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How many more systems? Jane Lovell TQA Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "How many more systems? Jane Lovell TQA Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many more systems? Jane Lovell TQA Australia

2 Overview  Food safety, quality and environmental assurance  Where are we now?  Where are we going?  How can we do it better?

3 Where are we now?….

4 International perspective

5 Where are we going? Internationally….. Carbon labelling  Carbon Trust – PAS 2050  ISO 14067 - underdevelopment  GHG Protocol WRI/WBCSD  Aeon – “Global Warming Prevention Declaration”  Casino – preparing for mandatory environmental labelling in France  EC – role of carbon footprinting in European climate policy  Greenpeace – piloting labelling in Austria with organic as the best case standard

6 Where are we going?  History shows we follow UK / European trends  Sustainability is on the agenda  Ethical procurement Woolworths ethical audits Coles ethical questionnaire  Environmental management  Carbon footprinting Planet Ark Carbon Reduction Label – partnership with Carbon Trust

7 WaterAir Retailer Consumers NRM / NGO’s Soil Agrifood business Primary producer Retailer

8 How can we do it better?  Stop being driven  Be proactive and consultative  Work together across the supply chain

9 Environmental Systems Recognition Framework  NOT another system

10 Primary producer WaterAir Soil Retailer Agrifood business

11 Aim of the project  to develop a credible means of recognising on farm environmental certification systems that meet the requirements of major domestic customers  to avoid the need for Australian primary producers to implement and manage multiple environmental management systems

12 Benefits  provides clarity on systems that meet retailer / agrifood business environmental requirements  allows producers to implement a single system to meet the requirements of multiple retailers / agrifood businesses  maximises the options for producers and maximises the supply base for retailers / agrifood businesses  minimises the time spent on compliance and increases resources available to environmentally responsible farming practices  “recognition” process is independent and credible

13 The framework - development process  Steering Committee appointed  Meetings with major domestic retailers  Review of systems / tools  Domestic and international  Draft framework  Feedback sought (industry, retailers, NRM organisations etc)  Draft framework  Develop and pilot recognition process  Workshop November 2009  Draft framework  Feedback sought  Industry endorsement sought

14 Scope All the horticultural farming activities that happen on the farm up to and including harvest

15 Areas addressed 1. Chemical management 2. Fertiliser and soil additive management 3. Land and soil management 4. Water management 5. Biodiversity

16 Areas addressed 6. Waste and pollution management 7. Energy 8. Climate change 9. Internal system management 10. System integrity control 11. Auditors

17 Structure of the framework  Banner statements  Compliance criteria

18 1. Chemical management 1.1 Agricultural chemicals Agricultural chemicals are handled, stored, used and disposed of in a responsible manner, minimising the risk of environmental contamination

19 1.1 Agricultural chemicals Compliance criteria 1.1.1 The use of chemical control methods are justified, through crop monitoring or a recognised preventative program. Records of application and justification are required. 1.1.2 Non-chemical control methods are implemented where possible. Records of actions are required.

20 Recognition process  Developing a credible process  Reviewed existing benchmarking systems  Talked to key stakeholders  Secured a reputable and experience “benchmarker”  Two stages – desk audit and verification (on site and / or with certification bodies)

21 Progress  Retailers interested  Want industry support for the initiative before progressing further

22 Support for the initiative can be shown in a number of ways, endorsement of: 1. the concept of “recognising” environmental systems that meet retailer / agribusiness requirements. 2. the eleven areas covered in the version 6.4 of the framework as critical to proving sound environmental management. 3. the banner statements included in version 6.4 of the framework. 4. the compliance criteria included in version 6.4 of the framework.

23 Interested?  Current project ceases 31 May 2010  Copies of framework available today  If you think there is merit in this project please contact me 0419 554 047

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