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Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e Section VI: Concept 17 Stress Management, Relaxation, and Time Management This lecture will cover the techniques for effective stress management. Because leisure and recreation are important parts of stress management, information about leisure and time management are also included. Although stress cannot be avoided, proper stress management techniques can help reduce the impact of stress in your life. Concept 17 2
Preventing Excessive Stress
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Preventing Excessive Stress Be physically active Get sufficient sleep (See Table 1, p. 363) Build strong social support system Allow time for recreation Engage in effective time management Tips to prevent excessive stress Click for Lab 17a info The first approach for stress management is to reduce exposure to excessive stress. Click on each of the links above for more information on how to prevent excessive stress. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Coping with Stress The choice of coping strategy depends on the nature of the stressor. Use Problem-focused Coping Strategies Stressor within your control Outcome Stress This slide shows the effect of coping on the stress response. The general principle is to take active control over stressors that are within your control and adopt passive strategies for things that are not in your control. Stressor out of your control Use Emotion-focused Coping Strategies Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Types of Coping Strategies
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Types of Coping Strategies Click for Lab 17b info Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies Relaxation techniques (see future slides) Exercising Seeking Passive Social Support Prayer Mindfulness Meditation This slide reveals the different coping strategies that people commonly employ. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Types of Coping Strategies continued
Appraisal-Focused Coping Strategies (Cognitive Restructuring) Change the way you are thinking (see Table 5, p. 370) Seeking knowledge or practicing skills Problem-Focused Coping Strategies (most effective for uncontrollable stressors) Problem Solving Assertiveness Seeking Active Social Support Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
Types of Coping Strategies continued
Avoidant Coping Strategies Ignoring Escaping Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Quick "Time Out" Deep breathing Take mind off of problems Taking time out during the day just to relax can greatly help to minimize stress. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 12
Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation Technique
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation Technique Click for Lab 17c info Involves alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles Teaches person to identify stress-related tension in the body Jacobson's technique is called progressive relaxation. It is based on the notion that most of the time we can't perceive where or how we are stressed. Review technique and demonstrate with class as time permits. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 13
Autogenic (Autosuggestive) Relaxation Training
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Autogenic (Autosuggestive) Relaxation Training Combines deep rhythmic breathing with soothing imagery. Feelings of heaviness and warmth facilitate process. Autogenic training is essentially a form of self-hypnosis. By deep breathing and imagery a person settles into a state of deep relaxation. Two key components are to feel heavy and warm. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 14
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Biofeedback Utilizes machines that monitor physiological responses Useful for decreasing tension headaches, asthma attacks, hypertension and phobias. Biofeedback involves monitoring physiological signals to enter a state of deeper relaxation. One could tune into their heart rate and try to slow it down to feel more relaxed. Electrodes could also be used to teach people to decrease the level of muscle contractions in different parts of their body. Another simple approach is to use "Biodots". These are small stickers that assess warmth of the skin. In general, stress is associated with cold because a person has poor circulation when stressed. By trying to change the color of the dot you can reduce your stress. (This can be tried by the class if Biodots are available) Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 15
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Meditation / Imagery Relies on deep breathing Facilitated by images of peace and relaxation Meditation and imagery involves the use of breathing and soothing images. A person could imagine a pleasant setting that makes them feel relaxed. Whenever they feel stressed they can return to this place and find a brief bit of solitude. Instructor can have class try this on their own for a few minutes. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 16
Stretching & Rhythmical Exercises
Yoga Tai Chi “Office exercises” Brisk walk to music Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Social Support Click for Lab 17d info Important for effective stress management. May be particularly important for women. Tend or Befriend Model Variety of sources Friends, family, teacher, coach, counselor Obtaining social support requires close relationships Quality, not quantity that counts Women may be particularly likely to seek and provide social support when stressed. A paradigm called the “tend or befriend” model suggests that women have a unique stress response. Women respond to stress by tending to others (nurturing) and affiliating with a social group (befriending). This response is helpful in protecting offspring and reducing the risk for the negative health consequences of stress. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Types of Social Support
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Types of Social Support Informational Material Emotional Social support can be either active or passive depending on the type of support that is provided. Return to “Preventing Excessive Stress” Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Summary Stress is a natural part of life, but with appropriate stress management techniques you can learn to manage it more effectively. Self-assess your stress levels. Adopt coping strategies. Manage time effectively. Evaluate strategy effectiveness. Summarize information about stress. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 18
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Web Resources Online Learning Center “On the Web” pages for Concept This page provides active hyperlinks if the computer is connected to the Internet. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Supplemental Graphics
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - McGraw Hill - Lab Information Supplemental Graphics Supplemental graphics follow this slide. Concept 17 Concept 17 18
Lab 17a Information Time Management
Return to presentation Rank your top priorities in terms of where you would like to spend your time. Keep a time log and indicate your actual use of time. Summarize how you might be able to use your time more effectively. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
Lab 17b Information Evaluating Coping Strategies
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Lab 17b Information Evaluating Coping Strategies Return to presentation Reflect back on 5 different stressful events and describe the changeability, severity, and duration of the stressor. Complete the survey about your personal use of coping strategies for each of these incidents. Do you believe that you adopt appropriate coping strategies? Lab information Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Lab 17c Information Relaxing Tense Muscles
