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Assess A Claim Object Interaction Diagrams. Object sequence Diagrams - Use case Sequence of events that occur during one particular execution of a system.

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Presentation on theme: "Assess A Claim Object Interaction Diagrams. Object sequence Diagrams - Use case Sequence of events that occur during one particular execution of a system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assess A Claim Object Interaction Diagrams

2 Object sequence Diagrams - Use case Sequence of events that occur during one particular execution of a system This sequence can effect one or more objects The object sequence diagram shows the flow of messages between object classes Object classes include entity, control and boundary classes

3 Sequence diagrams An object is shown at the top of a dashed vertical line - the object’s lifeline. The lifeline may start half way down the diagram, at creation. The lifeline may end during the diagram, at deletion. This can be done by placing an X at the end of the life of the object. Each message is represented by an arrow between the lifelines of two objects. The messages are listed from top to bottom in order of occurrence.

4 Components of Sequence diagrams Objects in use –Sometimes the object is replaced by an anonymous object from the class. –This shows that any instance of this class can realise the operation. Events or operations –These represent messages between the objects. –The event is normally where one object invokes a method on the other object.

5 Example Sequence Diagram

6 Interaction diagrams in UML They are models that describe how groups of objects collaborate in some behaviour. An interaction diagram captures the behaviour of a single use case. It shows a number of example objects and the messages that are passed between these objects within the use case. There are two kinds of interaction diagrams: sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams.

7 Elaborated Use Case… Continue on from ‘First cut elaboration’ Convert the methods into inter-object signals where appropriate. Represent inter-object signals as interactions in an Object Sequence Diagram. See the screens used on the following slides.

8 Screens used



11 Boundary class representation

12 Control classes 1 for implementing Assess A claim Possibly one for View a claim –Details not given here, for the sake of simplicity.

13 Data Services or Entity classes

14 Used classes Boundary –ClaimsForAssessment containing ClaimsForAssessmentSB –ViewClaim –AssessClaimScreen Control –AssessAClaim Entity –Claim –Assessor

15 Diagram

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