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Chapter 7 Drugs “Having sniffed the dead man’s lips, I detected a slightly sour smell, and I came to the conclusion that he had poison forced upon him.”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Drugs “Having sniffed the dead man’s lips, I detected a slightly sour smell, and I came to the conclusion that he had poison forced upon him.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Drugs “Having sniffed the dead man’s lips, I detected a slightly sour smell, and I came to the conclusion that he had poison forced upon him.” — Sherlock Holmes, in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet

2 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company1 Drugs  How to apply deductive reasoning to a series of analytical data.  The limitations of presumptive (screening) tests.  The relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and spectroscopic analysis.  The dangers of using prescription drugs, controlled substances, over-the-counter medications, and illegal drugs. Students will learn:

3 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company2 Drugs  Chemically identify illicit drug types.  Classify the types of illicit drugs and their negative effects.  Discuss the federal penalties for possession and use of controlled substances.  Explain the need for confirmatory tests. Students will be able to:

4 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company3 Drugs  Describe IR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, and GC-MS  Present and interpret data with graphs.  Use the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) to identify pills.  Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.

5 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company4 Drugs and Crime  A drug is a natural or synthetic substance designed to affect the subject psychologically or physiologically.  “Controlled substances” are drugs that are restricted by law  Controlled Substances Act is a law that was enacted in 1970; it lists illegal drugs, their category and their penalty for possession, sale or use.

6 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company5 Controlled Substances Act  Schedule I—high potential for abuse; no currently acceptable medical use in the US; a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision  Schedule II—high potential for abuse; a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions; abuse may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence  Schedule III—lower potential for abuse than the drugs in I or II; a currently accepted medical use in the US; abuse may lead to moderate physical dependence or high psychological dependence  Schedule IV—low potential for abuse relative to drugs in III; a currently accepted medical use in the US; abuse may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to drugs in III  Schedule V—low potential for abuse relative to drugs in IV; currently accepted medical use in the US; abuse may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to drugs in IV

7 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company6 Examples of Controlled Substances and Their Schedule Placement  Schedule I—heroin (diacetylmorphine), LSD, marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA)  Schedule II—cocaine, morphine, amphetamines (including methamphetamines), PCP, Ritalin  Schedule III—intermediate acting barbiturates, anabolic steroids, ketamine  Schedule IV—other stimulants and depressants including Valium, Xanan, Librium, phenobarbital, Darvon  Schedule V—codeine found in low doses in cough medicines

8 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company7 Controlled Drugs ®Hallucinogens ®Stimulants ®Narcotics ®Depressants

9 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company8 LSD

10 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company9 Cocaine

11 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company10 Crack Cocaine

12 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company11 Marijuana

13 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company12 Meth Supplies

14 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company13 Meth Affects

15 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company14 Identification of Drugs  PDR—Physicians’ Desk Reference  Field Tests—presumptive tests  Laboratory Tests—conclusive tests

16 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company15 Human Components Used for Drug Analysis  Blood  Urine  Hair  Gastric Contents  Bile  Liver tissue  Brain tissue  Kidney tissue  Spleen tissue  Vitreous Humor of the Eye

17 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company16 Physicians’ Desk Reference PDR—a physicians’ desk reference is used to identify manufactured pills, tablets and capsules. It is updated each year. This can sometimes be a quick and easy identifier of the legally made drugs that may be found at a scene. The reference book gives a picture of the drug, whether it is a prescription, over the counter, or a controlled substance; as well as more detailed information about the drug.

