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SOA Governance.

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1 SOA Governance

2 Agenda Why SOA Governance ? IBM Products and Solution

3 IBM’s definition of SOA – it’s about the business
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a business-centric IT architectural approach that supports integrating your business as linked, repeatable business tasks, or services. SOA helps users build composite applications, which are applications that draw upon functionality from multiple sources within and beyond the enterprise to support horizontal business processes A more complete discussion of these definitions and related concepts is found IBM SOA Foundation: An Architectural Introduction and Overview

4 Service-Oriented Enterprise
BUSINESS DOMAIN Business Process #1 Business Process #2 Business Service #6 Business Service #2 Business Service #1 Business Service #4 Business Service #5 Business Service #4 Business Service #3 Business Service #5 Business Service #7 Business Service #3 Re-usable Business Services Business Service #4 Business Service #5 Business Service #3 IT DOMAIN Business Service #3 Business Service #5 IT Service #1 IT Service #2 IT Service #3 IT Service #2 IT Service #4 IT Service #3 Re-usable IT Services IT Service #2 IT Service #3

5 A scenario on the importance of SOA governance
2. Other LoB’s start using the service Sales Order Fulfillment Purchasing Legal App. 1 App. 1 App. 2 App. 2 5. Fix works temporarily but problem reappears LoB’s increase use of service / quality suffers 6. Maintenance costs soar / provider ends service X x 4. Service is fixed at provider’s expense Currency Conversion Service Currency Conversion Service Accounting Dept. Accounting Dept. 1. Provide a currency service that fills a specific LoB need 1. Provide a currency service that fills a specific LoB need * Scenario from “Introduction to SOA Governance” by Bobby Woolf

6 The Journey to SOA is filled with potholes
Most organizations are implementing SOI not SOA SOA is largely an IT effort, LoB is not in Without Senior IT endorsement, many SOA efforts are focused on product selection, i.e., Shelf ware Funding to support Enterprise SOA is scarce or non-existent With no oversight comes no reuse and no relevance Oversight mechanisms lack teeth; projects evade the processes Inconsistent standards, drive inconsistent methodology, competing tools, and a lack of skilled resources Organizations are replacing silo’d applications with silo’d SOA

7 A scenario on the importance of SOA governance
Finance Sales Legal Currency Service Order Fulfillment Purchasing 1. All groups plan a re-usable currency service 2. Service defined that meets everyone’s needs 3. Service enabled to be available to all LOBs 4. Success metrics defined, monitored to confirm service scalability

8 14 Critical Processes That Constitute an Effective SOA Governance Model Implementation
Service Planning Service Modeling Service Implementation Service Management Define Service Focus Process Identify Services Process Design Services Process Manage Quality of Service Process Identify Service Owners Process Specify Services Process Assemble Services Process Manage Service Levels Process Define Service Funding Process Realize Services Process Test Services Process Manage Service Change Process Deploy Services Process Manage Service Security Process Establishing decision rights Defining high value business services Managing the lifecycle of assets Measuring effectiveness By effectively establishing governance mechanisms in these 14 areas, clients can address these common challenges:

9 Different Aspects of Governance
There are different aspects of Governance, based on the process governed SOA Governance is an extension of IT Governance SOA Governance: examples of governed processes service funding service ownership service creation service reuse composite application design SOA Governance IT Governance IT Governance: example of governed processes Corporate Governance requirements management portfolio management change management data design architectural design release management

10 Solution Overview: Service Lifecycle Management
Process design & implementation expertise based on the market’s leading solutions delivery platform Infrastructure & Management in Support of SOA Service Development & Delivery Management SOA Governance Method Empowering development teams to deliver the “A” in SOA

11 Service Development and Delivery Management
Service Lifecycle Management is essential in the realization of SOA Governance Service Lifecycle Management Service Development and Delivery Management Infrastructure and Management In Support of SOA Monitor and control operational policies SOA Lifecycle Enforce, execute, automate process and policies SOA Governance SOA Governance Method Establish Process and Policies

12 IBM SOA Governance Method
Establish the Governance Need Document and validate business strategy for SOA and IT Assess current IT and SOA capabilities Define/Refine SOA vision and strategy Review current Governance capabilities and arrangements Layout Governance plan Define the Governance Approach Define/modify Governance Processes Design policies and enforcement mechanisms Identify success factors, mechanisms Identify owners and funding model Charter/refine SOA Center of Excellence Design Governance IT infrastructure Deploy the Governance Model Incrementally Deploy Governance mechanisms Deploy Governance IT infrastructure Educate and deploy on expected behaviors and practices Deploy policies Monitor and Manage the Governance Processes Monitor compliance with policies Monitor compliance with governance arrangements Monitor IT effectiveness metrics

13 SOA Governance Challenges : Applying the SOA Governance Life Cycle
Establishing decision rights Defining high value business services Managing the lifecycle of assets Measuring effectiveness

