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Free Boundaries in Biological Aggregation Models
Joint Work with Yasmin Dolak-Struss, Vienna / FFG
Biological Aggregation Joint Work with Yasmin Dolak-Struss, Vienna / FFG Christian Schmeiser, Vienna Marco DiFrancesco, L‘Aquila Daniela Morale, Milano Vincenzo Capasso, Milano Peter Markowich, Cambridge Jan Pietschmann, Münster / Cambridge Mary Wolfram, Münster / Linz
Biological Aggregation
Why FBP in Biomedicine ? „Biology works at very specific conditions, selected by evolution. This leads always to some small parameters, hence singular perturbations and asymptotic expansions are very appropriate“ Bob Eisenberg, Dep. of Physiology, Rush Medical University, Chicago In many cases such asymptotics can be used to describe moving boundaries
Aggregation Phenomena
Biological Aggregation Aggregation Phenomena Many herding models can be derived from microscopic models for individual agents, using similar paradigms as statistical physics: Ions at subcellular levels (channels) Cell aggregation (chemotaxis) Swarming / Herding / Schooling / Flocking (birds, fish, insect colonies, human crowds in evacuation) Opinion formation Volatility clustering, price herding on markets
Biological Aggregation
Introduction These processes can be modelled as stochastic systems at the microscopic level Examples are jump processes, random walks, forced Brownian motions, molecular dynamics, Boltzmann equations With appropriate scaling, they all lead to nonlinear Fokker-Planck- type equations as macroscopic limits
d X = F ( ) t + ¾ W Microscopic Models F ( X ) = ¡ r V + 1 [ G R ]
Biological Aggregation Microscopic Models Microscopic models can be derived in terms of SDEs, Langevin equations for particle position (biology always overdamped) Interaction kernels are mainly determined by long-range attraction – kernel with maximum at zero d X N j = F ( ) t + W F j ( X N ) = r V + 1 k 6 [ G R ]
Short-Range Repulsion
Biological Aggregation Short-Range Repulsion Different paradigms for modelling short-range repulsion Smooth finite force (like scaled Gaussian): Swarming / Chemotaxis Smooth force with singularity (Lennard-Jones): Ions Nonsmooth infinite force (hard-core): Ions, cells With appropriate scaling all lead to nonlinear diffusion and / or modified mobilities Cf. Talks of Fasano, King, Calvez
Taxis (= ordering, greek)
Biological Aggregation Taxis (= ordering, greek) Taxis phenomena arise in various biological processes, typically in cell motion: chemotaxis, haptotaxis, galvanotaxis, phototaxis, gravitaxis, … Various mathematical models at different scales. Often microscopic random walk models upscaled to macroscopic continuum equations Othmer-Stevens, ABC‘s of Taxis, Hill-Häder 97, Keller-Segel 73, Erban, Othmer, Maini, .
