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Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/091 Particle Physics Advisory Panel Roadmap recommendations for PPAN Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/092 The PPAP Philip Burrows (Oxford) chair Cinzia Da Via (Manchester) Tim Gershon (Warwick) Nigel Glover (Durham) Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (RAL) deputy chair Mark Thomson (Cambridge) Dan Tovey (Sheffield) Rachel Boning (STFC)
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/093 Outline Roadmap drafting process Report Main recommendations / priorities Roadmap summary
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/094 Roadmap drafting process 13,14,15 July 2009: PP reviews (Birmingham) c. 200 community members attended!
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/095 Roadmap drafting process 13,14,15 July: PP reviews (Birmingham) c. 200 community members attended! suggestion to make this (2-yearly?) event 29 July: ‘findings’ and ‘summary of discussion’ reports posted 11 Sept: discussion with experimental group leaders 16 Sept: draft report released to community 21 Sept: report submitted to PPAN 25 Sept: Appendix submitted to PPAN
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/096 Report outline Introduction Major scientific challenges Facilities Recommendations framework short discussion of each area/facility summary/synthesis Appendix: more detailed discussion of each facility: UK expertise, capabilities, opportunity …
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/097 Major scientific challenges What are the most basic building blocks of matter? Can the forces between particles be understood in a unified framework? How does gravity fit it? What unknown properties of these particles and forces drove the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to its present state? Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? What is the origin of this asymmetry?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/098 Major scientific challenges Energy frontier physics: origin of mass, new symmetries + laws Flavour physics: # generations, flavour + CP violation Neutrinos and Dark Matter: nature + properties
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/099 Major scientific challenges (1) 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0910 Major scientific challenges (1) 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required? 2. What is the new physics that solves the problems of the Standard Model? Are there new particles or new principles? Are there as-yet undiscovered symmetries of nature such as SUSY? Are there extra dimensions of space or time? Are leptons and quarks really distinct, or simply separate manifestations of a single type of matter?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0911 Major scientific challenges (1) 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required? 2. What is the new physics that solves the problems of the Standard Model? Are there new particles or new principles? Are there as-yet undiscovered symmetries of nature such as SUSY? Are there extra dimensions of space or time? Are leptons and quarks really distinct, or simply separate manifestations of a single type of matter? 3. Can we understand the phenomena produced by strongly interacting systems?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0912 Major scientific challenges (2) 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0913 Major scientific challenges (2) 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number? 5. Does new physics introduce new sources of flavour- and CP-violation beyond those of the quark sector of the Standard Model? If not, what principle explains the uniqueness of the Standard Model couplings?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0914 Major scientific challenges (2) 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number? 5. Does new physics introduce new sources of flavour- and CP-violation beyond those of the quark sector of the Standard Model? If not, what principle explains the uniqueness of the Standard Model couplings? 6. Is charged lepton flavour violated? If so, what new physics causes charged lepton flavour violation?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0915 Major scientific challenges (3) 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0916 Major scientific challenges (3) 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0917 Major scientific challenges (3) 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle? 9. Is CP violation realised in the neutrino sector? How are neutrinos connected to the matter-antimatter asymmetry?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0918 Major scientific challenges (3) 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle? 9. Is CP violation realised in the neutrino sector? How are neutrinos connected to the matter-antimatter asymmetry? 10. What is the dark matter that makes up about one quarter of the contents of the universe? Can we make and study it in the laboratory?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0919 Experimental facilities Energy frontier Flavour physics Neutrino physics Non-accelerator
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0920 Experimental facilities Energy frontier: Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) High energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0921 Experimental facilities Energy frontier: Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) High energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0922 Experimental facilities Energy frontier: Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) High energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0923 Experimental facilities Energy frontier: Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) High energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0924 Experimental facilities Energy frontier: Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) High energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0925 Experimental facilities Flavour physics: LHCb + upgrade High-luminosity B factory High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, muon experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0926 Experimental facilities Flavour physics: LHCb + upgrade High-luminosity B factory