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Cemetery Undelivered Verification Project Full-Process Locations Only.

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Presentation on theme: "Cemetery Undelivered Verification Project Full-Process Locations Only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cemetery Undelivered Verification Project Full-Process Locations Only

2 2 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

3 3 Introduction Importance of the Project –Purchase Price Level of Scrutiny of Results –Subject to internal/external audit and SOX controls. –Delivery Dates –Documentation –Procedures Summary Memo

4 4 CUVP Session #1 Review Master Listing located on Global Village –Sections 1. Location Review section is reviewed 100% by location personnel—no analysts are used –Not all locations have a Location Review section 2. At-need section can also be done as 100% location review 3. High Value section includes only Pre-Need contracts 4. Low Value section includes only Pre-Need contracts

5 5 CUVP Session #1 Review Process for determining delivery status Documenting the Master Listing How to train and supervise temporary filers

6 6 Session # 2 Agenda Review of session # 1 Master Listing sign-off by analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

7 7 Master Listing Sign-off By Analyst Each analyst must sign and date the Master Listing pages that he or she completes as each page is completed –The page is complete when every line item has been marked with either: The correct delivery status, An “M” indicating a missing file, or An “R” indicating a need for location review

8 8 Session # 2 Agenda Review of session # 1 Master Listing sign-off by analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

9 9 File Reviews & Escalations Overview What is file review? The 10-minute rule Documenting a file review What is an escalation? When does a review become an escalation? The Escalation Listing Resolving review items Options for using an Escalation Listing Rules for documenting the Escalation Listing What to do if you can’t resolve an escalation

10 10 What Is File Review? Analyst unable to determine delivery status –Examples An analyst sees conflicting information in a contract file and is unsure if there is a delivery Deceased and a marker order, but no confirmation of delivery Hits the 10 minute limit.

11 11 The 10-Minute Rule An analyst should never spend more than 10 minutes on a file before marking it for file review

12 12 Documenting a File for Review Analyst marks the “Miss/Rvw” of the Master Listing with an “R” Company employee must review any file marked with an “R” Legacy No

13 13 What is an Escalation? A review file is moved to a new sheet called the “Escalation Listing” Files marked “M” for missing may also be escalated Use of the Escalation Listing is optional if review files can be resolved on the Master Listing

14 14 Deciding to Escalate or Not Escalate Many contracts for review Several different company employees reviewing files Unable to review immediately Item marked with “R” or “M” Resolve on ML Few contracts for review Company employee can resolve quickly

15 15 The Escalation Listing (EL) Complete location number and name Complete contact name and telephone number Legacy No

16 16 The Escalation Listing (EL) Analyst transfers information from the ML to the first 5 columns Cross-reference ML page number beside the EL line number Legacy No

17 17 The Escalation Listing (EL) Cross-reference EL row number in the “Comments” column on the ML Attach EL to files and forward to the appropriate company personnel for review Legacy No

18 18 Cross-Referenced ML & EL Legacy No

19 19 Resolving Review Items Company employee determines delivery status by: –Reviewing file –Reviewing secondary documents if necessary –Requesting physical inspection if necessary

20 20 Options For Documenting Your Results Never escalated—all work done on Master Listing Escalated for review—final documentation on Master Listing Escalated for review—final documentation on Escalation Listing Contact your Market Coordinator to determine the best option for your location Note: Use only one method throughout the project.

21 21 Escalation Listing Never Used 1.File was marked for review 2.File reviewed & status determined—Erase R 3.Document delivery status on Master Listing Legacy No

22 22 Escalated—Documented on ML 1.File was marked for review 2.File reviewed—record delivery status & date on EL 3.Transfer documentation to Master Listing Legacy No

23 23 Escalated—Documented on EL 1.File was marked for review 2.File reviewed—record status & HMIS delivery on EL 3.Process is complete –Be sure that the cross-referencing stays in place Legacy No

24 24 When You Can’t Resolve an Escalation Item remains with an undelivered status Be sure all resources have truly been exhausted Comments updated: “Search Exhausted”

