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Contextual Wisdom Social Relations and Correlations for Multimedia Event Annotation Amit Zunjarwad, Hari Sundaram and Lexing Xie.

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Presentation on theme: "Contextual Wisdom Social Relations and Correlations for Multimedia Event Annotation Amit Zunjarwad, Hari Sundaram and Lexing Xie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contextual Wisdom Social Relations and Correlations for Multimedia Event Annotation Amit Zunjarwad, Hari Sundaram and Lexing Xie

2 I don’t want to spend time annotating :( help! June 2, 2015@NUS2

3 Talk Outline Observations Events Generalization: Sum of Partial Observations Similarity, Co-Occurrence and Trust @I2RJune 2, 20153 Experiments: compare against SVM Conclusions

4 An Annotation Puzzle @NUSJune 2, 20154

5 5@NUS Observing Flickr Data

6  The pool statistics reveal a power law distribution Less than 11% of the tags have more than 10 photos There are not enough instances to learn most of the concepts!  The global flickr pool is interesting: June 2, 20156@NUS Learnability

7 June 2, 20157@NUS Learnability

8  The pool statistics reveal a power law distribution Less than 11% of the photos have more than 10 instances There are not enough instances to learn most of the concepts!  The global flickr pool is interesting: Most of the tags have over 100 instances Photos reveal very high visual diversity  The Power law is a fundamental property of online networks – cannot be wished away. June 2, 20158@NUS Learnability

9  Singapore  People  Walking  Orchard rd.  After MRT  Experimenting  Walking  Day  Outdoor.. June 2, 20159@NUS Scalability

10  The assumption of consensual semantics  Search for “yamagata” June 2, 201510@NUS The Role of context

11 June 2, 2015@NUS11 What if the answer didn’t completely lie in the pixels?

12 Events What are they? June 2, 2015@NUS12

13  An event refers to a real-world occurrence, spread over space and time.  Observations form event meta data [Westermann / Jain 2007] Images / text / sounds describe events June 2, 201513@NUS Defining Events when where who what author image

14  Event context refers to the set of attributes that help in understanding the semantics Images / Who / Where / When / What / Why / How  Context is always application dependent Ubiquitous computing community – location, identity and time are main considerations June 2, 201514@NUS Context [Mani and Sundaram 2007]

15  Event archival – events involve people, places and artifacts  Exploit different forms of knowledge: (Global) Similarity – media, events, people. (Personal) Co-occurrence – what are the joint statistics of occurrence? (Social) Trust – determining whom to trust for effective annotation? June 2, 201515@NUS Four Problems

16 Similarity Global, Systemic knowledge June 2, 2015@NUS16

17  A bottom up approach Edge, color and texture histograms for images. Rely on ConceptNet for text tags  Why ConceptNet and not WordNet? Expands on pure lexical terms, to compound terms – “buy food” Expands on number of relations – from three to twenty Contains practical knowledge – we can infer that a student is near a library. June 2, 201517@NUS Event similarity

18  ConceptNet provides three functions: GetContext(node): the neighborhood of the concept “book” includes “knowledge”, “library” GetAnalogousConcepts(node): concepts that share incoming relations; analogous concepts for the concept “people” are “human”, “person”, “man” FindPathsBetweenNodes(node 1,node 2 ) – returns a set of paths.  Our similarity measure is built using these functions. June 2, 201518@NUS A base similarity measure

19  The similarity between two concepts (e,f) is defined as follows:  We current use a uniform weighting on all three as the composite measure June 2, 201519@NUS Concept similarity context analogous path based

20  The distance between two concept sets is a modified Haussdorf similarity. June 2, 201520@NUS Computing similarity between sets A B

21  Similarity between facets are computed using a weighted sum of frequency and the concept similarity measure:  Time distance is based on text tags, not actual time data – allows for temporal descriptions as “summer”, “holidays” etc.  Only frequency is used for “who” facet. June 2, 201521@NUS Facet similarity (4w)

22  Color, texture and edges are computed 166 bin HSV color histogram 71 bin edge histogram 3 texture features  Euclidean distance on the composite feature vector.  The distance between two events is then a weighted sum of distances across all event facets. June 2, 201522@NUS Image facet similarity

23 June 2, 201523@NUS The global similarity matrix M s

24 Co-occurrence Personal, statistical knowledge June 2, 2015@NUS24

25  The concept co-occurrences are just frequency counts.  (i= fun, j = new york) then the index (i,j) contains the number of occurrences of this tuple.  Notes: Each concept is given a globally unique index Co-occurrence matrixes are locally compact  Each user k, has a co-occurrence matrix M c k associated with the user. June 2, 201525@NUS Statistics are computed per person

26 Trust People we like June 2, 2015@NUS26

27  Narrow understanding of “trust”  a priori value is important  Computing trust: Compute event-event similarity  Trust propagation Biased PageRank algorithm Trust vectors are row normalized June 2, 201527@NUS Activity based trust

28 The recommendation algorithm June 2, 2015@NUS28

29  The framework is event centric  We know:  How to combine the three? June 2, 201529@NUS A review of what we know similarity co-occurrence trust vectors global personal social

30 1.Compute the social network trust vector (t) for the current user. 2.Compute the trusted, global co-occurrence matrix, for all tuples. 3.Iterate: June 2, 201530@NUS details whowherewhatwhenimageevent query

31 Experiments June 2, 2015@NUS31

32  Developed and event based archival system  8 graduate students  58 events, 250 images, over two weeks  SVM – baseline comparison  Two cases Uniform trust (global) Personal trust June 2, 201532@NUS Details

33  Training is difficult – very small pool. Modified bagging strategy Train five symmetric classifiers Pick one which maximizes the F-score June 2, 201533@NUS SVM training

34  Global Case: 31 classifiers (who:8, when: 6, where: 10, what: 7) Minimum number of images: 10 Tested on 50 images (why?) June 2, 201534@NUS Uniform trust FacetsSVMCM (uniform) HMXUHM Who1323592228 When11206132426 Where12193162327 What1321883119 Event1012226 28 HHits MMisses XUnknown UUndecidable

35  Trained classifiers per person Very small pool Min images – 5 28 classifiers (who:9, when: 4, where: 6, what: 9) June 2, 201535@NUS Personal Network FacetsSVMCM (network) HMXUHM Who458162 18367 When5196733016783 Where6276595317971 What7289236620446 Events00250015397 HHits MMisses XUnknown UUndecidable

36 June 2, 201536@NUS Positive examples SVM ‘sky diving’ Social Network based method ‘fun’

37 The Sum of Partial Observations Beyond web 2.0 hype June 2, 2015@NUS37

38  Which media object summarizes “my trip to Singapore?” June 2, 201538@NUS Experiential fragments

39 June 2, 201539@NUS A reconsideration of a traditional idea

40 @NUS The Creation of participatory knowledge June 2, 201540

41 Conclusions June 2, 2015@NUS41

42  An event based annotation system Media are event meta-data Issues: learnability, scalability, context  Employ three kinds of knowledge Global – conceptnet, image similarity Personal – statistical co-occurrence Social – trust  Recommendations Employ iterative schemes (HITS / PageRank)  Results: Outperform SVM in small pools June 2, 201542@NUS summary

43  Power law tag distribution Data pool will remain small for most tags Fundamental issue  Participatory knowledge is powerful – trust within context is important issue.  Future work: Careful math analysis of coupling equations Event structure / relationships need to be incorporated Multi-source (email / Calendar / IM / blogs) integration. June 2, 201543@NUS Conclusions

44 Thanks! Esp. Dick Bulterman, Mohan June 2, 2015@NUS44

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