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Wei-ling Huang Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Exploring the Possibilities: Universal Design for Chinese Lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "Wei-ling Huang Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Exploring the Possibilities: Universal Design for Chinese Lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wei-ling Huang Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Exploring the Possibilities: Universal Design for Chinese Lessons

2 Overview Universal Design for Learning Four stages of learning Multiple Intelligences Theory Bloom’s Taxonomy Lesson planning based on the MI - Bloom Matrix Lesson Plan Sample

3 “The concept of UDL is the intersection where, multisensory teaching, multiple intelligences, differentiated instruction, and the use of technology come together.” What is Universal Design for Learning?

4 “The size of the regions devoted to each of these systems is different for each person, which is reflected in different types of learning style, strengths, and weaknesses.” These new technologies reveal that learning is 1) modular, 2) distributed, 3) parallel, and 4) hierarchical.  Recognition Networks – require multiple methods of representation, to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge (printed text, digital content, text-to-speech, graphics, multimedia)  Strategic Networks – require multiple methods of expression to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know (written--word processing, spoken text, visual representation--illustration)  Affective Networks – require multiple options for engagement to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation (hands-on, cooperative groups, individual learning) Brain & Learning Research

5 1. Unconscious Incompetence 2. Conscious Incompetence 3. Conscious Competence 4. Unconscious Competence The Four Stages of Learning

6 Lesson Planning For Multiple Intelligences

7 IntelligenceTeacher Presentation SkillTeaching ActivitiesMethodology / Approach LinguisticTeaching through storytellingLectures, discussions, word games, choral reading Direct Method, Community Learning Logical-MathematicalSocratic questioningProblem solving, mental calculation, number games, critical thinking Inductive Learning, Constructivism Visual-SpatialDrawing/mind-mapping concepts Visual presentations, mind- mapping, art activities Bodily-KinestheticUsing gestures/dramatic expressions Hands-on learning, drama, dance, tactile activities Total Physical Response (TPR) MusicalUsing voice rhythmicallySuperlearning, songs that teach Suggestpedia InterpersonalDynamically interacting with students Cooperative learning, peer tutoring, simulations Collaborative Learning IntrapersonalBringing feeling into presentation Individualized instruction, independent study, self- esteem building Silent Way NaturalistLinking subject matter to natural phenomenon Nature study, care of animals, ecological awareness Adapted from T. Armstrong, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Eight Ways of Teaching

8 Your Teaching Style

9 Sample MI Profile

10 blank_mi_bloom_matrx.pdf Revised Bloom TaxonomyTaxonomy Multiple Intelligences & Lesson Planning

11 Topic: Global Warming Knowledge Question List words that are related to global warming Activities: Brainstorm Provides pictures,Pantomime Comprehension Question Summarize the article “the dangers of global warming” Activities: Songs, Acting out sentences Crazy sentences Application Question Explain the dangers of global warming to others Activities: News report Design posters Analysis Question Identify the causes of global warming Activities: Vote with feet, Unsolicited Advice Tags on the back Evaluation Question Judge/decide the factor that contributes most to global warming Activities: Debate, role-play Creation Question Construct a plan on how we can help solve the problem Activities: Write lyrics to an existing tune of a song Design a poster with illustration Write a letter to the concerned authority Create a newspaper Bloom Taxonomy: From LOTS To HOTS

12 Lesson Plan Design Develop activities based on the MI - Bloom Matrix: –Applicable to real-life situations –Syntactic & semantic processing –Practice of four proficiency skills –Defined communicative outcome –Corrective feedback

13 References Armstrong, T. (1995). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Virginia: ASCD Beaver, R. & Moore, J. (2004). Curriculum design and technology integration, Learning & Leading with Technology, Vol. 32, No 1, 42- 45. Christison, M. A. (1996). Seven ways to be smart [sound recording]: Applying multiple intelligence theory in the second and foreign language classroom. Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. O’Connor, J. & Seymour, J. (1995). Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming. London: Thorsons

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