25 25 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

26 26 Delivery: The Full-Process Approach- Overview 3-step CUVP Delivery Process 1.Review of delivery 2.HMIS data entry 3.HMIS verification Rules for Delivery Review Documenting the Delivery Review

27 27 Delivery: The Full-Process Approach 3-Step CUVP Delivery Process 1.Delivery review –Required for all deliveries recorded on the ML by analysts

28 28 Delivery: The Full-Process Approach- Rules for Delivery Review Must be completed by qualified company employees Verify: –The delivery status recorded by the analyst is correct –The delivery date recorded by the analyst is correct –If the date is estimated, be sure it is marked with an “E” for estimate

29 29 Delivery: The Full-Process Approach- Documenting the Delivery Review If correct –Initial the ML column “Initials Rvw of Del” if everything is correct If incorrect –Update Master Listing with correct delivery information –Initial the ML column “Initials Rvw of Del” Legacy No

30 30 Delivery: The Full-Process Approach- 3-Step CUVP Delivery Process 2.HMIS data entry—Accounting Delivery only –Temp analysts may be used for data entry after they have taken the training: “How to Perform an Accounting Delivery” 3.Delivery Verification –Compare the Master Listing to the HMIS Product Delivered Report

31 31 Product Delivered Report

32 32 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

33 33 Subsequent Passes- Overview What is a subsequent pass? Why perform a subsequent pass? Locating missing files Documenting a subsequent pass

34 34 Subsequent Pass What is a subsequent pass? –A second look at your Master Listing after the analyst has signed off. Why perform a subsequent pass? –To locate and resolve contracts marked as “Missing” –To reduce the workload of location personnel Contact your Market Coordinator for help with a subsequent pass

35 35 Subsequent Passes- Locating Missing Files Look for other cross-reference sources to determine where the contract is filed –Name change –Purchaser name different than property owner when contracts are filed by property owner Lost files Determine property location and perform physical inspection to determine delivery status

36 36 Subsequent Passes- Documenting a Subsequent Pass File found –The “M” is erased from the Master Listing –The analyst reviews the file and determines the delivery status –The ML is updated with the correct code –The analyst initials and dates the ML in the “Initials/Date Sub Pass” column –Amended items are subject to the same delivery review, delivery verification, and QA Legacy No

37 37 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

38 38 Training Analysts Temps from RHI should have reviewed the analysts’ project training manual for CUVP before arriving at your location Walk through the process of analyzing the files –Use example documents Interment Order & Maintenance Work Order –Show brochures of merchandise sold

39 39 Training Analysts Review 100% of their work until you are confident that they are doing it correctly –Initial each ML page for which you do 100% review –Reject early if they are struggling—contact your Remote or Market Coordinator for replacements Once you are no longer reviewing 100%, the temp’s work is still subject to QA Review

40 40 Training Analysts- Supervising Analysts Errors found during Review of Delivery –Discuss errors with the analyst immediately –Determine if you need to return to 100% review for a period of time –Determine if staff changes need to be made Monitor their production

41 41 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

42 42 Quality Assurance What is QA? Conducting the QA Documenting QA on Master Listing Tallying QA Results

43 43 Quality Assurance What is QA? QA = Quality Assurance To ensure that the analysts’ work is accurate, QA is a weekly sampling of 15 contracts that have been marked with an “X” on the Master Listing indicating no change in status.

44 44 Quality Assurance Why Do We Do QA? Too many undelivered items to conduct 100% review Demonstrate the quality of the analysts’ work Identify temps that need to be replaced

45 45 Quality Assurance Basic Rules of QA What is subject to QA? –Items reviewed by an analyst and determined to have no change in status –These items will be indicated by an “X” in the “Verified Del Status” column of the Master Listing May be undelivered or stored items S MBR4814 BRONZE MARKER Legacy No

46 46 Quality Assurance Basic Rules of QA What is exempt from QA? –Items determined to have a change in status –Temp analysts’ work that was subject to 100% review by a qualified company employee –Location Review section of the Master Listing NOTE: Even if one analyst works only one day during the week, QA Sampling is required. If fewer than 15 files were worked by that analyst, then 100% of their work is subject to QA.