Taxis (= ordering, greek)
Biological Aggregation Taxis (= ordering, greek) Taxis includes a long range aggregation and leads to formation of clusters Original models do not take into account finite size of cells, result can be blow-up of density Recently modified models have been derived avoiding overcrowding and blow-up (quorum sensing)
Chemotaxis @ % + r ¢ ( q ) S ¡ ² =
Biological Aggregation Chemotaxis Keller-Segel Model with small diffusion and logistic sensitivity Sensitivity function for quorum sensing derived by Painter and Hillen 2003 from microscopic model: q needed to be concave (logistic is extreme one) @ t % + r ( q ) S =
Aggregation in Chemotaxis
Biological Aggregation Aggregation in Chemotaxis Keller-Segel Model with small diffusion and logistic sensitivity at small time scales: Cluster formation
Coarsening and Cluster Motion
Biological Aggregation Coarsening and Cluster Motion Keller-Segel Model with small diffusion and logistic sensitivity at large time scales: Cluster motion
Fast Time Scale Same scaling as before
Biological Aggregation Fast Time Scale Same scaling as before Obvious limit for diffusion coefficient e to zero
Fast Time Scale Asymptotic – Entropy Condition
Biological Aggregation Fast Time Scale Asymptotic – Entropy Condition Limit for density is a nonlinear (and also nonlocal) conservation law – needs entropy condition Entropy inequality
Fast Time Scale Asymptotic – Metastability
Biological Aggregation Fast Time Scale Asymptotic – Metastability Possible stationary solutions of the form Entropy inequality
Large Time Scale – Cluster Motion
Biological Aggregation Large Time Scale – Cluster Motion Asymptotics for large time by time rescaling Look for metastable solutions
Similarities to Cahn-Hilliard
Biological Aggregation Similarities to Cahn-Hilliard To understand cluster motion, note similarities to Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate diffusivity Keller-Segel rewritten " @ t % = r ( 1 ) + W " @ t % = r ( 1 ) l o g S [ ]
Degenerate (logistic) Diffusivity
Biological Aggregation Degenerate (logistic) Diffusivity General Structure with potential being variation of energy functional @ t % = r ( 1 ) " " = E [ % ]
E [ % ] = Z µ " 2 j r + 1 W ( ) ¶ d x E [ % ] = Z µ " F ( ) 1 2 S ¶ d
Biological Aggregation Energy functionals Cahn-Hilliard Keller-Segel E [ % ] = Z " 2 j r + 1 W ( ) d x E [ % ] = Z " F ( ) 1 2 S d x F ( % ) = l o g + 1
Gradient Flow Perspective
Biological Aggregation Gradient Flow Perspective Compare to recently explored gradient flows in the Wasserstein metric on manifold of probability measures Now even smaller manifold, measures with density bounded by 1 " = E [ % ] @ t % = r ( " ) @ t % = r ( 1 ) "
Gradient Flow Perspective
Biological Aggregation Gradient Flow Perspective Metric gradient flow with an appropriate optimal transport distance Subject to d ( % 1 ; 2 ) = i n f Z u j v x t @ t u + r ( 1 ) v = u j t = % 1 ; 2
Gradient Flow Perspective
Biological Aggregation Gradient Flow Perspective Energies are l-convex on geodesics for positive e Limiting energies are not l-convex Leads to singular behaviour: 0-1 constraints for density are attained Interfacial motion apppears
Biological Aggregation
Asymptotic Expansion Asymptotic expansion in interfacial layer (similar to degenerate-diffusivity Cahn-Hilliard) Tangential variable s, signed distance in normal direction ex
Asymptotic Expansion ^ % = 1 + e x p ( ¡ » @ S ) @ ^ % = q ( ) ¡ S
Biological Aggregation Asymptotic Expansion Leading order determines profile in normal direction For general quorum sensing model ^ % = 1 + e x p ( @ n S ) @ ^ % = q ( ) n S
Asymptotic Expansion Next order determines interfacial motion
Biological Aggregation Asymptotic Expansion Next order determines interfacial motion
Biological Aggregation
Surface diffusion Integration in normal direction and insertion of leading order equation implies Note: entropy condition crucial for forward surface diffusion
¡ ¹ = Surface Diffusion D ¡ =
Biological Aggregation Surface Diffusion We obtain a surface diffusion law with diffusivity and potential Corresponding energy functional D = 2 @ n S = S 2 [ ]
Conservation and Dissipation
Biological Aggregation Conservation and Dissipation Flow is volume conserving (conservation of cell mass) Flow has energy dissipation
Biological Aggregation
Stationary Solutions Stationary solutions can be computed in special situations, e.g. quasi-one dimensional solutions (flat surfaces) Stability would naturally be done in terms of a linear stability analysis. Perform linear stability with respect to the free boundary – shape sensitivity analysis Stationary solutions are critical points of the energy functional (subject to volume constraint)
Conservation and Dissipation
Biological Aggregation Conservation and Dissipation Stability of stationary solutions can be studied based on second (shape) variations of the energy functional Stability condition for normal perturbation Instability without entropy condition ! Otherwise high-frequency stability, possible low-frequency instability
Low Frequency Instability
Biological Aggregation Low Frequency Instability Perturbation of flat surface, small density
Low Frequency Instability
Biological Aggregation Low Frequency Instability Perturbation of flat surface, smaller density
Low Frequency Instability
Biological Aggregation Low Frequency Instability Perturbation of flat surface, large density
Biological Aggregation
Cluster Motion Surface diffusion with violated entropy condition at the end
Cluster Motion in Complicated Geometry
Biological Aggregation Cluster Motion in Complicated Geometry Surface diffusion with violated entropy condition at the end
Biological Aggregation
Cluster Motion in 3D
Biological Aggregation
Outlook Methodology can be carried over to situations with small diffusivity and a driving potential Always leads to generalized surface diffusion law Next (still open) step: Problems with multiple species E.g. solutions or channels with several ion types – where / how are the clusters (attraction only among differently charged ions) ?