High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, muon experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0927 Experimental facilities Flavour physics: LHCb + upgrade High-luminosity B factory High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, muon experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0928 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0929 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0930 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0931 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0932 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0933 Experimental facilities Neutrino physics: MINOS T2K Future long-baseline / neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Direct neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0934 Experimental facilities Non-accelerator experiments: Direct dark matter searches Electric dipole moment searches Nucleon decay search experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0935 Experimental facilities Non-accelerator experiments: Direct dark matter searches Electric dipole moment searches Nucleon decay search experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0936 Experimental facilities Non-accelerator experiments: Direct dark matter searches Electric dipole moment searches Nucleon decay search experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0937 Experimental facilities Non-accelerator experiments: Direct dark matter searches Electric dipole moment searches Nucleon decay search experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0938 Experimental facilities + science
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0939 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0940 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0941 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0942 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0943 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0944 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0945 Experimental facilities
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0946 Recommendations: framework A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0947 Recommendations: framework A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. Optimal scientific return on long term investment should be supported during the exploitation phase of experiments.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0948 Recommendations: framework A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. Optimal scientific return on long term investment should be supported during the exploitation phase of experiments. Participation in projects that are likely to form major components of the future global Particle Physics programme should be kept at viable levels.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0949 Recommendations: framework The potential to engage in possible future activities should be kept open, especially where key decision time frames can be identified. Where the UK is playing a leading role in design studies, appropriate funds should be made available to support these activities. Minimally a watching brief should be kept on other promising future projects.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0950 Recommendations: framework The potential to engage in possible future activities should be kept open, especially where key decision time frames can be identified. Where the UK is playing a leading role in design studies, appropriate funds should be made available to support these activities. Minimally a watching brief should be kept on other promising future projects. A strong technological R&D base must be maintained to enable a world-leading UK Particle Physics science programme and future KE opportunities. This should include generic R&D as well as that more focused on specific experiments.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0951 Format of report for each facility (example: LHC GPDs) It is essential that the UK should fully exploit its investment in the GPDs as its highest priority via: Completion and science exploitation of the design-luminosity detectors R&D on detector upgrades to accommodate higher luminosity on a timescale commensurate with the LHC upgrade schedule. Milestones: 2009/10: start of LHC operation 2012-13: TDRs for upgrades – decision on upgrade construction 2018-20: Start of operation of ‘phase-2’ upgraded detectors Impacts of withdrawal: i)catastrophic for UK particle physics: termination of energy frontier physics in the UK and failure to capitalise on UK investment and leadership; ii)highly damaging impact on the wider GPD physics programme through failure to honour major UK deliverables; iii)cause immense harm to the UK’s international reputation; iv)loss of signficant KE/training opportunity
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0952 The Roadmap
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0953 Prioritisation Categories of facilities/projects: 1.World leading / highest priority 2.World leading / UK involvement essential 3.World leading / significant future opportunity 4.Significant future opportunity 5.UK engagement not foreseen at this time based on SCIENCE; KE opportunities noted
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0954 World-leading / highest priority LHC GPDs and upgrades LHCb exploitation Neutron and electron EDM search experiments Theoretical physics programme T2K MANDATORY to exploit world leadership and investment
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0955 World-leading / highest priority LHC GPDs and upgrades LHCb exploitation Neutron and electron EDM search experiments Theoretical physics programme T2K MANDATORY to exploit world leadership and investment
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0956 Theoretical physics programme The UK should support a world-leading long- term programme in theoretical particle physics, particularly in formal theory, phenomenology and lattice theory.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0957 World-leading / UK involvement essential Direct dark matter search experiments LHCb upgrade R&D Linear collider accelerator & detector R&D Long-baseline neutrino physics detector R&D / neutrino factory accelerator R&D Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments Tevatron experiments ESSENTIAL to participate in ALL above