47 47 Quality Assurance Conducting the QA Overview Determining the sample population Selecting samples that are representative Choosing which samples to subject to physical inspection What is a QA error? What to do when you find an error?

48 48 Conducting the QA Determining the Sample Population 15 contracts from the Master Listing every calendar week –Week is determined by: The date the analyst signed-off on each Master Listing sheet The date the analyst has initialed the Subsequent Pass

49 49 Conducting the QA Selecting Samples That Are Representative The samplings should include contracts that represent: –All analysts –All types of contracts and items Burial items Memorialization items

50 50 Conducting the QA Choosing Which Samples To Subject To Physical Inspection 5 of the 15 samples selected must be checked by physical inspection Do not include any contracts where a physical inspection was previously performed to determine delivery status

51 51 Conducting the QA What is a QA Error? Analyst marked the Master Listing with an “X” indicating the status had not changed; however, the item was in fact delivered

52 52 Conducting the QA What To Do When You Find an Error? Delivery was found by reviewing the file –The file indicates that a delivery was performed—the analyst made an error. –Make the appropriate corrections on the Master Listing –Perform HMIS data entry Delivery was found on physical inspection –Nothing in the file indicates that a delivery was performed—the analyst is not at fault

53 53 Conducting the QA What To Do When You Find an Error? Evaluate the analyst –Location may have to go back and perform 100% review of all of that analyst’s work –Make sure that all analysts know what error occurred and are instructed on how to prevent that type of error in the future Call your Market Coordinator to report all errors found during QA –They will instruct you on what action to take

54 54 Four possible outcomes of QA –Test-ok –Test-error –Test-ok with physical inspection –Test-ok with physical inspection error Documenting QA On the Master Listing Overview

55 55 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-OK = ML is correct based on contract file –Write “Test-ok” in the QA Results column –Person performing the QA initials in the “QA Initials” column Legacy No

56 56 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-Error = ML is wrong based on contract file –Write “Test-error” in the QA Results column –Person performing the QA initials in the “QA Initials” column Legacy No

57 57 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-Error—Correcting the delivery status –Erase the “X” –Enter the correct delivery status and delivery date Legacy No

58 58 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-Error—HMIS data entry & verification –Perform the required HMIS data entry –Initial and date HMIS data entry complete –Perform Delivery Verification and initial on ML NOTE: Do not erase the QA documentation after correcting the error. Legacy No

59 59 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-ok and INSP = PI confirms ML & contract file are correct –The QA of the file tested okay & was documented –Contract was selected for physical inspection –Physical inspection showed no delivery –Write “INSP” in the Comments column Legacy No

60 60 Documenting QA On the Master Listing Test-OK and INSP-error = PI shows delivery; ML is wrong & contract file may be wrong –The QA of the file tested okay & was documented –Contract was selected for physical inspection –Physical inspection showed two of the four items were delivered –Write “INSP” in the Comments column for the correct items –Write “INSP-error” in the Comments column for the incorrect items –Correct the delivery status, perform HMIS data entry, and complete the documentation following the same process for “Test-error” Legacy No

61 61 Tallying QA Results There is a CUVP Web Application to register QA results. There will be a special session on how to use this tool. You will find this Web Application on The SCI Global Village.

62 62 Tallying QA Results

63 63 Session # 2 Agenda Review of Session # 1 Master Listing Sign-off by Analyst Analyst File Reviews & Escalations Delivery: The Full-Process Approach Subsequent Passes Training Analysts Quality Assurance (QA) Resources for Help

64 64 Resources for Help Coordinators –Market Coordinator Global Village –Applications—Cemetery Undelivered Verification Sara Beaves – Juhli Farrell – Pat Adams –

65 65 Resources for Help Email questions for Q & A session to: – – – –Subject line: “CUVP Questions”

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