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Part 1B. As the mid 1700’s approached, the British, French and Indians set up forts and villages along the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. Why? TRADE!

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Presentation on theme: "Part 1B. As the mid 1700’s approached, the British, French and Indians set up forts and villages along the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. Why? TRADE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 1B

2 As the mid 1700’s approached, the British, French and Indians set up forts and villages along the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. Why? TRADE! Those rivers meet to form the Ohio (which meets the Mississippi). Whoever controlled those rivers controlled the region! Food for thought… A M

3 French and Indian War 1754- 63 1. France lost Canada and virtually all her North American holdings. 2. Great Britain incurred high war costs and consequently, more debt. 3. Great Britain saw a need to tighten its administrative system in the Empire. 4. Great Britain was going to take a greater role in the American colonies and even declared it would reinvigorate its mercantile system. Results: In a nutshell: The French and British disagreed about who controlled what land Turning point was the capture of Quebec, which preceded multiple victories in New France

4 Enlightenment ( 1700s )  Use of Reason to improve society and government  Governments owed certain responsibilities to their citizens.  Government power should be limited.

5 The American Revolution 1775-1781) ( American Colonies seeking independence from Great Britain)

6 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Why did we rebel against the British? 1.Imposing taxes without approval 2.Forcing colonists to house British soldiers 3.Denying trial by jury

7 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Why did we rebel against the British? 4.Prohibiting trade with other nations 5.Denying representation in Parliament 6.Couldn’t move west

8 Boston Massacre Paul Revere created this engraving, what do you think his reasoning was?

9 The Declaration of Independence Signed JULY 4 th 1776 Assignment- TE pg 46

10 DOCUMENTS Declaration of Independence  Why was it written?  “Dear John letter”  American colonists telling why they must break the ties with Great Britain  Who wrote it? Thomas Jefferson

11 DOCUMENTS Declaration of Independence  Main Ideas, section 1  Unalienable Rights-all people have these ( life, liberty, pursuit of happiness )  If gov’t fails to protect these, the people have a right to change it.

12 DOCUMENTS Declaration of Independence  Main Ideas, section 2  Accuses King George III of wrongs against the colonists.  Trying to establish a tyranny.

13 DOCUMENTS Declaration of Independence  Main Ideas, section 3  States that the Colonies are an independent nation, separate from Great Britain

14 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Significant Battles  Lexington ( April 1775 )  “Shot heard ‘round the world”  Concord  Americans defeat British (Start of American Revolution)

15 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Significant Battles  Saratoga (Summer 1777)  Turning point in Revolutionary War  Convinced France to help the Colonies

16 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Significant Battles  Yorktown ( 1781 )  The last battle of the Revolutionary War  Cornwallis surrenders to Washington

17 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Treaty of Paris  Officially ended the Revolutionary War  Britain recognized the independence of the United States

18 Explain the roles played by the following individuals during the American Revolution …

19 PEOPLE Samuel Adams  Helped form the Committee of Correspondence ( This committee coordinated resistance throughout the colonies.)

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