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7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 First results on hyper-nuclear spectroscopy from the FINUDA experiment at DANE Luigi Benussi INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati On behalf of FINUDA Collaboration DAFNE 2004 - Frascati, June 4-8,2004
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Bari University and I.N.F.N. Bari, ItalyBari University and I.N.F.N. Bari, Italy Brescia University and I.N.F.N. Pavia, ItalyBrescia University and I.N.F.N. Pavia, Italy KEK, JapanKEK, Japan Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati I.N.F.N., ItalyLaboratori Nazionali di Frascati I.N.F.N., Italy Pavia University and I.N.F.N. Pavia, ItalyPavia University and I.N.F.N. Pavia, Italy Seoul National University, KoreaSeoul National University, Korea Shahid Beheshty University, Teheran, IranShahid Beheshty University, Teheran, Iran Torino University and I.N.F.N. Torino, ItalyTorino University and I.N.F.N. Torino, Italy Torino Polytechinc and I.N.F.N. Torino, ItalyTorino Polytechinc and I.N.F.N. Torino, Italy Trieste University and I.N.F.N. Trieste, ItalyTrieste University and I.N.F.N. Trieste, Italy TRIUMF, Vancouver, CanadaTRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada The FINUDA collaboration
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 50 Years after the discovery of the first hyper-nucleus, FINUDA has started its production of strange nuclei in Frascati Talk outlines: Performances and events reconstructionPerformances and events reconstruction First preliminary results on hyper-nuclear spectroscopyFirst preliminary results on hyper-nuclear spectroscopy
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 FINUDA FIsica NUcleare a DANE The ’sproduced by DANE provide a unique “K beam”…. 1.Monochromatic, low momentum (127 MeV/c) 2.trigger tagging K stop event through the associate K hadronic background ….that can be stopped in thin targets to produce hypernuclei K stop + A Z A Z +
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 FINUDA main physics program Production of -hyp. : K stop + A Z A Z + Production of -hyp. : K stop + A Z A Z + –spectroscopy of hyp. via the prompt momentum Decay of -hyp.Decay of -hyp. mesonic decays is Pauli blocked non-mesonic decays prevalent Lifetime of -hyp.Lifetime of -hyp. Search for neutron rich -hyp.Search for neutron rich -hyp. FINUDA can study simultaneously hyp. spectroscopy and hyp. decays and hyp. decays
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 3 targets of 12 C 2 targets of 6 Li 1 target of 7 Li 1 target of 27 Al 1 target of 58 V OSIM ISIM TOFINO Targets Beam pipe Interaction-Target region
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Segmented target in 8 different modules: 2 of 6 Li, 1 of 7 Li, 3 of 12 C, 1 of 27 Al and 1 of 51 V 6 Li : Source of 4 He and 5 He ( 6 Li unstable); study of the decay of light hypernuclei (never examined); 7 Li : Comparison with the 6 Li target, available data of poor quality w.r.t FINUDA performance; 12 C : Reference target for spectroscopy and weak decays studies, search for states weakly excited, 10 5 /K stop (present limit 10 4 /K stop ); 27 Al : Never studied before; measurement of the capture rate in the medium A hyper-nuclei; 51 V : No measurements available with K - at rest, useful for weak decay studies; important to assess the capture rate for the medium and heavy hyper-nuclei; Target Choice
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 e+e+ ee e e invariant mass (GeV/c) K s e + e e + e FINUDA performances: Bhabha event
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 FINUDA performances: Hyper-nuclear formation event ++ -- K-K- K+K+ ++ --
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 FINUDA performances: Hyper-nuclear formation and decay event
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 K stopping point distribution Scatter plot of the reconstructed y vs x coordinates of the K stopping points – most external octagon: 8 target modules, where most of the K stop. – Inner layers: stops on the microstrip ISIM modules which give us an additional target: 28 Si can be studied 7 Li 6 Li 27 Al 51 V 12 C 6 Li Isim 8 Isim 7 Isim 2 Isim 1
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Momentum distribution of K + charged decay products K + + K+ + oK+ + o K + + o The width of the + peak gives a momentum resolution of: p/p< 0.9% (Goal p/p< 0.35%)