Biological Aggregation
Outlook Problems with reaction terms – different scaling limits possible (Allen-Cahn or Cahn-Hilliard type): mixed evolution laws Multiscale issues: complicated 1D problems in normal direction to be solved numerically E.g. electrical potentials in the human heart – expansion of cardiac bidomain model to derive description of excitation wavefronts cf. Colli-Franzone et al, Nielsen et al, Plank et al, Trayanova et al
Swarming Swarming phenomena arise at the macroscale
Biological Aggregation Swarming Swarming phenomena arise at the macroscale Animals (birds, fish ..) try to follow their swarm (attractive force) but to keep a local distance (repulsion) Similar models for consensus formation, but without repulsion
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations
Biological Aggregation Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations Coarse-graining to PDE-models similar to statistical physics (Boltzmann /Vlasov-type, Mean-Field Fokker Planck) Canonical mean-field equation includes short-range repulsion (nonlinear diffusion) and long-range attraction (interaction kernel G) Capasso-Morale-Ölschläger 04 Interaction of these two effects leads to interesting pattern formationMogilner-Edelstein Keshet 99, Bertozzi et al 03-06
Entropy for Mean-Field Fokker-Planck
Biological Aggregation Entropy for Mean-Field Fokker-Planck Entropy functional
Mean-Field Fokker-Planck
Biological Aggregation Mean-Field Fokker-Planck Metric gradient flow in manifold of probability measures with Wasserstein metric (optimal transport theory)
Biological Aggregation
Important Questions Existence and Uniqueness (follows from l-convexity of the entropy along geodesics) Finite speed of propagation: from estimate in the -Wasserstein-metric Numerical solution: by variational scheme derived from gradient flow structure - Long-time behaviour / pattern formation: difficult due to missing convexity of the entropy
Potential Difficulties
Biological Aggregation Potential Difficulties - convection-dominant for steep potentials - Nonlocal / nonlinear interaction terms - degenerate diffusion - possibly no maximum principle - bad nonlinearity for optimization / inverse problems For analysis and robust simulation, look for dissipative formulation
Biological Aggregation
Spatial Dimension One In spatial dimension one, there is a unique optimal transport plan, which can be computed via the pseudo-inverse of the distribution function. Let Then
Conservation for Nonlinear Fokker-Planck
Biological Aggregation Conservation for Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation conserves zero-th and first moment of the density r, i.e. mass and center of mass (in any dimension if V = 0). In 1D, center of mass becomes in terms of the pseudo-inverse Finite speed of propagation: by estimate of Wasserstein metric for p to infinity, since
Application to Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Application to Pattern Formation Back to the canonical model Write one-dimensional case in terms of the pseudo-inverse of the distribution function (Lagrangian formulation, z [0,1])
Application to Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Application to Pattern Formation Start with pure aggregation model (a = b = 0) Conjecture: aggregation to concentrated measures (linear combination of Dirac deltas) in the large-time limit To which, how, and how fast ? General theory for aggregation kernel G – symmetric with maximum at zero (aggregation most attractive) No global concavity (decay to zero), only locally concave at 0
Application to Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Application to Pattern Formation Existence of stationary states: let then is a stationary solution (v corresponds to the pseudo-inverse) For V = 0 the concentrated measure at the center of mass is a stationary solution Complete aggregation !