18 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company17 Drug Identification Screening or presumptive tests  Spot or color tests  Microcrystalline test— a reagent is added that produces a crystalline precipitate which is unique for a certain drug.  Chromatography Confirmatory tests  Spectrophotometry  Ultraviolet (UV)  Visible  Infrared (IR)  Mass spectrometry

19 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company18 Presumptive Color Tests  Marquis—turns purple in the presence of most opium derivatives and orange-brown with amphetamines  Dillie-Koppanyi—turns violet- blue in the presence of barbiturates  Duquenois-Levine—turns a purple color in the presence of marijuana  Van Urk—turns a blue-purple in the presence of LSD  Scott test—color test for cocaine, blue

20 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company19 Chromatography  A technique for separating mixtures into their components  Includes two phases—a mobile one that flows past a stationary one.  The mixture interacts with the stationary phase and separates.

21 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company20 Types of Chromatography  Paper  Thin Layer (TLC)  Gas (GC)  Pyrolysis Gas (PGC)  Liquid (LC)  High Pressure Liquid (HPLC)  Column

22 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company21 Paper Chromatography  Stationary phase— paper  Mobile phase—a liquid solvent Capillary action moves the mobile phase through the stationary phase

23 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company22 Thin Layer Chromatography  Stationary phase— a thin layer of coating (usually alumina or silica) on a sheet of plastic or glass  Mobile phase— a liquid solvent

24 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company23 Retention Factor (R f )  This is a number that represents how far a compound travels in a particular solvent  It is determined by measuring the distance the compound traveled and dividing it by the distance the solvent traveled.  If the R f value for an unknown compound is close to or the same as that for the known compound, the two compounds are likely similar or identical (a match).

25 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company24 Gas Chromatography Phases  Stationary—a solid or a viscous liquid that lines a tube or column  Mobile—an inert gas like nitrogen or helium Analysis  Shows a peak that is proportional to the quantity of the substance present  Uses retention time instead of R f for the qualitative analysis

26 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company25 Uses of Gas Chromatography  Not considered a confirmation of a controlled substance  Used as a separation tool for mass spectroscopy (MS) and infrared spectroscopy (IR)  Used to quantitatively measure the concentration of a sample. (In a courtroom, there is no real requirement to know the concentration of a substance. It does not affect guilt or innocence).

27 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company26 Spectroscopy  Spectroscopy—the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.  Spectrophotometer—an instrument used to measure and record the absorption spectrum of a chemical substance.

28 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company27 Spectrophotometry Components  A radiation source  A frequency selector  A sample holder  A detector to convert electromagnetic radiation into an electrical signal  A recorder to produce a record of the signal Types  Ultraviolet  Visible  Infrared

29 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company28 Infrared Spectometry  Material absorbs energy in the near-IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Compares the IR light beam before and after passing through a transparent sample.  Result—an absorption or transmittance spectrum  Gives a unique view of the substance; like a fingerprint

30 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company29 Mass Spectrometry Gas chromatography has one major drawback, it does not give a specific identification. Mass spectrometry cannot separate mixtures. By combining the two (GCMS), constituents of mixtures can be specifically identified.

31 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company30 Mass Spectrometry In a mass spectrometer, an electron beam is directed at sample molecules in a vacuum chamber. The electrons break apart the sample molecules into many positive charged fragments. These are sorted and collected according to their mass-to-charge ratio by an oscillating electric or a magnetic field.

32 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company31 Mass Spectra Each molecular species has its own unique mass spectrum.

33 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company32 IR Spectrophotometry and Mass Spectrometry  Both work well in identifying pure substances.  Mixtures are difficult to identify in both techniques  Both are compared to a catalog of knowns

34 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company33 People of Historical Significance Arthur Jeffrey Dempster was born in Canada, but studied and received his PhD from the University of Chicago. He began teaching physics there in 1916. In 1918, Dempster developed the first modern mass spectrometer. His version was over 100 times more accurate than previous ones developed, and established the basic theory and design of mass spectrometers that is still used to this day.

35 Chapter 7 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company34 People of Historical Significance Francis William Aston was a British physicist who won the 1922 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in the invention of the mass spectrograph. He used a method of electromagnetic focusing to separate substances. This enabled him to identify no fewer than 212 of the 287 naturally occurring elemental isotopes.

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