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Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner.

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1 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. COMPETE Common Platform for Extended Enterprise WEB-SITE: BAE SYSTEMS

2 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. The evolution of Product development Process Organisation Product + Quality - Time - Costs NEW METHODS OF WORK NEW METHODS OF WORK NEW WAY OF COMMUNICATING NEW WAY OF COMMUNICATING

3 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. CRF Approach to Project Management 3 STEPS Strategic Planning Project Management and Resource scheduling Control and Progress Review Modeling & Simulation of business processes Planning & Scheduling Actuation Control & Progress Review

4 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. The Objectives: Find an integrated solution to support ”Enterprise Project Management” From Process planning to Integrated Project Management From SKILL planning to Resource Management Towards a total integration among company functions and departments based on a common data model For distributed project management in an extended enterprise environment Modeling & Simulation of business processes Planning & Scheduling Actuation Control & Progress Review CRF Approach to Project Management

5 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. COMPETE - (COMmon Platform for the Extended enTErprise) An integrated platform for: Human resources Managing Process Managing Product Planning Know-how Integration Modelling, simulation and planning of business processes Acquisition and management of organizational and individual competencies Planning according to available competencies Project management Managing workflow and progress control

6 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Knowledge Management Process / Project Management Modelling Workflow Simulation Competencies P C o s t Concurrent Engineering Product Data Management Document Management CSCW Enterprise knowledge Management Schema

7 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Modeling & Simulation Simulation of business of business processes Planning & Scheduling Actuation Control & Progress Review COMPETE PRODUCTS A solution towards Enterprise Project Management From Process to Integrated Project Management From Resource Management to SKILL planning Towards a total integration among company functions and departments based on a common data model For distributed project management in an extended enterprise environment SKILL PLANP-CON HRM - HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

8 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN Modelling  Activity Modelling  Acivities and links description  Attributes (duration, note, description, learning factor, etc.)  Flows (relationships between activities)  Alternatives Modelling: OR nodes and recycles  Skills  Professional Figures description  Competencies profile  Category (role or position)  Activities required effort  quantity  Assignment period

9 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN: Modelling Environment

10 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN Simulation: analisys of project alternatives Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative N Time analysis Generation of project GANTT chart Workload profile for resources Infinte capacity scheduling (profile by profile) Costs and Effort calculation Total effort for each generated project alternative Total cost for each activity Resource Cost details (by position and by profile)

11 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN: Simulation Results

12 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Project alternative 1 Project alternative 2 Project alternative N SKILLPLAN: Turning the process into a project

13 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN HR Planning & Scheduling: Resource Assignment  MULTI-PROJECT Environment  Assignment & scheduling of the modelled projects  Optimization in the case of conflicts, overload:  “Best-fit” assignment, based on requested competencies (minimization of the gap between requested profiles and available candidates)  According to the resources availability (knowing that there could be projects already in progress involving the same persons) Resources Assignment (phisical persons) and support for confilcts resolution

14 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. SKILLPLAN: HR Assignment

15 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Project scheduling Resource scheduling Time limited Resource Limited The project is ready for the actuation XML interface (WfMC compliant for Work-Flow systems) In the same way (XML interface), it is possible to import Progress data SKILLPLAN HR Planning & Scheduling

16 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. P-CON: Actuation & Progress Review Control  Interactive environment to involve all process actors  Project Manager  Start\end project  Generates a progress report to visualise the gap between ACTUAL and PLANNED  Can stop activities in progress in case of problems (overspent, output not compiant to what planned, etc.)  Activity Managers  To insert progress data about activities (then approved by the PM). They can send messages to the PM in case of problems (e.g. To suggest to undertake another route, etc.)  Completion percentage  Estimated remaining duration  Team Mambers  They insert the effort spent on activities (then approved by AM & PM)

17 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. P-CON: Progress Generation

18 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. P-CON: Progress Control (Actual VS Planned)

19 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. HRM:l’Albero delle competenze aziendali

20 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. HRM: La vista organizzativa

21 COMPETE ARCHITECTURE Modelling Simulation HR Plan/ScheduleProject Mgmt Workflow Mgmt Model & Simulate Plan & Schedule Actuation Control I/F Process Instances Templates Repository Competencies Tree Competencies DB Human Resources Progress Control Workload XML ReportsPD WfMC XML Product Concept

22 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Key-points of the proposed solution  Not only a project management tool  Innovative approach “Project&People”  Integrated Platform for  Multiproject Planning & Scheduling  Competencies Management  Progress Monitoring & Control  Support for the whole project life-cycle  Cost Optimisation  Quality of decision  Optimised allocation for resources  Modular & flexible system  Features  Technology (e.g. XML imp\exp to ERP)  Product Suite integration  Evolution (e.g. Extended Enterprise)  Maintenance  Investiments in R&D  Consolidated Know-how in competitive scenarios (AUTOMOTIVE) FEATURESBENEFITS

23 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. The added value  Evaluate the economical and organisational impact of new projects to be undertaken, identifying effort and competency needs, generating alternative scenarios, and highlighting costs and controls levers  Optimise the resource utilisation by means of a competencies based approach, with a workload control to avoid possible bottlenecks  Tuning of the planning process and control thanks to a standard planning tool and knowledge sharing among the different company functions  Fast react to possible unespected problems thanks to the desision support for what-if-analysis and alternatives planning

24 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. Open Issues  Risk management in the planning phase  Key performance indicators in the control phase  More strict interaction with the design phase  More attention to feedbacks and costs

25 Product Data Technology Europe 2002 - 11 th Symposium - Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy - 7th - 9th May 2002 Centro Ricerche Fiat is the sole owner of this document. It cannot be copied or given to third parties without permission. References  Automotive  One active project (Fiat)  Dashboard design ( Magneti Marelli)  Aerospace & Defence  One pilot on Wing Design (BAE Systems - Manchester Headquarter)

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