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14.12.05GAP Project Meeting1 Benchmarking as a Management Tool (II) Esin Demirbilek.

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Presentation on theme: "14.12.05GAP Project Meeting1 Benchmarking as a Management Tool (II) Esin Demirbilek."— Presentation transcript:

1 14.12.05GAP Project Meeting1 Benchmarking as a Management Tool (II) Esin Demirbilek

2 14.12.05GAP Project Meeting2 Further Study Benchmarking in Civil Aviation: Some Empirical Evidence (2005) By J. Fry, I. Humphreys and G. Francis

3 14.12.05GAP Project Meeting3 Summary Design: 2 international questionnaire surveys of the top 200 airlines and the top 200 airports Findings: Benchmarking; the most used performance improvement technique for both airlines and airports Ease of usage Cost Starting Point: exploring the reasons behind the performance differences

4 14.12.05GAP Project Meeting4 Comparison

5 14.12.05GAP Project Meeting5 Limitations and Further Research: Exactly how different airlines and airports are using benchmarking

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