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European Interactive Advertising Association ‘European Media Landscape and Future Trends’ Alison Fennah Executive Director
2 Presentation agenda 1. Introduction EIAA Objectives About the EIAA Background – Global Trends, Advertising Expenditure 2.European Internet Usage Research Objective - Mediascope Europe Methodology & Sample How Often are Europeans Online How Long Europeans Spend Online Media Meshing Broadband Penetration Web Activities & Web 2.0
3 Presentation Agenda 3.Online Shoppers Growing Conversion Rates Number of Items Bought Online and Amount of Money Spent European Bargain Hunters Online Shoppers Internet Usage 4.Wireless Users Make the Most of the Net… Wireless Users Wireless Users - Access to technology Mobile Internet Users 5.Key Findings
5 EIAA Objectives Champion and improve the understanding of online advertising as a medium Promote the efficiency of online advertising as part of the ‘media mix’ Think regionally, benefit regionally and at local level Increase the total value of investment into online advertising
6 EIAA – Who?
7 Background EIAA has made significant investment in research, particularly in the areas of media consumption and advertising efficiency, key projects include: Mediascope Europe Marketers Internet Ad Barometer Case Study Library Ad Formats Study Online Ad Effectiveness As part of this commitment to research, the EIAA has for the past four years conducted a large scale study of media consumption habits in Europe enabling it to track changes in media consumption habits in order to illustrate how internet usage as a share of media consumption is changing and therefore how media planners should spend their client’s ad spend
8 World economic order and overall advertising expenditure The economic order is set to change USA currently have the strongest economy By 2050 China are set to overtake the USA India, Japan, Brazil and Russia’s economies are predicted to flourish Population sizes and business costs are key factors driving economic growth Technology revolution also driving manufacturing and service sectors India (+33%), Russia (+21%) and China (+20%) have seen a large growth in internet penetration and these are the countries which are set to grow economically As with economic order, advertising expenditure is set to change What do advertisers get from online?
9 Population sizes and business costs are key factors driving economic growth… ** The cost of manufacturing labour in Brazil is approximately a 7 th of the cost of that in the USA Source: Above - United Nations Fund for Population Activities ** US Department of Labour, Bureau of Labour Statistics
10 … technology revolution also driving growth % growth in internet audiences Jan 2006 vs. Jan 2007 Countries which are set to grow economically are seeing high growth rates in internet penetration Source: ComScore Networks, March 2007
11 How Is The Mix Changing? Q 61. Which media is your usage increasing/decreasing with? The EIAA Marketers’ Ad Barometer shows that the online budget is increasing significantly compared to other media
12 74% of all respondents regard the internet as a vital part of their advertising strategy 78% thought it enabled them to reach specific groups difficult to reach in other ways 80% of respondents feel that increasing broadband penetration is making the Internet more attractive The language and technology used in online advertising was no longer considered to be an issue for 64% of advertisers Advertiser perceptions
14 OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE The broad aim of this study is to measure and track changes in media consumption patterns by various demographic segments and nationalities. This work will show when, why and how often people are using different media – in particular usage of the Internet for content, communication and commerce Mediascope Europe
15 Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotas were applied on: age, gender, education and regional distribution within countries Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotas were applied on: age, gender, education and regional distribution within countries TOTAL SAMPLE Scandinavia Sweden - 334 Norway - 334 Denmark - 333 Germany – 1,008 Italy – 1,008 Spain – 1,002 France – 1,002 UK – 1,015 7,036 interviews across 10 European countries Methodology & Sample Belgium – 500 Netherlands – 500
16 Methodology & Sample 7,036 Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATi) were conducted by Synovate on behalf of SPA and the EIAA in 9 EU countries and Norway A sample size of 7036 provides accurate data to ± 1.1 – 0.8% at the 95% confidence level Fieldwork took place in all territories between 4th-25th September 2006 Interview length ranged from between 25-30 minutes The application of quotas ensured that representative samples were achieved in each country quotas on age, gender, education and regional distribution Results at the total level were weighted to take into account the different country’s population sizes. Using 2005 data from the UN the following weighting matrix was developed