Application to Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Application to Pattern Formation Uniqueness / Non-Uniqueness of stationary states (V=0) If G has global support, then concentration at center of mass is the unique stationary state - If G has finite support there is an infinite number of stationary states. Combination of concentrated measures with distance larger than the interaction range is always a stationary solution
Application to Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Application to Pattern Formation Long-time behaviour of Fokker-Planck equations: Convergence to adjacent concentrated solution if initial value is sufficiently close (in the Wasserstein metric) Asymptotic speed of convergence only determined by local properties of G around zero (estimate for integral operator and ODE in Banach space at the level )
Simulation of Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Simulation of Pattern Formation Gaussian interaction kernel
Simulation of Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Simulation of Pattern Formation Gaussian interaction kernel, rescaled density
Refined Asymptotic: Self-Similar Solutions
Biological Aggregation Refined Asymptotic: Self-Similar Solutions Let V be convex and with a minimum at 0 Then there exist self-similar solutions of the form where y is determined from the ODE and y tends to zero until
Simulation of Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Simulation of Pattern Formation Kernel with finite support, rescaled density
Interpretation of Pattern Formation
Biological Aggregation Interpretation of Pattern Formation Opinion (consensus) formation models (Hegselmann-Krause, Sznajd-Weron) lead asymptotically exactly to above mean-field equations with zero diffusion (no local repulsion of opinions) Only few majority opinions survive in the long run With local interaction more than one majority opinion can be obtained, but typically low number (compare analysis of the number of parties surviving in democracies, BenNaim et al)
Local Repulsion: Swarming, Crowding
Biological Aggregation Local Repulsion: Swarming, Crowding In biological systems (swarms, crowds, cells) there is a small local repulsion, hence small nonlinear diffusion Conjecture: stationary solutions are clusters with finite support, close to concentrated measures but with density Idea of proof: perturbation argument around zero diffusion How to expand around a Dirac-delta ?
Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport
Biological Aggregation Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport Closeness to Dirac-delta means small Wasserstein-metric Hence there exists a „short“ optimal transport (geodesics of Wasserstein metric) Note: close to concentrated solution, the integral operator behaves like a local operator, analogous to confining potential Hence, similar stationary states as for nonlinear diffusions with confining potential
Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport
Biological Aggregation Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport At the level of the pseudo-inverse we simply have First-order expansion solves yields density to highest order
Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport
Biological Aggregation Asymptotic Expansion by Optimal Transport For m = 2 (quadratic nonlinear diffusion, natural two-particle interaction) rigorous analysis via implicit function theorem Yields existence of stationary solutions for with support having a diameter of order
Biological Aggregation
Large diffusion In general interplay between the repulsion (diffusion) and attraction (integral operator) For large diffusion, repulsion becomes too strong, densities decay to zero Necessary condition for existence of stationary solutions
Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Biological Aggregation Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Biological Aggregation Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Biological Aggregation Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Biological Aggregation Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Biological Aggregation Swarming: Zero vs. Small diffusion
Numerical Analysis Piecewise constant FE spaces for r and m
Biological Aggregation Numerical Analysis Piecewise constant FE spaces for r and m Raviart-Thomas for J Numerical Analysis (implicit scheme) - Well-posed convex programming problem in each time step (Newton method) - Discrete energy dissipation - Conserved quantities (mass, center of mass) - Discrete maximum principle for m - Error estimates for smooth solutions
Biological Aggregation References mb, M. Di Francesco, Large time behavior of nonlocal aggregation models with nonlinear diffusion, Networks and Heterogeneous Media (2008), to appear. mb, Y.Dolak-Struss, C.Schmeiser, Asymptotic analysis of an advection-dominated chemotaxis model in multiple spatial dimensions, Commun. Math. Sci. 6 (2008), mb, M. Di Francesco, Y.Dolak-Struss, The Keller-Segel model for chemotaxis: linear vs. nonlinear diffusion, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 38 (2006), mb, V.Capasso, D. Morale, On an aggregation model with long and short range interactions, Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Application s 8 (2007),
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