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SECURING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS “Do what you do best, and partner for the rest” Developed and Presented by Betty J. Parks, MBA.

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Presentation on theme: "SECURING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS “Do what you do best, and partner for the rest” Developed and Presented by Betty J. Parks, MBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECURING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS “Do what you do best, and partner for the rest” Developed and Presented by Betty J. Parks, MBA

2 AGENDA Introduction and Overview Corporate sponsorship Readiness Strategies and tips to build effective partnerships and corporate sponsorships Step-by-Step approaches to search, obtain, and maintain sustainable corporate sponsorships Five strategies to guide and enhance development of mutually beneficial partnerships The importance of asset mapping in securing corporate sponsorships Other helpful tools


4 INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW  What is corporate sponsorship and why Should you care  Reasons you need corporate sponsorship -Someone else’s dollars -Build credibility -Secure publicity & press coverage  Corporate sponsorship a win-win situation

5 Fundraising vs. Partnership  Focus on money  Focus on Donor  Quid pro quo  Relationships  One shot  Interest ties to mission  Instant gratification  Delayed gratification  Show me the money  Expanded commitment KEY ELEMENTS

6  Do you have a plan & marketing effort in place?  Do you know your demographics  Do you have corporate sponsor experience  What is the competitive environment like  Gauge effort in reaching sponsors  Are you a member in business community  Is there entrepreneurial spirit in your organization CORPORATE SPONSOR READINESS

7 Ten Step Strategic Approach  Determine your audience  Set sponsorship levels  Pitch event – make a lot of phone calls  Send proposal letters  Follow-up (no response) BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS AND CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS

8 Ten Step Strategic Approach  Cultivate relationships with sponsors  Give sponsors plenty of publicity  Cultivate relationships with sponsors Pt. 2 -Send thank you letters  Follow-up, Follow-up, and more Follow- up BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS AND CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS

9 Other Tips & Strategies - It’s all about the relationship:  Ask volunteers/board members to approach potential sponsors  Walk around the block/twice – write down names & addresses of all companies nearby. Look for companies that: -Demonstrate a genuine interest in your cause -Understand “partnership” & what it means. BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS AND CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS       

10 Keys to searching, obtaining & maintaining sponsorships: GOING IN CIRCLES STEP-BY-STEP APPROACHES TO SPONSORSHIPS 1.Red dot - easy targets & closest supporters They provide important connections 2Second outer ring companies that know your organization 3Last outermost ring is where to spend most of your time. Prospects that don’t know your organizations aren’t current sponsors..

11 Searching Sponsorships: Three Areas of Focus  Where to look for prospects  Using social media. Blogging, Twitter, Linkedin  Prospect management software: Record Everything KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

12 Obtaining Sponsorships  Stay prospect-centric  Stand out from competition  Don’t give an excuse to say no  Persuasion is incremental  Message or no message KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

13 Obtaining Sponsorships  Dealing with gatekeepers  When o stop calling?  Keep it short  Bullet everything  Use email to accelerate and entrap KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

14 Obtaining Sponsorships  Stop Networking & start building relationships. Shift from numbers and volume to quality and relationships  Build relationships increase your social capital & reputation  Build relationships in non-networking, low stress situations because nothing is expected. KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

15 Obtaining Sponsorships  Always be ready to start a new relationship  Reach out to your contacts continually  Remember it’s all about relationships KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

16 Maintaining Sponsorships  Once partnerships are formed, the work is not complete.  To achieve your goals continually maintain and improve your partnerships. Setting aside time and effort to preserve your partnership will allow you and your partners to adapt to changes along the way.  Track and continue to work toward achieving your goals. This will result in a more effective and productive partnership that will continue long into the future KEYS TO SEARCHING, OBTAINING & MAINTAINING SPONSORSHIPS

17 Five Strategies that Work: 1.Do your homework 2.Assess yourself 3.Keep eyes on the prize 4.Become a social enterprise 5.Innovate STRATEGIES TO MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIP

18  Involves documenting tangible and intangible resources  Asset mapping provides information about strengths and resources of a community and can help uncover solutions  Once assets and resources are inventoried and depicted in a map, you can more easily think about how to build on these assets to develop relationships. ASSET MAPPING SECURING SPONSORSHIPS

19 When to use Asset Mapping Starting a new local program and need information about available resources Making program decisions To identify community assets and concerns Map results help determine new directions for your program or identify new programs that need to be developed. ASSET MAPPING SECURING SPONSORSHIPS

20 Organize assets on a map as follows:  Define community -What are boundaries of community? -What are major demographics? -What events, features, product community known for?  Identify people as assets -Knowledge, skills, talents, interests -Resources they own -Relationships & connections ASSET MAPPING (INTERNAL & EXTERNAL)

21  Identify places as assets  Public, private, & nonprofit entities -Institutions -Organizations -Businesses  Institutions -Schools, school districts -Colleges & universities -Government agencies (local, state, federal) -Libraries -Churches, church groups ASSET MAPPING (INTERNAL & EXTERNAL)

22  Identify places as assets  Organizations -Services clubs -Business organizations -Charitable groups -Political organizations -Community celebrations -Neighborhood groups -Sports leagues -Youth clubs  Businesses -Schools, school districts -Colleges & universities -Government agencies (local, state, federal) -Libraries -Churches, church groups ASSET MAPPING (INTERNAL & EXTERNAL)

23 ASSET MAPPING (INTERNAL & EXTERNAL)  Identify places as assets  Businesses -Local media -Health & fitness clubs -Small & large businesses -Corporations -Churches, church groups

24  Sample Asset Map  Identifying Sector Map  Sales Vendor Package Content OTHER TOOLS SECURING SPONSORSHIP


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