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Event and track selection Selection criteria for - Candidates from hypernuclear formation: negative track from K vertex;negative track from K vertex; 4 points/track, in detectors:4 points/track, in detectors: Outer microstrip OSIM first layer LMDC second layer LMDC Straw Tubes triplet forward track (more clean events….backward tracks will be used mainly for decays study) ;forward track (more clean events….backward tracks will be used mainly for decays study) ; angle w.r.t. target 0 o 70 o ;angle w.r.t. target 0 o 70 o ; momentum corrected for the energy loss in the target material crossed;momentum corrected for the energy loss in the target material crossed; Quality cuts on track fitting;Quality cuts on track fitting;
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 reconstructed momentum spectrum in the 8 targets Clean hypernuclear structures present in all targets sel.cuts
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Target N.1 12 C nucleus 12 C is the reference Nucleus In the following data only from 12 C target (target n.1) about 20% of the available statistics for 12 C Different targets have different systematic mainly due to the geometrical alignment of the detectors, that are currently being improved…. The measured momentum spectrum is transformed into binding energy (B ) spectrum of the lambda B =M A-1 +M M A M K +M +T
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Background reactions: - spectra K - n - p - K - p + - K - p - + - n - K - (NN) - N - n - K - n 0 - TOT Background reactions giving a following K Nucleus interactions have been simulated in the apparatus with FINUDA Monte Carlo:
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 (K - stop, -) 12 C spectrum Simulated background particles have been reconstructed and selected following the same selection criteria as for the hyper- nucleus formation candidatesSimulated background particles have been reconstructed and selected following the same selection criteria as for the hyper- nucleus formation candidates The shape of the background simulated and reconstructed spectrum is parameterized and subtracted from the experimental spectrum.The shape of the background simulated and reconstructed spectrum is parameterized and subtracted from the experimental spectrum. Resolution ( E =600keV) set by peak #2 p/p 0.6%Resolution ( E =600keV) set by peak #2 p/p 0.6% #2 #1 FINUDA Preliminary
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Exclude region between peaks #1, #2. We fit with 2 gauss with E =600 keV fixed There is more than 1 object in #2 (?)…. ….try to fit peak #2 with 2 gauss….Seems better but…. …add a third gauss for the peak #2 ….Now better fit. #1 #2 preliminary FINUDA preliminary 12 C spectrum #1 #2 #1 #2
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Partial statistics, only one of the three 12 C targets Partial statistics, only one of the three 12 C targets Best fit with the sum of 4 gauss distributions, 1 for the ground state peak (#1), 3 needed to describe the excited state peak (#2) Best fit with the sum of 4 gauss distributions, 1 for the ground state peak (#1), 3 needed to describe the excited state peak (#2) Region between main peaks excluded from fit. Region between main peaks excluded from fit. preliminary #2 #1 Capture Rates: #1 ground state: ~ 1.8x10 -3 /K - stop #2 excited state: ~ 3.3x10 -3 /K - stop FINUDA preliminary 12 C spectrum #3 #4
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 12 C spectroscopy: FINUDA vs KEK H.Hotchi, Phys.Rev. C 64 (2001) 044302 Previous results: KEK E369 Energy resolution 1.45 MeV FWHM production reaction ( K production reaction ( K FINUDA preliminary Energy resolution 1.4 MeV FWHM production reaction (K stop, ) production reaction (K stop, ) #1 #2 = #5 #3 = #6 #4 = ?
7 - 11 June 2004L. Benussi - DAFNE 2004 Conclusions FINUDA HAS SUCCESSFULLY ENDED the FIRST DATA TAKING PERIOD COLLECTING 30X10 6 EVENTSFINUDA HAS SUCCESSFULLY ENDED the FIRST DATA TAKING PERIOD COLLECTING 30X10 6 EVENTS FINUDA preliminary results, with partial statistics (~1/5) and not yet final momentum resolution (~40% worst), are already at the same level of the best published results on hyper-nuclear spectroscopyFINUDA preliminary results, with partial statistics (~1/5) and not yet final momentum resolution (~40% worst), are already at the same level of the best published results on hyper-nuclear spectroscopy
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