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Boot verbs! Aim: to be able to recognise a pattern in a verb conjugation. With the help of Tex’s French grammar and and Special thanks.

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Presentation on theme: "Boot verbs! Aim: to be able to recognise a pattern in a verb conjugation. With the help of Tex’s French grammar and and Special thanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boot verbs! Aim: to be able to recognise a pattern in a verb conjugation. With the help of Tex’s French grammar and and Special thanks to Madame H Desmier for sharing her ideas. par Madame D Reed

2 A reminder: There are three major groups of regular verbs in French:
verbs with infinitives ending in -er, verbs with infinitives ending in -ir, and verbs with infinitives ending in -re. par Madame D Reed

3 Since -er verbs are the most numerous,
they are considered the first conjugation. To conjugate these verbs: drop the -er from the infinitive to form the stem. Next, add the –er endings to the stem. (Different tenses have different endings.) par Madame D Reed

4 The following endings: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
are for forming the present tense. What pattern can you see? 1. The endings (-e, -es, -e, and -ent) are all silent. 2. The only endings that are pronounced are the nous (-ons) and the vous (-ez) endings. par Madame D Reed

5 Read and listen to the following example.
The four silent endings form a boot shape in the verb conjugation. if you draw the pattern with one continuous line, it looks like a boot. Read and listen to the following example. par Madame D Reed

6 Parler = to speak Je parle Nous parlons Tu parles Vous parlez
Il/elle/on parle Ils/elles parlent Past participle: parlé par Madame D Reed

7 Now give examples of other verbs you know that follow a boot pattern.
Can you find different boot patterns? Stem-changing verbs are also known as boot verbs, because the irregular stems occur in all the singular forms as well as the third person plural. par Madame D Reed

8 1. Verbs in –ayer Payer* = to pay Je paie Nous payons Tu paies
Vous payez Il/elle/on paie Ils/elles paient *Note: -ayer verbs have an optional stem change in which y changes to an i in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

9 2. Verbs in –oyer nettoyer = to clean Je nettoie Nous nettoyons
Tu nettoies Vous nettoyez Il/elle/on nettoie Ils/elles nettoient *Note: in the present tense requires stem change y to i in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

10 ennuyer* = to annoy / bore J’ennuie Nous ennuyons Tu ennuies
3. Verbs in –uyer ennuyer* = to annoy / bore J’ennuie Nous ennuyons Tu ennuies Vous ennuyez Il/elle/on ennuie Ils/elles ennuient *Note: -uyer verbs have an optional stem change in which y changes to an i in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

11 *Note: present tense: l becomes ll in all forms but nous and vous.
4. Verbs in –eler appeler = to call J’appelle Nous appelons Tu appelles Vous appelez Il/elle/on appelle Ils/elles appellent *Note: present tense: l becomes ll in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

12 *Note: present tense: t becomes tt in all forms but nous and vous.
5. Verbs in –eter jeter = to throw Je jette Nous jetons Tu jettes Vous jetez Il/elle/on jette Ils/elles jettent *Note: present tense: t becomes tt in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

13 6. Verbs with e in the penultimate syllable
(except for the -eler and -eter verbs, above) lever = to lift / to raise Je lève Nous levons Tu lèves Vous levez Il/elle/on lève Ils/elles lèvent *Note: present tense: e in the penultimate syllable changes to è in all forms but nous and vous. Present tense: e in the penultimate syllable par Madame D Reed

14 6. Verbs with é in the penultimate syllable
considérer = to consider Je considère Nous considérons Tu considères Vous considérez Il/elle/on considère Ils/elles considèrent *Note: present tense: é in the penultimate syllable changes to è in all forms but nous and vous. par Madame D Reed

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