17 Internet usage European weekly internet usage has grown by 10% year-on-year with weekday growth of 13% Norway leads with 81% of population online in a typical 7 day week Spain shows the largest growth overall (up 27%) After 10am each day, the internet is the second most used medium Personal, leisure and recreational use has pushed weekend internet usage up 17% 35-54 year olds key to driving weekend internet usage
18 European weekly usage up 10% year-on-year Q1a In a typical 7 day week, that is Monday to Sunday, can you tell me if you…? [Base: All Respondents in Europe] [Base: All respondents in Europe] European Average = 54 European Average Use the Internet Change from 2005
19 Mature market - Sweden 35-54 year olds and women are driving internet usage 2006 Q1a In a typical 7 day week, that is Monday to Sunday, can you tell me if you use the internet? [Base: All Sweden Respondents]
20 Internet is second most used medium for 20 hours per day [Base: All Respondents in EU & Norway using each type of media] Q1b. What times of the day do you typically…during week? 06:00 10:00 to 10:00 17:30 to 17:30 21:00 to 21:00 06:00 to
21 Personal usage drives weekend internet use up 17% Q2a/3a. On a typical weekend, can you tell me if you…? [Base: All Respondents in Europe] European Average = 42% European Average Use the Internet Change from 2005
22 How often internet users are online Europeans now use the internet on average 5.4 days per week, up 4% year-on-year Scandinavians and French are online most frequently Half of all male internet users are online everyday of the week TV usage is stagnant across Europe while internet usage continues to increase
23 By Demographic Q4. In a typical seven day week, on how many days do you use the internet? [Base: All European internet users] Europeans are online more than 5 days per week By Country European Average = 5.4 European Average
24 Almost half use the internet everyday [Base: All European internet users] Percent Q4. In a typical seven day week, on how many days do you use the internet?
25 Internet still growing while TV stagnates Q4. In a typical seven day week, on average how many days do you use TV/internet? TV Internet [Base: All TV viewers in EU + Norway][Base: All internet users in EU + Norway]
26 How long Europeans spend online European internet users now spend on average 11 hours and 20 minutes online each week Massive Italian growth in time spent online Danish internet users spend the most time online and have the highest number of heavy users
27 Europeans spend over 11 Hours online per week [Base: All European internet users] Q5ai – Q5aiii. In a typical seven day week, approximately how many hours do you tend to spend using the internet? Average Hours Spent Using the Internet in a Typical Week Hours
28 Time spent using the internet growing at the expense of other media Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week +6% +14% +28% -2% +11% [Base: All European users of each media]
29 Proportion of ‘heavy’ internet users spending more than 16 hours per week online 27% of European internet users spend more than 16 hours online per week Q5ai – Q5aiii. In a typical seven day week, approximately how many hours do you tend to spend using the internet? % [Base: All European internet users]
30 16-24 year-olds show largest increase in hours spent online in Sweden 2006 Q5ai – Q5aiii. In a typical seven day week, approximately how many hours do you tend to spend using the internet? 2005 Score 10.21311.59.911.29.1 % Change +12%+47%+8%+9%+23%+1% [Base: All Swedish internet users]
31 Media meshing European TV viewing suffers from significant interference from a high degree of simultaneous print media usage result: clouds advertising messages Internet is an attention grabbing medium and suffers from virtually no print crossover across Europe but has a slightly higher degree of crossover with radio and TV The highest levels of internet media meshing are seen amongst 16-24 year olds
32 When Mainly Using the Internet When Mainly Watching TV Lower levels of media meshing when mainly using the internet Q5b-f. When you’re mainly watching TV, reading a newspaper, reading a magazine, listening to radio, using the internet, which other media do you sometimes use? 21% 3% 0% 29% TV INTERNET NEWSPAPER RADIO MAGAZINE 15% 25% 5% 21% MAGAZINE TV NEWSPAPER RADIO INTERNET 23% 26% NONE: 48% NONE: 53%
33 When Mainly Using the Internet 16-24 year olds drive media meshing INTERNET 3% 5% Q5b-f. When you’re mainly watching TV, reading a newspaper, reading a magazine, listening to radio, using the internet, which other media do you sometimes use? NONE: 37% 35% 31% MAGAZINE TV NEWSPAPER RADIO
34 Broadband changes how people live their lives Broadband penetration is up 14% across Europe since 2005 Mediascope study leading to major changes in the way Europeans communicate and spend their leisure time More than 70% of European internet use is personal or for leisure purposes the French and Belgians have the lowest level of work-related internet use across the Union European internet users view the internet as time-saving and as putting you ahead of the game more than other more traditional media
35 Broadband penetration up 14% Europe [Base: All internet users] % 2004-20052005-2006 Year on year change 18%14% QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the Internet the most, do you have a broadband connection?
