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Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid © 2006 GridCOMP Grids Programming with components. An advanced component platform for an effective invisible grid is a Specific Targeted Research Project supported by the IST programme of the European Commission (DG Information Society and Media, project n°034442) Legacy Code Wrapping Yongwei WU Tsinghua University
outline Problem statement Characteristics Objective Implements Features added to the GCM Usage Application Future Work Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 2
Problem Statement Legacy codes written in Fortran or C/C++ using MPI has to be usable if the objective is to build an effective grid component framework; In many cases it is not feasible or affordable to rewrite existing code; Using existing works is most important for IT development; Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 3
Objective Objective: To develop techniques and methods for wrapping legacy code as GCM components which can run over grid without re-engineering the code, or even access the source files; Legacy code component will be a module with standardized GCM description, and can be manipulated by tools for composition and deployment; Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 4
Characteristics The general characteristics of legacy code are as follows: The source code is not available. The program is poorly documented and the necessary expertise to do any modifications has long left the organization. The application has to be ported onto the grid within the shortest possible time and smallest effort and cost. The functionalities are offered to partner organizations but the source is not. Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 5
Implements(1/5): Actions According to our research, grid-enabling legacy code includes the following actions: For the legacy code, provide some APIs in a standard interface to describe the legacy code attributes, such as the command line format and parameters. For the related file operations, define some APIs in the interface to transfer the files and set the files’ attributes. For the resource requirement of the legacy code, include it in the “GCM application description”. For the running process of the legacy code, define the needed server and client interfaces to manipulate and control the legacy code. Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 6
Implements (2/5) : The architecture of the Legacy Code Component The architecture of the legacy code component Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 7
Implements (3/5) : Description of the Legacy Code Extending the ADL Not a flexible and extensible solution. First version Providing some API in a standard Interface Have to create a component with the defined factory (LegacyComponent class). Set attributes with the AttributeController. Our current solution Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 8
Implements (4/5) : Related File Operations Reuse the file transfer mechanism provided by the ProActive middleware ProActive File Transfer Protocol (PFTP), SSH, RSH and Nordugrid File Transfer will take place before the deployment of the component or after the successful execution of the legacy code at the target computing node Have to set the permissions of the related files Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 9
Implements(5/5) : Execution Management The execution status transition of the legacy code Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 10
Features added to the GCM(1/5) : API describing the Legacy Code package org.tsinghua.gcm.legacyComponent.attribute public interface LegacyComponentAttributes extends AttributeController { public void setComment (String value); public void setExecutable (String value); public void setParameters (String value); } Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 11
Features added to the GCM(2/5) : The Running Process of the Legacy Code package org.tsinghua.gcm.legacyComponent.legacyCode public interface LegacyCodeControllerInterface { public LegacyCodeResult startLegacyCode(); public LegacyCodeResult reStartLegacyCode(); public boolean killLegacyCode(); public String getStatus(); public void setLegacyCodeCommand (String arguments); } Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 12
Features added to the GCM(3/5) : API for Related Files Operation package org.tsinghua.gcm.legacyComponent.relatedfile public interface LegacyComponentAttributes extends AttributeController { //only transfer the file from the local to the remote node where running the legacy code. public void fileTransfer (File srcFile, File dstFile); public void fileTransfers (File[] srcFiles, File[] dstFiles); //set the relatedfile’s permissions, such as the “read”,”write” or “execute” public void setFilePermission(File file, Permission permission); public void setFilePermissions(File[] file, Permission[] permission); public void setFilePermission(String permission); //delete the no-useful files after running the legacy code successfully public void setFileDelete(File file, FileDelete delete); public void setFileDeletes(File[] file, FileDelete[] delete); public void setFileDeletes(String delete); } Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 13
Features added to the GCM(4/5) : Resource Requirement of the Legacy Code The definition of a virtual node in a “GCM application descriptor” file with the specification of the following elements: operatingSystem CPUArchitecture CPUSpeed CPUCount memory networkBandwidth diskSpace Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 14
Features added to the GCM(5/5) : Wrap the Legacy Code to Component package org.tsinghua.gcm.legacyComponent //wrap the legacy code to Component public Interface LegacyComponent{ public Component newLegacyComponent(); } Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 15
Usage An example implemented By API An example implemented By ADL Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 16
Usage BY API Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 17
Usage BY ADL A common legacy code component ADL Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 18
Usage Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 19 BY ADL The base ADL file
Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 20 Application: Bioinformatics Belong to Scientific Computing Application This Bioinformatics program can be divided into 3 sub program{CAP3 , Tigr (Gene Sequence Assembly Tool),Blast (Sequence Alignment Tool)}, and they have natural parallel characteristics.
Application: Bioinformatics 1)Mapping & get Nodes (2)File transfer (3)Legacy code ->primitive Component by using API (4) primitive Component ->Composite Component(CC) (5)Component deployment (6) Composite Component1&2 are started parallel (7)In Node1&3, the component Cap3 in CC 1 and component Tigr in CC2 are working parallel. (8)When Cap3&Tigr finish their work,they transfer the output files to node2&4 (9)The two Component Blast on node 2&4 begin to work (10)Return each result of the CC to the Result Integrate Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 21
Legacy Code Wrapping: Future work Future Work Add some APIs,such as setStopCommandLine(), setPauseCommandLine() to make good use of the various of commands of legacy code. Implement the request interface of LegacyComponent so that it can communicate with another component Execute legacy code asynchronously to increase the efficiency of program Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 22
The end Thanks Grid programming with components: an advanced COMPonent platform for an effective invisible grid 23
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