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Service Oriented Architectures in Heterogeneous Environments

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1 Service Oriented Architectures in Heterogeneous Environments
Yarema Mazuryk 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

2 Context – Connected Home
G G Currently at home we have lots of software intensive devices. The trend is such, that eventually all these devices will become connected to the network, and we, certainly would like to benefit from it by, say, having applications in which several devices are collaborating. The challenge is that the devices may use different types of physical media, thus making the development of the mentioned applications extremely difficult. So, primarily, we would like to answer the question if there is a model (abstraction level) in which all devices look the same, disregarding their HW and SW platforms, types of network connection. This model has to take into account the nature of the home network, which can be described by following: Wireless LAN Firewire (IEEE1394) Bluetooth Ethernet Powerline 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

3 Connected Home Client Mobility Heterogeneous Network Ad Hoc Network
First of all, the heterogenity of the home network – different devices might use different physical media. Second of all, mobility of the clients – the clients may roam all over the environment, they can join and leave te network frequently, and that cannot be predicted, which leads us to the third property – the home networks are typicall ad hoc networks, which are not persistant in time, but are formed by the devices that are in environment and are able to communicate between each other Ad Hoc Network 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

4 Key Aspects Transparent control Advanced interaction
Self organizing networks Minimal (zero) configuration The PROGRESS workshop on domestic appliances defined a set of the research directions, which are interested to the industry as well: Self organizing networks – Privacy – Embedded intelligence – Transparent control – Open communication protocols – Minimal configuration of the systems – Advanced interaction issues – (input and output part) We think that the service oriented architectures is a framework, which can help addressing these issues. So what is the service orientation, and where do we see it’s place in the embedded Internet? Privacy Open protocols Embedded intelligence Transparent control 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

5 Service Oriented Architecture - Place
Client1 Service1 Application Client API Service API Client API Service API Middleware Service Oriented Platform Service Oriented Platform Transport Transport Open protocol 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

6 Service Oriented Architecture – Addressed Issues
Reusability Maintainability Scalability Functional Incrementalism Agility Interoperability 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

7 Service Oriented Architecture – Conceptual Model
+name Service Description Service Advertisement Service Implementation Service Advertisement provides +address +address uses retrieves Service Discovery Service User Eventing, Control 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

8 Service Description Example (UPnP)
<actionList> <action> <!-- are we playing now? --> <name>GetPlayMode</name> <argumentList> <argument> <name>Mode</name> <relatedStateVariable>PlayMode</relatedStateVariable> <direction>out</direction> <retval /> </argument> </argumentList> </action> </actionList> <serviceStateTable> <stateVariable sendEvents="yes"> <name>PlayMode</name> <dataType>string</dataType> <allowedValueList> <allowedValue>PLAY</allowedValue> <allowedValue>PAUSE</allowedValue> <allowedValue>STOP</allowedValue> </allowedValueList> </serviceStateTable> 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

9 SOA – “Publish-Find-Bind-Execute” Model
1 Publish Network Provider Find 2 Consumer Contract 3 Bind 4 Execute 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

10 SOA vs Component Based Development
Central - Networking environment Message based API based Communication model Coarse- grained Fine- grained Interfaces Single & active As needed Instantiation 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

11 Addressing & Naming Uniform addressing scheme
Independent from physical network addressing 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

12 Discovery - GOALS Locate the service provider
Retrieve provider’s access interface Acquire additional information 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

13 Discovery - METHODS 16-Apr-17 Service Discovery Pre-configured
Non- configured Location aware Mediated Immediate Non-transparent Transparent Active Passive 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

14 Advertisement Publish information about the service implementation
Provider’s location Service Description 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

15 Eventing & Control Provider Event B execute action A,
subscribe to event B Consumer 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

16 Existing Approaches Can we base on one of these
UPnP - IP-bound, has scalability problems JXTA - Network independent, existing implementation has performance problems Pastry Focuses on efficient request routing Web services - IP-bound Can we base on one of these or do we need something new? 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

17 What is JXTA? 16-Apr-17 *borrowed from
Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

18 JXTA Vision promote communication (not isolation) among applications
keep the core small and elegant support multiple platforms and languages, micro devices to servers address security from the beginning JXTA is an open source project 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

19 JXTA Architecture 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk,
TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

20 JXTA – Set of XML-based Protocols
Peer Discovery Protocol—Enables peers to discover peer services on the network Peer Resolver Protocol—Allows peers to send and process generic requests Rendezvous Protocol—Handles the details of propagating messages between peers Peer Information Protocol—Provides peers with a way to obtain status information from other peers on the network Pipe Binding Protocol—Provides a mechanism to bind a virtual communication channel to a peer endpoint Endpoint Routing Protocol—Provides a set of messages used to enable message routing from a source peer to a destination peer 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

21 JXTA – Key Concepts Peer Peer Peer Rdv Peer Peer Relay Peer Peer Group
Pipe Peer Peer Rdv Peer Peer Relay Peer 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

22 Performance (discovery latency, memory usage, ...)
Case Study Distributed Data Storage in Service-Oriented Fashion JXTA UPnP ... ANALYZE & COMPARE: Performance (discovery latency, memory usage, ...) Scalability Ad hoc networking Client mobility ... PROPOSE: Service Oriented Framework 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

23 Future Work Accommodate real-time requirements in SOA
Investigate security aspects Interaction with the user Interaction between services Group services Mobile services ... 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk, TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

24 16-Apr-17 Y. Mazuryk,
TU/e Informatica, System Architecture and Networking

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