36 Broadband penetration up 14% across Europe QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the Internet the most, do you have a broadband connection? [Base: All internet users] 2006 87 85 84 83 75 74 71 68 60 Year-on-year change
37 Internet impacts how Europeans spend leisure time Q20b Which of the following do you less often (not through the internet) as a result of using the internet? [Base: All European Internet users] % Particularly true of 18-24 year olds = 39%
38 Internet seen as a personal leisure tool across Europe Q12. What proportion of typical weekly internet usage is personal and what percentage is work related? [Base: All Internet users] %
39 Internet puts users ahead of the game Q5g. Which one type of media do you think fits best with this statement? [Base: All Respondents in Europe using all media types] Europe
40 Web 2.0 driving next wave of internet usage From easy-to-use services through to participation and personalisation These activities look set to drive the next wave of internet growth Forum, VoIP and Instant Messaging all saw significant increases since 2005 as the internet becomes a more ingrained point of Europeans’ lifestyles Social Networking sites such as MySpace and Bebo included in Mediascope for the first time are being used at least once a month by 23% of online Europeans Significant growth is also observed in top website genres including email, technology sites, news and local information
41 Interactive & Web 2.0 Sites Drive Usage Q7b. Which of the following types of web activities do you do at least once a month? Social Networking websites used at least once a month by 23% of online Europeans [Base: All European internet users] Top Four web activities with highest growth rates across all of Europe
42 Usage of email, news, local information and music sites grows [Base: All internet users] Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? Top Website Genres (%)
43 Technology, price comparison & health websites show significant growth in usage [Base: All internet users] Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? Next 10 (%)
45 Online Shoppers – Growing Conversion Rates 78% of all European internet users shop online European online shoppers are now buying more from their browsing on the internet Concert/Festival tickets are currently seeing the highest conversion rate across Europe (75%) Travel tickets (72%), books (71%) and clothes (70%) are also enjoying high conversion rates Increasing consumer confidence in specific retail sectors Mobile phones have seen the biggest growth in conversion rates year-on-year (+23%) Music downloads (+16%), car accessories (+15%) and home furnishings (+14%) also have significant growth rates Travel Tickets, holidays and books are most bought products online
46 78% of European internet users have bought products/services online [Base: All Online Shoppers ] European Average: 78% Q16. Have you ever bought online any of the following products/services?
47 Increasing confidence in purchasing mobile phones and music downloads online across Europe… Top 10 Products With Biggest Growth in Conversion Rates Year-on-Year Q15/Q16. Have you ever researched/bought online any of the following products/services? [Base: All Online Shoppers ]
48 Travel tickets, holidays and books are most bought products online across Europe Product/serviceBought onlineResearched online Researched online but sometimes bought offline Travel tickets52%72%39% Holidays38%70%38% Books37%53%33% Concert/Festival tickets37%49%28% Clothes31%45%28% Electrical Goods30%52%39% CDs25%41%27% DVDs22%32%21% Theatre/Cinema tickets21%36%24% Music Downloads20%38%19% Insurance14%28%16% Toys13%20%14% [Base: All Online Shoppers ] Q15/Q16/Q17. Have you ever researched/bought online or researched & bought off line any of the following products/services? Top 12 Products Bought Online in Europe
49 Out of the top five products bought online four of them were more popular with female online shoppers Q15/Q16/Q17. Have you ever researched/bought online or researched & bought off line any of the following products/services? Electrical Goods are much more popular with male online shoppers (37%) than female (22%) [Base: All male and female Online Shoppers ]
50 Online Shoppers – Items & Spend European Online Shoppers bought an average of 10 items online in just six months in 2006 – an Increase of 11% since 2005 European online shoppers spent an average of €750 online in a six month period in 2006
51 UK buys most Items online [Base: All Online Shoppers ] Q18. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line?
52 Female online shoppers in Sweden buy more items online than men… [Base: All male and female Online Shoppers ] Q18. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line?
53 … it appears they search for a bargain as they secured a high numbers of purchases but spent less money [Base: All Online Shoppers ] Q19. In the last six months, approximately how much money would you say you spent in total on all your on-line purchases?
54 The average online shopper spent €750 online in just 6 months [Base: All Online Shoppers ] Q19. In the last six months, approximately how much money would you say you spent in total on all your on-line purchases?
