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My fav animal is a tiger and A dolphin. Actually I Iove dogs, But I love every animal Made!!

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Presentation on theme: "My fav animal is a tiger and A dolphin. Actually I Iove dogs, But I love every animal Made!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 My fav animal is a tiger and A dolphin. Actually I Iove dogs, But I love every animal Made!!

3 Did you know that a tortoise can live to be 100 years old! Or how long penguins can hold their breathe for? Its about for 3-4 mins until they come up to the surface

4 I would love a bigger garden with my own horse I would also love some tiger cubs!

5 Bats are a bit SPOOKY ! Snakes are not one of my favourite animals.

6 Tigers are going extinct because of poaching. Some of the monkey families are extinct.

7 Friendly fish! Unfriendly fish! Whale! Dolphins!


9 Glorious Birds!!

10 Presentation by Melissa Corby. Website – Age 10 24/09/05

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