14 Getting Started – Establishing decision rights
Determine business strategy that leverages SOA Business Executive Assess readiness for SOA Assess current governance approach Determine governance plan SOA Assessment Services SOA Governance and Management Method SOA Assessment Services Rational Method Composer IT Executive

15 Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM)
Silo Services Composite Virtualized Dynamically Re-Configurable Componentized Integrated Level 1 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 3 Level 2 Applications Methods Organization Infrastructure Architecture Business View Modules Process Integration via Services Dynamic Application Assembly Components Objects Structured Analysis & Design Service Oriented Modeling Grammar Component Based Development Object Ad hoc IT Governance Emerging SOA Governance SOA and IT Governance Alignment Process Integration via Services Platform Specific Neutral Dynamic Sense & Respond Monolithic Architecture Emerging SOA Grid Enabled SOA Dynamically Re-Configurable Architecture Component Layered Architecture Function

16 Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM)
= current level Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM) = target level Silo Services Composite Virtualized Dynamically Re-Configurable Componentized Integrated Level 1 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 3 Level 2 Applications Methods Organization Infrastructure Architecture Business View Modules Process Integration via Services Dynamic Application Assembly Components Objects Structured Analysis & Design Service Oriented Modeling Grammar Component Based Development Object Ad hoc IT Governance Emerging SOA Governance SOA and IT Governance Alignment Process Integration via Services Platform Specific Neutral Dynamic Sense & Respond Monolithic Architecture Emerging SOA Grid Enabled SOA Dynamically Re-Configurable Architecture Component Layered Architecture Function Employ Business Service Decomposition Form an SOA Center of Excellence Re-engineer Development Process Adopt Process Choreography Assembly Model Introduce Open Standards Focus Architectures on Service Orientation

17 Customize the Governed Process
IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) IBM Rational Unified Process / Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture (RUP/SOMA) Dynamic Definition Of SOA Governance Process Suited To Business Needs Using Existing Best Practices Dynamic Generation of Business Specific Governance Process Available to Entire Organization IBM RUP/ SOMA in RMC Customized Service Lifecycle process in IE

18 Portfolio Management using your Process
IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) IBM Rational Portfolio Manager (RPM) Start New Projects Populated With Customized Process Activities Tailored process in RMC Tasks, Schedule and Staffing in RPM

19 Getting Started – Defining high value business services
Identify key performance indicators Business Executive Document business strategy milestones Strategy & Planning Services Charter Center of Excellence Workplace Business Strategy Execution Identify metrics Define development process Center of Excellence Services IT Executive Strategy & Planning Services Rational Unified Process for SOA Central Service Registry WebSphere Service Registry Business / System Analyst Document standards and policies Model key performance indicators across business process Rational RequisitePro WebSphere Business Modeler Instantiate standards in application design Software Architect Rational Software Architect Instantiate data standards & enable Data Governance Data Architect Rational Data Architect

20 Getting Started – Managing the lifecycle of assets
Establish change management process for development Establish change management process for operations IT Executive Rational Unified Process for SOA Tivoli Unified Process Discover service for reuse / publish service Manage and track build time assets Developer WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Rational ClearCase Ensure signoff and create audit trail for change Rational ClearQuest Record service configuration information Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database Deployment Manager Validate and authenticate user Instantiate security policy Security Manager Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Tivoli Access Manager

21 Getting Started – Measuring effectiveness
Monitor key performance indicators Central Service Registry WebSphere Service Registry Business Executive Measure performance against business strategy milestones WebSphere Business Monitor Workplace Business Strategy Execution Measure project costs IT Executive Rational Portfolio Manager Operations Manager Monitor performance against service level agreement Monitor and measure service performance Tivoli Service Level Adviser Tivoli Composite Application Manager

22 The WebSphere Service Registry and Repository provides value throughout the SOA lifecycle
Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage Publish Find Enrich Encourage Reuse Find and reuse services for building blocks for new composite applications. Enhance Connectivity Enable dynamic and efficient interactions between services at runtime. Govern Manage Enable Governance Govern services throughout the service lifecycle Help optimize service performance Enable enforcement of policies. Impact analysis

23 WebSphere Service Registry and Repository: Publish and Find
Encourage Service Reuse Publish and Find Services through all stages of SOA Encourage greater leverage of services Publish Find Enrich Manage Govern Publish Find (7) The assembled service is (re) published using the Service Explorer during deployment. (1) Search is performed for a service or mediation or policy to (re)use (4) WSRR performs validation and enforces policies (5) Search is performed for a service or mediation or policy to use (3) Service metadata artifact is published to the WSRR Development Tool Assembly/ Admin Tool (2) Development tools are used to create a new service metadata artifact (6) The service is configured/wired and policy relationships are established.