55 Online Shoppers – European Bargain Hunters Online shoppers visit significantly more Auction, Price Comparison and Banking and Finance websites Auction sites are most popular amongst online shoppers in Germany (62%) Dutch online shoppers are the biggest bargain hunters with more than half (54%) using price comparison websites 48% of Swedish online shoppers visit price comparison sites
56 [Base: All internet users and all online shoppers] Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? Online shoppers visit significantly more, auction, price comparison and banking and finance websites
57 48% of online shoppers in Sweden use price comparison websites Q. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? [Base: All Online Shoppers ]
58 Online shoppers spend less time watching TV and listening to the radio TV Radio [Base: All TV viewers in Europe and online shoppers who watch TV][Base: All internet users in Europe and all online shoppers who use the internet] Q5ai – Q5aiii. In a typical seven day week, approximately how many hours do you tend to spend using the internet?
59 Nearly three quarters of online shoppers find that the internet provides what they want when they want it Q5g. Which one type of media do you think fits best with this statement? % [Base: All Online Shoppers using all media types] Online Shoppers Using All Types of Media
61 Wireless Users Wireless Users are internet users who regularly access the internet on the move via a PDA or laptop in a wi-fi location 37% of European wireless users regularly visit social networking sites Over a third create and share their own content and/or contribute reviews and ratings to websites. Wireless users spend over 17 hours or 10% of their week online 48% of wireless users spend less time watching TV as a result of the internet Wireless users are more likely shop online Over 80% of wireless users find that the internet provides what they want when they want it
62 The biggest group of Wireless Users are aged between 35-44 AGE. Just to ensure we speak to a representative spread of people, could I please ask how old you are?
63 Wireless users are much more likely to engage in online activities Q7a/b. Which of the following types of web activities/websites do you use at least once a month? 37% of wireless users regularly visit social networking sites and they are far more likely to listen to the radio, make telephone calls and create and share content than the average internet user
64 Wireless users dedicate 10% of their week to using the internet Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week
65 Internet impacts how wireless users spent their leisure time Q20b Which of the following do you less often (not through the internet) as a result of using the internet? Nearly half watch less TV as a result of the internet
66 Wireless users buy more items and spend more money online than the average online shopper Q18. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line? Q18/19. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line and approximately how much money would you say you spent in total on all your on-line purchases?
67 Wireless users buy far more holidays and electrical goods online, they are confident internet shoppers Q16. Have you ever bought any of the following products/services using the internet? Top 12 Products Bought Online ProductWireless Users Who Shop Online All Online Shoppers Travel tickets67%52% Holidays55%38% Electrical Goods50%30% Concert/Festival tickets48%37% Books48%37% Clothes38%31% CDs37%25% Theatre/Cinema tickets35%21% DVDs31%22% Music Downloads31%20% Insurance16%14% Toys16%13%
68 Q5g. Which one type of media do you think fits best with this statement? Wireless users trust the internet to provide them what they want when they want it Wireless Users Using All Types of Media All Europeans’ Using All Types of Media
69 Wireless Users - Access to technology 81% have a home PC (compared to 61% of all Europeans) 68% have an MP3 player or iPod 61% have wi-fi access in their home. Wireless Internet Users also use the internet much more at the weekend, with 91% of on the move PDA/laptop users using the internet on a Saturday or Sunday compared to 79% of all internet users.
70 Wireless users love their state of the art technology QC6. Which of the following do you have in your household? 81% own a home PC and 61% have a wi-fi connection at home
71 Mobile Internet Users Mobile Internet Users are internet users who own a mobile phone and regularly access the internet on the move via their mobile phone Internet users who own a mobile phone and access the internet on the move using their phone are also heavy users of the internet - on average this group spends over 15 hours a week online, compared to average of just over 11 hours. 71% have surfed internet sites on their mobile. 62% have sent/received emails 43% have used mobile IM 79% of this user group are aged under 45 years old (compared with 64% of all internet users).
72 79% of mobile internet users are under 45 years old AGE. Just to ensure we speak to a representative spread of people, could I please ask how old you are?
73 Usage of mobile technology available has grown considerably since 2005 [Base: All European internet users] Top 10 Growth Activities (% Change) Q7d In addition to making phone calls or sending text messages, which of the following activities have you undertaken using your mobile phone/Blackberry/PDA?
75 Key Findings Digital advertising is taking more share of total ad spend and the rate is not slowing Time spent using the different media needs to be taken into account when media planning but even more important is the level of engagement with each media and how they are used in people’s daily lives Social Networking websites are a growing trend - used by nearly a quarter of Europeans, at least once a month Online shopping is increasing substantially year on year Wireless users are a good indicator of how people will use media in the future – they display high levels of engagement with online, a greater preference for this media compared with others, they spend more money online and surround themselves with digital technology
Thank you! For further information please contact: Alison Fennah European Interactive Advertising Association or register for our newsletter at
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