMI connection.

10 Distribution Algorithm The algorithm uses the Dijkstra algorithm to distribute the data on a 3-D graph. The efficiency of Dijkstra algorithm is The most connected AS is placed in the center of the graph. Its neighbors surround it in a recursive manner in 3 dimensions.

11 3D Display Interface and Filter The application is displaying the data using the Java3D pack. Our rich interface enables the user to alter the data appearance and view: Data filtering: user may concentrate on specific AS and view the routes embarking from it. Color palette Objects appearance Zoom in and out

12 פעולות עם עכבר ממשק אינטואיטיבי Screenshots


14 K-Rank Filter example

15 K-Coreness Filter example

16 Questions?


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