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0958 World-leading / UK involvement essential Direct dark matter search experiments LHCb upgrade R&D Linear collider accelerator & detector R&D Long-baseline neutrino physics detector R&D / neutrino factory accelerator R&D Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments Tevatron experiments ESSENTIAL to participate in ALL above
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0959 World-leading / UK involvement essential Direct dark matter search experiments LHCb upgrade R&D Linear collider accelerator & detector R&D Long-baseline neutrino physics detector R&D / neutrino factory accelerator R&D Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments Tevatron experiments ESSENTIAL to participate in ALL above
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0960 World-leading / significant UK scientific opportunity High-precision muon experiments (COMET/PRISM) MINOS NA62 Limited investment HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0961 World-leading / significant UK scientific opportunity High-precision muon experiments (COMET/PRISM) MINOS NA62 Limited investment HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0962 Significant future opportunity High-luminosity e+e- B factory High-precision dedicated kaon experiments LHeC Muon collider Limited funds to allow UK leadership in design studies
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0963 UK engagement not foreseen at this time CNGS Dedicated precision charm experiments g-2 Belle MEG Nova Precision neutrino mass experiments Reactor neutrino experiments …
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0964 Programme An optimal programme that maximises UK science opportunity in near, medium and longer terms will contain: World leading / highest priority World leading / UK involvement essential World leading / significant future opportunity Significant future opportunity
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0965 The Roadmap
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0966 Request to PPAN PPAN has very difficult job to reconcile 5 roadmaps Near-term budgets possibly reduced significantly Strong prioritisation may be needed IF POTENTIALLY SERIOUS CUTS ARE REQUIRED, WE REQUEST PPAN TO HAVE AN ITERATION WITH APs BEFORE MAJOR PROGRAMME CUTS ARE IMPLEMENTED
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0967 Backup material follows Details of each facility, milestones, impacts.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0968 Theoretical physics programme The UK should support a world-leading long-term programme in theoretical particle physics, particularly in formal theory, phenomenology and lattice theory. Milestones 2009 outcome from lattice QCD PPRP bid in 2007 2010 next theory special grant round 2011 next theory rolling grants round 2012 next generation lattice machine Impacts of reduced funding: i)Loss of major science opportunity in areas where UK has international leadership; ii)failure to support adequately the UK experimental programme; iii)serious impact on large number of Physics/Mathematics departments (over 150 University FTE); iv)Negative impact on undergraduate recruitment + training of highly qualified people; v)loss of KE opportunity with computing industry (e.g. IBM Blue-Gene development).
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0969 Energy frontier physics LHC GPDs and their upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) High-energy electron-positron collider High-energy muon collider High-energy lepton-hadron collider (LHeC)
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0970 LHC GPDs and their upgrades It is essential that the UK should fully exploit its investment in the GPDs as its highest priority via: Completion and science exploitation of the design-luminosity detectors R&D on detector upgrades to accommodate higher luminosity on a timescale commensurate with the LHC upgrade schedule. Milestones: 2009/10: start of LHC operation 2012-13: TDRs for upgrades – decision on upgrade construction 2018-20: Start of operation of ‘phase-2’ upgraded detectors Impacts of withdrawal: i)Catastrophic for UK particle physics: termination of energy frontier physics in the UK and failure to capitalise on UK investment and leadership; ii)Highly damaging impact on the wider GPD physics programme through failure to honour major UK deliverables; iii)Cause immense harm to the UK’s international reputation; iv)Loss of significant KE/training opportunity
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0971 Tevatron experiments It is essential that the UK should continue to exploit the science opportunities for as long as the Tevatron remains a world-leading energy frontier facility. Milestones: 2011: End of Tevatron operation (depending on LHC performance) Impact of withdrawal: failure to capitalise on UK investment and leadership at the time when the experiments stand a chance of making a major discovery.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0972 High-energy e+e- collider It is essential that the UK should pursue both accelerator and focussed detector R&D through to a decision point on the future direction for the linear collider. Milestones: 2012: ILC TDR 2012/2013: future project direction based on LHC results 2015: CLIC TDR 2015-20: possible start of construction 2022-27: possible start of operation Impacts of non-participation: i)Loss of UK influence/opportunity in the world’s next forefront particle physics project; ii)Failure to engage in world-leading detector and accelerator R&D, with loss of related KE opportunity; iii)Failure to capitalise on previous investment and loss of international leadership; iv)Further damage to the UK’s international reputation.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0973 High-energy muon collider Accelerator and detector specific R&D which is naturally part of the neutrino factory and linear collider R&D programmes also supports the development of a muon collider. No additional significant specific investment in a muon collider is appropriate at this time. Modest funds to maintain a watching brief on international muon collider developments would be appropriate. Milestones: 2014/5: physics motivation for the neutrino factory as the next long- baseline facility >2030: Muon collider realisation?
