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Victoria Costa California State University Fullerton
Description: Project (TP) 2 provides a model of a technology-rich environment and focus for teacher preparation in which candidates and faculty permeate all aspects of their program with information, communication, and educational technologies(ICE-T) to support teaching and learning in the secondary school classroom. Approach: Technologies are used as research, collaboration, communication, and productivity tools by all participants, including faculty, supervisors, master teachers, candidates, program completers, and students. Features: The technology-rich environment is created through an University-wide focus on academic and information technologies, extensive use of technology by faculty; use of Web-based resources, Blackboard course delivery, audience response systems, podcasted presentations, signature technology assignments and lessons; technology competencies met by faculty and teacher candidates; participation of faculty and candidates in Intel® Teach Program; information-rich program Websites, and electronic forms and assessments. Course Delivery: Prerequisite and credential courses are offered in face-to-face, hybrid, and 100% Web formats. Classrooms: Several computer labs are available for classroom instruction, and all classrooms are “smart” in that they include an Internet-connected computer work station with LCD projector and screen.
The development of a technology-rich model of teacher preparation is in response to multiple parameters: Program completers must be prepared to teach 21 st century skills, many of which are steeped in information, communication, and educational technologies. National and state professional standards for teachers and teacher education programs dictate the technology competency of program completers. Program data documents that credential program completers rate themselves and are rated by their employers as in need of additional training in technology.
Aligned with the Professional Development District model of the Single Subject Credential Program, Project TP2 centrally positions technology to achieve four major goals: Prepare Prospective Teachers Support School Educators Improve Student Learning Engage University Faculty Use INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION, AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES to TECHNOLOGY PERMEATED TEACHER PREPARATION (TP) 2 GOALS
GOAL 1: Engaging University Faculty a.University faculty expand their technology skills and establish positive relationships with secondary school faculty and administrators through professional development experiences, program development, and research. b.The University provides both a desktop and laptop, and extensive professional development and software for each faculty member. c.The Department of Secondary Education provides additional software, video iPod/iPodTouch and microphone, web camera, and individualized coaching for faculty to expand their use of technology in support of teaching and learning. The College of Education created an iPod Studio to support faculty efforts.
GOAL 2: Preparing Prospective Teachers a.Credential candidates are oriented toward teaching in a Web 2.0 environment and preparing secondary students for the 21 st century as they view demonstrations and modeling of the use of ICE-T tools in their prerequisite coursework. They then use these tools to complete course assignments. EDSC 304 Introduction to Educational Technology utilizes the Intel ® Teach Essentials curriculum in online, ftf, and hybrid formats EX: EX: b.Credential candidates view demonstrations and modeling of the use of ICE-T tools in classes. They use these tools as they develop and implement lessons and classroom management materials. c.Supervisors and Master Teachers completed online candidate evaluations and record observation notes electronically for quick feedback to candidates.
Teacher Candidates... Complete Signature Technology Assignments Courses include signature technology tools and assignments – EDSC 304: Students develop basic skills in ICE-T through creation of standards-based, technology rich unit for secondary classroom; Students oriented to Blackboard course delivery system; Students use the Intel® Teach Essentials curriciulum. – EDSC 310: Students oriented to Blackboard course delivery system and online program handbook, forms, and documents – EDSC 320: Students use online collaborative tool (Google Docs) to create health and safety webliography; Students create multimedia presentation – EDSC 330: Instructors model use of airliner tablets; students use Microsoft Word to peer edit writing; students use blog tool – EDSC 340: Students use Iris® online modules to learn how to support students with special needs. – EDSC 410: Instructors model and students use online translation tools – EDSC 440S: Instructors model audience response system – EDSC 442/449S: Instructors model and students develop lessons utilizing content-specific ICE-T tools; Supervisors and Master Teachers evaluate students using online evaluation forms
Intel® Teach Program Benefits 4 faculty events conducted over a five-year period have trained over 50 faculty, supervisors, and community college partners in the Single Subject Credential Program – Includes secondary education as well as science, mathematics, foreign languages, English, social studies, and Arts education – Most recent training included colleagues from elementary and special education Faculty use online tools and their Web 2.0 skills in credential and graduate courses as well as for program management Preservice candidates and graduate students in courses that utilize complete curriculum are provided with print or CD text and resources – On Candidate performance assessments (self-reported and employer-reported) CSU Fullerton Single Subject Credential Program consistently ranks in top 3/22 CSU institutions – including areas on technology use and integration SMART Board is utilized in program overviews and as part of the Science Synergy Model Laboratory
Blogs and Wikis
Online Translation Tools IRIS Modules
Online Library Resources
Teaching Mathematics with Content Specific Tools
Teaching Science with Content Specific Tools Science Probeware Inspire Data Annenberg Interactives Gizmos The JASON Project
GOAL 3: Supporting School Educators a. District staff grow professionally as part of our part- time faculty pool, receive inservicing in and serve as Master Teachers/Mentors, and teach school-site courses in "EDSC 110, The Teaching Experience: Exploration" to high school juniors and seniors. This course is supported with rich Web resources. b.Retired secondary teachers become student teacher supervisors for the credential. These populations (part-time faculty, Master Teachers/Mentors, Future Teacher Advisors, and supervisors) are encouraged to use ICE-T tools in their roles as instructors, mentors, and supervisors.
Web-Based Program Information
GOAL 4: Improving Student Learning a.High school juniors and seniors are oriented toward teaching in a technology-rich environment as they access resources from the Department Website and view demonstrations and modeling of the use of ICE-T tools in the teaching survey course taught at their school site. b.Students in the classes taught by CSUF student teachers use ICE-T tools to learn content.
Future Teachers
Increase in faculty use of ICE-T Increase in availability of ICE-T resources Use of ICE-T issues and tools for scholarly and creative activity Faculty positioned as college/university leaders in instructional technology UNIVERSITY FACULTY TEACHER CANDIDATES STUDENTS SCHOOL EDUCATORS Increase in preservice teacher use of ICE-T for K-12 instruction University assignments Increase in teacher use of ICE-T for K-12 instruction Supporting student teachers Increase in student use of ICE-T for learning in the content areas
Instructional Resources – Intel® Teach curriculum materials, Intel Education interactive tools—Visual Ranking, Intel Showing Evidence, Intel Seeing Reason, Merlot, Soft Chalk, online wikis, blogs, and collaborative document sites Training Resources - Faculty Development Center, Intel® Education, Turning Technologies, NECC, CUE, Merlot, Department Faculty Funding Resources - Lottery Funds, Grants, Department of Secondary Education, College of Education, University Technology Roll-Out, Math and Science Initiative, Intramural Grants, President’s Mission and Goals Initiative, Private and Corporate Foundations, Extended Education Course Offerings Partners – Academic Discipline Departments, Community Colleges, PDD School Districts, Orange County Department of Education, University Extended Education Dissemination – National (AACTE, ATE, HICE, AERA, NECC, Merlot), State (CTC, CUE), System (Chancellor’s Office, University, FDC, College) New Projects – Online Teaching and Learning Certificate, Science Synergy Model Laboratory, ST21 (Science Teachers for the 21 st Century)
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