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Email in Higher Education: Policy Issues and Strategies ECURE 2000 Preservation and Access for College and University Electronic Records October 6, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Email in Higher Education: Policy Issues and Strategies ECURE 2000 Preservation and Access for College and University Electronic Records October 6, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Email in Higher Education: Policy Issues and Strategies ECURE 2000 Preservation and Access for College and University Electronic Records October 6, 2000 David A. Wallace School of Information University of Michigan

2 Outline zEvolving ICT infrastructure in C&U zFrames for analyzing email zRecordkeeping frame zContent analysis of C&U email policies zDetailed case study: University of Michigan zStrategies for capturing and preserving email

3 Evolving ICT infrastructure in C&U zUsed to support: yAdministration and Support Services (bpr) yResearch and Development (cscw) yEducation (courseware) zFactors: yresponsibility (centralized/decentralized) ypolicy infrastructure (creation/implementation/evaluation) yrole of records management & archival programs

4 Frames for analyzing email zAppropriate use zEtiquette zMessage composition zExpectations of privacy zOwnership zCopyright zSecurity zLegal risk

5 Recordkeeping frame - 1 zWhen is email a “record”? (university record, public record…) zHow should email records be managed throughout their lifecycle? yCreation (initiation/receipt) yUse (filing, access permissions, retrieval) yDisposition (appraisal/scheduling, preservation, destruction)

6 Recordkeeping frame - 2 zPerspectives from the literature yRapid and dramatic increase in email use contemporaneous to new organizational communication forms and infrastructures yEnduser desktop autonomy yEmail can create many different types of “records”

7 Recordkeeping frame - 3 zPerspectives from the literature (contd.) yForm/function of message more important than its identification as an “email message” yExistence of a policy vacuum yLifecycle management is essential yElectronic recordkeeping systems needed

8 Content analysis of C&U email policies - 1 zIdentifying Records yAddresses record status of email? yDistinguished records from non-records? yDefines what a record is?

9 Content analysis of C&U email policies - 2 zFiling and Maintaining Records yPrint or electronic? yFiling suggestions? yDiscusses how to handle attachments? yDiscusses how to handle encryption? yLink to records schedule? yDiscusses long-term preservation and archiving?

10 Content analysis of C&U email policies - 3 zGeneral yIdentifies entity responsible for the policy? yIdentifies sanctions for non-compliance? yDefines terms used in the policy?

11 Detailed case study: University of Michigan - 1 zHistory yMichigan terminal system (MTS) yPrivacy ascendant over public recordness yAccess controversies (applicability of FOIA) yShift from centralized to decentralized system yCurrent confusion over public recordness yArchiving email (Childs, Cooper, Gitelman, Light)

12 Detailed case study: University of Michigan - 2 zPolicy infrastructure yStandard practice guide xproper use policy (5/90) xprivacy of email and computer files (12/93) xidentification, maintenance and preservation of ER (5/97) yGuidelines for implementing the proper use policy (6/97) (Childs, Cooper, Gitelman, Light)

13 Strategies for capturing and preserving email - 1 zConsiderations yExisting culture(s) of use & management yEvolving legal environment re: recordness and discovery -- legal risks associated with unmanaged email yPolicies are created, but are they implemented and evaluated?

14 Strategies for capturing and preserving email - 2 zStrategies yClear and definitive records policy yDevelop user community specific policies yEducation and training yAppraise and retain based on “type” of email, not on “format” of email yRecognize applicability of FOIA yRecognize discovery risks yAdopt electronic recordkeeping

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