24 From the Resource Perspective
WSRR Eclipse Plug-in Generalized Eclipse plug-in Read and/or write access to WSRR Selectively browse for WSRR meta-data Import meta-data into a selected project “Deep” import available to include nested resources Publish meta-data to WSRR Uses published Java interface Available for any Eclipse based component Rational Application Developer WebSphere Integration Developer Portlet development environment Other eclipse environment From the Resource Perspective

25 WSRR Eclipse Plug-in: Retrieve/Import

26 Service Lookup During Assembly Phase
DowJones WSDL NASDAQ WSDL Meta-Data: Finance 0.01 ... Finance 0.03 ... Category Cost ... WSRR Metadata Repository Retrieve Import Publish

27 How it works (How it’s used): Operational Monitoring Interactions
Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Performance and health alerts are generated based on operational data and recorded in the WSRR Service Management Repositories Performance data Retrieve monitoring policy for the message from the WSRR Policies Operational data Mediation records the operational data about the running service Mediation The ESB routes the message to an intermediate logging mediation or agent The Service Registry is accessed by monitoring mediations to determine which services are to be monitored and to acquire any monitoring requirements such as filters to apply to (monitor submitOrder requests that originate only from foreign partners). This allows different services, say from a new external partner, to be monitored differently from those of more established partners. During runtime, mediations can act on the collected data to affect filtering and routing decisions. Service management tools capture and assess the performance of services against business and operational performance objectives. This information will be linked to service descriptions in the WSRR and accessed by mediations at runtime to affect dynamic routing, filtering and other kinds of decisions, providing operational flexibility on demand. Message The ESB then continues with the invocation of the service. Message Service During service invocation a message is received by the ESB Message Message

28 WebSphere Service Registry & Repository Governance
Access Control Organization Role Action Governed Entity Lifecycle State Governed Entity GE E Concepts Documents Collections Actions State Classification Versioning Promotion Approval Validation / Compliance Impact Analysis Life Cycle Model Procured Approved Published Operational Specified Development IT Governance Deployment New Version IT Management States Transitions Guards Actions Audit What was changed ? What was done to it ? Who changed it ? When did they change it ? Audit History Trail Socialization State Process Notification Collaboration Communication

29 Browser based console User role based browser perspectives
Standards based service metadata documents support “Shredding” documents into meaningful and optimized organization Query Canned and user wizard based search Classification Helps Manage service metadata (more on this later under the Manage capability)

30 Enterprise Service Bus
WebSphere Service Registry & Repository Integration with IBM SOA Products Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage WebSphere Service Registry and Repository RSA, RAD, WID RAM Enterprise Service Bus Process Server Tivoli CCMDB ITCAM for SOA Publish and Find Synchronize with BuildTime Mediations based on WSRR Lookup Mediations based on WSRR Lookup Service Health information Extends toITIL Change Mgmt Generic Client Using SOAP Publish and Find

31 Rational Asset Manager - RAM
Asset Consumption Asset Search via Web client and Eclipse Asset Subscriptions via Web client Asset download via Web client and Eclipse Asset Creation Asset packaging via Web client and Eclipse Asset submission for review and approval Asset Usage and Reporting Asset comments, discussions, ratings and user tagging Asset Repository metrics by download, state, type, teamspace and history Asset Governance Operations Define review boards Review state notification Adminstration Operations

32 RAM – Integrations ClearQuest – submit a change request from an asset details ClearCase – store and download versioned assets in ClearCase WebSphere Service Registry and Repository: Federated search of deployed WSRR Services from RAM search Retrieve service artifacts for usage as artifact in RAM service asset. Exchange Categorizations between RAM and WSRR Ensure consistent Access Controls for RAM and WSR Link Asset ID and version with WSRR deployed Service ID and version Rational Method Composer: Customize out of the box RAM process Eclipse Based clients Search, Download and extract assets into Eclipse Workspaces

33 What the Analysts Are Saying
“Half of all companies and 77% of large enterprises reported that they are or will be using SOA by the end of Why? Evidence is mounting that SOA provides real benefits for business integration and flexibility.” Real-World SOA: SOA Platform Case Studies, Forrester Research, Inc., September 2005 CIOs continue to struggle to align business and IT in meaningful, measurable ways. More effective IT governance processes and tools are becoming top priorities among business-savvy CIOs. Five Ways the Rise of IT Governance Will Change How Enterprises Buy IT, Summit Strategies, December 2005 In 2006, lack of working governance mechanisms in midsize-to-large (greater than 50 services) post-pilot SOA projects will be the most common reason for project failure (0.8 probability). Management Update: Predicts 2006: The Strategic Impact of SOA Broadens, Gartner, Inc., Jess Thompson, Yefim V. Natis, Massimo Pezzini, Paolo Malinverno, November 23, 2005 With the widespread adoption of SOA, the challenges associated with SOA projects are emerging. SOA governance isn't optional — it's imperative. Without it, return on investment will be low and every SOA project out of pilot phase will be at risk. Service-Oriented Architecture Craves Governance, Gartner, Inc., Paolo Malinverno, January 20, 2006

34 Governance is not just about compliance – it is an enabler of business value
With the right focus, support and funding, it can be an enabler by Facilitating reuse Prioritizing spending Reducing costs Setting the technology direction Subsidizing enterprise-value efforts like Service-Oriented Architecture

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