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HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Julia Blackwell – Huntingdonshire District Council.

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1 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Julia Blackwell – Huntingdonshire District Council

2 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Designed and built during 2005 Launched January 2006 Over 40 local authorities have the toolkit Funding from DTI/GO East/ Sustainable Development Round Table and match by Powergen

3 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Able to: Identify areas of potentially vulnerable households Identify areas of “able to pay households” Assist in budgeting and allocation of grants

4 Example 1 – Able to Pay Households In Norwich – 55,000 households Criteria – less than 2% of the population claim income support and houses are owner occupied Identified 8980 households of which 6740 were owner occupied – 75%

5 Ranking Areas of need Careful selection of criteria Incapacity benefit and severe disablement allowance claimants Pension credit claimants: guaranteed credit only People aged 16-74 economically inactive; permanently sick or disabled All pensioner households Households with one or more persons with limiting long term illness

6 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Criteria 12345 Great Yarmouth 111152 Norwich 253437 Tendring 32221 Waveney 44443 Southend-on-Sea 5810259 King's Lynn and West Norfolk 67535 Peterborough 71194413 Fenland 83696 Luton 914124817 Basildon 1012113612 Ipswich 11982711 North Norfolk 126714

7 Huntingdonshire District Council Allowance & Pensioner H/holds Households53650 Att. Allow claimants 2685 ~ 5% Pensioner households 6344 11% Analysis showed a relationship between Attendance Allowance Claimants and Pensioner households

8 Huntingdonshire District Council Identify the top 8 LSOAs Households592811% Att Allow Claim 53520% Pension H/holds204018%

9 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Identify the top OAs Households3408 6.5% Att Allow Claim - - Pension H/holds154213.5% An evaluation project would only need to direct mail 6.5% of all households to contact 13.5% of the target population

10 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit Project for Age Concern - Ramsey

11 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit HouseholdsPens. Households PercentageRank 65114322.03 62411217.94 74624132.31 5679015.95 70117424.82

12 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit LSOA OA% Pensioners Rank E01018156 12UEHC000342.12 E01018158 12UEHC000435.14 12UEHC001733.15 12UEHC001950.11 12UEHC002239.13 E01018160 12UEHC001831.76

13 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit

14 NEA Sustainable World Award Organised by NEA in partnership with the Defra and npower to provide grant assistance to local agencies demonstrating an innovative project The aim of the award scheme is to highlight successful initiatives as examples of good practice to facilitate the implementation of Fuel Poverty in England: The Government’s Plan for Action

15 NEA Sustainable World Award HEON won the Regional Award of £2000 And will be entered for the National Award – 7th June, Peterborough

16 HEON-E Data Analysis Toolkit The next steps Software to list addresses from post codes NEA National Award presentation 7th June Ordered by West Midlands Region More regions want it Integration with Council GIS systems

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