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0974 High-energy lepton-hadron collider Appropriate funds should be made available to allow key individuals to maintain a leading role in the conceptual design studies for a possible LHeC. Milestones: 2012: TDR 2012/2013: results from LHC 2015-20: possible installation of magnets, in the LHC tunnel or in a separate linear accelerator.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0975 Flavour physics LHCb LHCb upgrade High-luminosity e+e- B factory High-precision dedicated charm experiments High-precision dedicated kaon experiments High-precision dedicated muon experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0976 LHCb It is essential that the UK should fully exploit its investment in the design-luminosity LHCb detector as its highest priority in flavour physics. Milestones: 2009/2010: Start of LHC operation. Impacts of withdrawal: i)Hugely damaging for UK particle physics; it would imply withdrawal of the UK from one of the major and most active areas of research; ii)Failure to capitalise on UK investment and leadership; iii)Highly damaging impact on the international LHCb physics programme through failure to honour major UK deliverables; iv)Cause devastating harm to the UK’s international reputation.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0977 LHCb upgrade It is essential that the UK should pursue R&D on a possible detector upgrade. The UK should plan for participation in the upgraded LHCb detector and, if justified by the LHC physics results, should participate in the upgrade at an appropriate level. Milestones: 2009/10-12/13: R&D phase 2012/13: TDR for upgrade - decision on upgrade construction 2016: start of upgraded LHCb data-taking Impacts of withdrawal: i)Huge loss of scientific opportunity; ii)Loss of leadership in an experiment that is a key part of CERN’s medium-term programme; iii)Imperil the viability of the LHCb upgrade project; iv)Loss of UK leadership of the field of quark flavour physics; v)Loss of significant KE opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0978 High-luminosity e+e- B factory Appropriate funds should be made available to allow key individuals to participate in design studies for a high luminosity B factory. If a facility is approved, and if significant UK interest emerges, possible participation should be tensioned against other flavour physics projects at a level justified by the physics case. Milestones: 2009/10: decision expected on whether/how to proceed with such a facility 2011: ‘SuperB’ TDR 2013: ‘Super KEK-B’ start of operation? 2014-16: ‘SuperB’ start of operation? Impacts of non-participation: i)Loss of scientific opportunity; ii)Loss of potential UK leadership in a major new initiative; iii)Loss of KE opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0979 High-precision dedicated charm experiments At this time interest in charm physics should be pursued through the UK's involvement in LHCb, and there should be no UK involvement in new dedicated charm experiments. Impact of non-participation: i) Loss of scientific opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0980 High-precision dedicated kaon experiments A limited investment in the proposed NA62 experiment could provide interesting near-term science return at a modest cost. Beyond NA62, modest funds to maintain a watching brief on future high-precision kaon experiments would be appropriate. Milestones: 2009: decision on UK involvement in NA62. 2009-12: NA62 construction. 2012-13: start of NA62 data-taking Impact of non-participation: i)Loss of a significant science/leadership opportunity; ii)Reduction in the potential diversity of the UK particle physics programme; iii)Failure to capitalise on previous investment in the CERN kaon physics programme.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0981 High-precision dedicated muon experiments A limited investment in a future high-precision muon experiment, such as COMET/PRISM, could offer the prospect of significant scientific return. Milestones: 2010: decision on UK involvement 2012: COMET TDR, J-PARC decision on COMET/PRISM. 2012-15: COMET construction; PRISM R&D. 2015-18: COMET running; PRISM R&D/construction. 2018-20: PRISM running. Impacts of non-participation: i)Loss of significant science opportunity; ii)Reduction in the potential diversity of the UK particle physics programme; iii)Loss of significant KE opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0982 Neutrino physics T2K MINOS R&D for future long-baseline neutrino experiments and/or a neutrino factory Reactor neutrino experiments Precision neutrino mass experiments Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0983 T2K It is essential that the UK should participate strongly in T2K as its highest priority in neutrino physics. Milestones: 2009 Start of T2K phase-1 operation 2014 End of T2K phase-1 2014/15: Possible T2K phase-2 depending on magnitude of sin**2 theta-13 Impacts of withdrawal: i)Hugely damaging for UK particle physics: loss of major science opportunity; ii)Failure to capitalise on UK investment at the time when T2K is about to enter the exploitation phase; iii)Loss of reputation of the UK as a reliable international partner.