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Lab 17c Information Relaxing Tense Muscles Return to presentation Perform the Contract-Relax Exercise Routine for relaxation. Describe whether you found the routine to be helpful for relaxation. Lab information Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Lab 17d Information Evaluating Levels of Social Support
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Lab 17d Information Evaluating Levels of Social Support Return to presentation Complete the social support survey Use the rating scales to assess the following: Access to social support Degree of social support Skill in getting social support Describe whether you rely on social support and whether you could use it more to combat stress. Lab information Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e
McGraw Hill - Physical Activity Helps you to adapt to stressful situations Provides a break from reality (“Time Out” hypothesis) Improves mood and self-esteem Reduces anxiety and depression Can aid in changing behaviors related to health Exercise has many benefits in terms of stress management. It provides a break in the day and the chance to temporarily forget about the stressors. It also improves mood and can increase confidence and self-esteem. The physiological changes associated with exercise (breathing, increased body temperature) help to relieve symptoms of stress naturally. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 17
Mechanisms for Effects of Exercise on Stress Reduction
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Mechanisms for Effects of Exercise on Stress Reduction Return to presentation Distraction Endorphin Neurotransmitter Thermogenic Self-esteem There are a variety of hypothesized mechanisms for the benefits of exercise on stress reduction. Review and discuss if the subject is of interest to students. See Web17-1 for information about exercise and stress management Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17
Definitions for Leisure and Recreation
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Definitions for Leisure and Recreation What is Leisure? Time that is free from demands Not a means to an end but an end in itself! What is Recreation? A more structured form of leisure that allows people to "re-create" themselves Leisure is time that is free from demands. It is not a means to an end but an end in itself. There is no right or wrong way to spend leisure time. People spend their leisure in different ways. Recreation literally means to re-create yourself or to create yourself anew. It is generally more structured and purposeful than leisure but is still done for the same basic reasons as leisure so they will be discussed together during the presentation. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 3
Contributions of Recreation to Wellness
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Contributions of Recreation to Wellness Social - Interactions with friends Emotional - Reduces stress Physical - Improves fitness Intellectual - Expands world view Spiritual - Connection with self Both leisure and recreation can contribute to wellness but leisure activities are not done specifically to achieve those benefits. For a balanced wellness lifestyle it is important to get some recreation and leisure into your daily routine. Review how recreation can influence wellness and give examples. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 5
Popular Leisure Activities
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Popular Leisure Activities Reading Watching TV Visiting friends Listening to music Walking Watching movies Dining Shopping People watching Playing games These are some of the most common types of leisure activities. Point out that activities change over time. Watching videos on TV has become a popular leisure activity but it was not possible until the invention of the VCR. Reading the newspaper used to be a universal leisure activity (something everybody did). With the development of computers, the Internet and other forms of communication, papers are now just one of the ways that people stay current with the world. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 6
Reasons for Choices of Recreational Activities
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Reasons for Choices of Recreational Activities Socio-economic status Vocation Sex Age Ethnicity Residence Disabilities Choice of leisure activities is influenced by many factors: S.E.S Vocation Sex Age Ethnicity Residence Disabilities See Web17-2 about recreation in the United States Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 7
Trends in Working Time in the U.S.
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Trends in Working Time in the U.S. This figure shows that working time for the average person has decreased considerably since the 1800's. There has been a slight upswing in the past decade however. Also, there has been a general increase in the amount of "committed time" for most people. This is most likely due to the number of families with 2 working parents and the demands for housework, childcare. Therefore, there is less "free time" available for many leisure activities. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 8
Hints to Maximize Your Leisure Experiences
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Hints to Maximize Your Leisure Experiences Keep play and work separate Don't turn play into work Expand your leisure interests Expand your circle of friends Don't feel guilty about leisure These are some hints to maximize your leisure experiences Review, and give examples of how they apply. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 13
Skills for Leisure Development
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Skills for Leisure Development Leisure resourcefulness Identify interests and preoccupations at different parts of your life cycle Translate interests into involvement Time management Maximizing your available time Focusing your time on your priorities To develop a lifestyle that promotes healthy doses of leisure and recreation it is important to develop some important skills. (Leisure Resourcefulness Time Management). Leisure Resourcefulness is a construct that defines the ability to create meaning and value from leisure time Two components: 1. The ability to identify interests and preoccupations at different times during your life (Interests change over time and it is important to sense change in focus as they occur) 2. Translate interests into involvement Time management is also a skill that is needed to facilitate meaningful leisure experiences. Many people claim that they just don't have enough time for leisure because of work, family, and home demands. In most cases, it is not a question of time but a matter of priorities. If people make something a priority in their life they will find room for it in their schedule. Still it is important to maximize time to make the best use of it. Return to presentation Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 9
Steps for Time Management
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e McGraw Hill - Steps for Time Management Step 1 Establish priorities Step 2 Monitor current time use Step 3 Analyze time use Step 4 Make a schedule These are some basic steps for time management. First you must establish your priorities and focus on them. Next you should monitor current time use and then analyze where you could find more time in your schedule. Finally, you should try to make a schedule and keep true to your commitments. Time should b e made for leisure just like it is made for everything else. Return to presentation Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7e Concept 17 12
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