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A sample Service Oriented Architecture for Integrating Government Lines of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "A sample Service Oriented Architecture for Integrating Government Lines of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 A sample Service Oriented Architecture for Integrating Government Lines of Business

2 Agenda  Short history, time-line and introductions  Overview of the demo scenario & project  Business Scenario, Services & Architecture Track Business problem statement Business problem statement Roles and business services Roles and business services Business process and scenario Business process and scenario Specific technology services Specific technology services Message content Message content Example flow Example flow Next steps Next steps  Technical Architecture Track Web services profile Web services profile Registry Registry Hello world Hello world How to show the demo, UI, etc. How to show the demo, UI, etc. “Always on” automated back-ends “Always on” automated back-ends Next steps Next steps  How we are working and intro to the wiki  Schedule on line and face-face working sessions

3 Sponsorship  Sponsored and supported as a U.S. Government effort  A Project of the Governance Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee A Project of the Governance Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee A Project of the Governance Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee Government Leaders: Government Leaders: Brand Niemann, EPA (Acting in a government wide role)Brand Niemann, EPA (Acting in a government wide role)  Joint participation by the IAC SOA committee

4 SOA Demo Goals  The SOA Community of Practice is sponsoring a demonstration of the business value and technical feasibility of SOA. This demonstration will encompass the full life-cycle of a multi-party SOA solution using multiple participants and multiple technologies collaborating via SOA standards in an architected community.  Goals; To provide a concrete example of how the SOA approach provides business value to a community To provide a concrete example of how the SOA approach provides business value to a community To provide confidence that the approach and technologies are real – secure, reliable, performing and practical. To provide confidence that the approach and technologies are real – secure, reliable, performing and practical. To validate that independently developed applications can interoperate using SOA standards To validate that independently developed applications can interoperate using SOA standards

5 Conferences  Past; SOA for e-Government Conference May 23 rd – 24 th May 23 rd – 24 th Presented goals and slide ware level demos Presented goals and slide ware level demos  Next; SOA CoP is sponsoring a conference October 30-31st in McClean Goal: Fully functional multi-participant demo Goal: Fully functional multi-participant demo

6 Time Line  Oct 30 th – SOA Conference  Oct 23 rd -24 th – Live Face-Face – Test Working Applications Together  Oct 16 th -17 th – Business & Tech spec stability – running code  Oct 9 th – 10 th – Full Executable Specification, “Hello World” running  Today – First cut demo spec – use next week to get demo spec in order and start on hello world

7 Recommended Tracks  Specification Track - Further define the LoB Demo Business Architecture, ultimately creating web service specifications.  Technical Track – Define and test the technical environment, including web service profile and registry – those items we need to agree on.  Collaterals – Put together the web site and supporting materials.  Internal Track – Create applications based on the business and technical specifications.

8 SOA HR/Finance LoB Demo

9 Service Providers & Consumers Business Intelligence (Reports/Dashboard) Program (Manages Projects) Employee (Reports Time) Finance LoB (Calculates Costs) HR LoB Payroll (Allocates Time to Projects)

10 Notional Sample Process  Employee resource is established (HR)  Employee resource is established (HR)  Project is established and registered with finance  Finance sends charge codes to HR  Employee submits time sheet for project(s)  Employee submits time sheet for project(s)  HR submits time to finance  HR submits time to finance  Contractor submits invoice to finance  Project gets cost info from finance  Project gets cost info from finance  Project updates dashboard  Project updates dashboard  Business intelligence asks for summary information about project  Business intelligence asks for summary information about project

11 Community & Services   Box with tab represents a role to be played by a person or organization that provides and consumes services for this process.   Double arrow on the right represents using a service.   Double arrow on the left represents the providing a service.

12 Example Service Timesheet Entry

13 Establish Project Service More Here

14 Project Profile Service More Here

15 Time-Cost Assignment More Here

16 What do vendors do with the scenario?  Provide or implement one or more of the roles in the scenario (provide or implement services)  Show off anything you like – runtime engine, design tools, UI, Mashups, Links to other services…  Common registry will connect automated agents playing these roles – showing integration between organizations and technologies

17 Next steps  Refine spec over the next week XBRL Documents XBRL Documents  Meeting Schedule & Topic  Should we divide into “tracks”?

18 Participation  SOA Community Wiki Wiki Page: bin/ Wiki Page: bin/ bin/ bin/ Mail list: (Participants should subscribe) Mail list: (Participants should subscribe)

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