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0984 MINOS Sufficient funding should be retained to enable the UK to exploit the last two years of MINOS operations with antineutrinos. Milestones: 2010 Start of anti-neutrino running 2011/2012 End of MINOS operations Impacts of withdrawal: i)Loss of science opportunity; ii)Failure to fully capitalise on significant UK investment and leadership; iii)Seriously compromise the ability to operate the experiment.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0985 R&D for future long-baseline neutrino experiments and/or a neutrino factory It is essential that the UK should be involved in the next generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments and should continue to pursue a world-leading R&D programme towards this aim. Any new detector/dedicated accelerator R&D in this area should be tensioned against the existing neutrino R&D programme. Milestones: 2012: Neutrino factory RDR 2014: Completion of MICE experiment; demonstration of muon cooling 2014/15: Measurement of/tight limit on sin**2 theta-13, enabling the future direction to be defined Impacts of non-participation in R&D: i)Loss of leadership in future long-baseline neutrino facilities, ii)Loss of leadership in the neutrino factory international design study; iii)Loss of opportunity to participate in cutting edge neutrino detector and specific accelerator R&D; iv)Loss of significant KE opportunity. Impacts of withdrawal from MICE: i)Failure to deliver a high-profile particle physics project hosted in the UK; ii)Failure to honour international commitments.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0986 Reactor neutrino experiments At this stage, reactor neutrino experiments should not form part of the STFC roadmap. Milestones: 2009/10: Start of Double Chooz experiment. Impact of non-participation: Loss of scientific opportunity
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0987 Precision neutrino mass experiments At this stage, future direct neutrino mass experiments should not form part of the STFC roadmap.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0988 Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments It is essential that the UK is involved in a current-generation experiment and pursues a coherent and world-leading long-term programme of research in this area. Milestones: 2010: decision on UK involvement in SNO+ 2011-13: SNO+ phase I operation 2011/12: operation of Super-Nemo prototype module 2012: SuperNemo TDR 2013-2015: SNO+ Phase II operation 2013/2014: Initial SuperNemo running 2016: Completion of full SuperNemo detector Impact of non-participation: i)Loss of the opportunity to participate in a potentially major discovery of the nature of matter. ii)UK withdrawal from Super Nemo could lead to cancellation of the project; iii)Failure to capitalise on previous SNO investment; iv)Loss of KE opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0989 Non-accelerator experiments Direct dark matter search experiments Electric dipole moment search experiments Nucleon decay experiments
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0990 Direct dark matter search experiments It is essential that the UK is involved in a current-generation experiment and pursues a coherent and world-leading long-term programme of research in this area. EURECA milestones: 2009-12: CRESST/EDELWEISS exploitation 2009/10: EURECA TDR 2011-14: EURECA construction 2015: EURECA operation (0.1t) 2018: EURECA operation (1t) LUX-ZEPLIN milestones: 2009: ZEPLIN-III (6kg) operation ongoing 2010: LZ3 construction (3t) 2012: LZ3 operation 2013: LZ20 construction (20t) 2018: LZ20 operation Impacts of withdrawal: i)Loss of major science opportunity with potential for maximum impact on cosmology and particle physics; ii)Termination of an area of significant UK leadership; iii)Loss of KE opportunity.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0991 Electric dipole moment search experiments It is essential that the UK exploits its world-leading position in both electron and neutron dipole moment search experiments. We note that for these relatively small, UK-dominated experiments, a small reduction in funding would be difficult to absorb and would have a disproportionate impact. nEDM milestones: 2012: sensitivity one order of magnitude below current world limit 2013: data taking in new beamline 2016: sensitivity 10**-28 e cm; 2 orders of magnitude below current limit eEDM milestones: 2009: publication of world-leading limit 2014: improvement in sensitivity by 2 orders of magnitude Impact of reduced funding: i)Effective termination of the world-leading eEDM and nEDM experiments; ii)Missing out on a potentially major discovery.
Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/0992 Nucleon decay experiments Bids for nucleon decay experiment R&D should be tensioned against the rest of the future long- baseline neutrino experiment programme. Impacts of non-investment: i) Loss of major science and KE opportunities.
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