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Integrated Marketing Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Marketing Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Marketing Communication

2 Why Communication Communication of Value.
Create Awareness about products and services. Inform your customers about the benefits. Persuade people to buy. Create Dissonance Many more

3 Communication Landscape is changing
TV ads Internet Ads. Mobile Ads. Billboards. Human Behavior and Time Factor. Too many channels. Sporting Events. Sponsorships etc.

4 Effect of Marketing Communication
Brand Awareness Mix Advertising PR Word of mouth Events Promotion Marketing Communication Brand Image Brand Equity Brand Response Brand Relationship

5 Marketing Communication Mix
Advertising Promotion Events PR Direct Marketing Word of Mouth Personal Selling Print Ads Gifts Sports Press Telemarketing P2P Sales Presentation TVCs Discounts Entertainment Seminars TV Shopping Chat Sales Meetings Billboards Activities Annual Reports Websites, Catalogues Blogs

6 Why Communication

7 Familiarity-Favorability

8 The Communication Process

9 Understand the Sequence
High Involvement/ Highly Distinct Brands Learn, Feel, Do Automobile, House High Involvement/ Less Distinct Brands Do, feel, Learn Computer, Airline Ticket Low Involvement/ Less Distinct Brands Learn, do, Feel Sugar

10 Micro model Learn Feel D0

11 Hierarchy of Effects Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase Imagine the Probability of each step is 0.5, then the total probability of Purchase is 1.5%

12 Designing Effective Communication

13 Identify Target Audience
Where in the Hierarchy they fall. Are they familiar with the products and services? What is their attitude towards the Products and services? What Segment?

14 Determine Objective What response you want to get from the target audience? Make them aware? Engage them to Purchase? Switch their Products? Comes from the needs

15 Design the Communication
Message Strategy: What message you want to deliver. EMBA: Upgrades Your Career, You become Smarter AIM: Help you take a giant step in your career Mero Mobile: Brand Change

16 Creative Strategy Red is Becoming Purple

17 Design the communication
Message Source Referent Skills Models Global Adaptation Symbols means different in different countries Would you promote liquor in Pakistan

18 Select Channels Personal Communication Channel (Business Market)
Non Personal Communication Channel (Consumer Markets) Integrated Communication

19 Establish Budget Affordable Method Percent of Sales Method
Competitive Parity

20 Media Mix The Promotional tools Advertising Sales Promotion
General Qualities: Public presentation: Wide Reach Pervasiveness: Message Repetition Amplified expressiveness: Dramatization Impersonality: No obligation on customers to pay attention Sales Promotion Benefits: Communication: Gain attention, may lead customer to purchase Incentive: Discounts, rebates etc. Invitation: Quick Transaction

21 Media Mix Public Relations and Publicity Personal Selling
Distinctive qualities: High credibility Ability to catch buyers off guard Dramatization Personal Selling Personal confrontation Cultivation Response

22 Media Mix Direct Marketing Event and Experiences Word of Mouth
Customized Up-to-date Interactive Event and Experiences Relevant Involvement Word of Mouth Viral Credible

23 Media Mix Personal Selling Personal Interaction Persuasive. Response

24 Important Factors for Marketing Communication Mix
Product/ Market Business/ Consumer Awareness/ Reminder Buyer Readiness Stage: Is the customer aware? Have they tried the product? Are they satisfied? One can build conviction by personal selling. PLC Stage Different stages in PLC requires different media mix and its intensity.

25 Measuring Communication Results
ROI Measure results against objectives?


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