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1 MAST and Multi6 MAST and Multi6  MAST  Multiple Address Service for Transport  draft-crocker-mast-proposal  A service to maintain locator pools Simultaneous.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MAST and Multi6 MAST and Multi6  MAST  Multiple Address Service for Transport  draft-crocker-mast-proposal  A service to maintain locator pools Simultaneous."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MAST and Multi6 MAST and Multi6  MAST  Multiple Address Service for Transport  draft-crocker-mast-proposal  A service to maintain locator pools Simultaneous Addresses Changing Addresses Multihomed Mobile Renumbered MultiAddressing Preserving context across change D. Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking

2 2 Perspective  Terminology Identifier: Unique label for endpoint Locator: Name of a network attachment point Initiator: Creates association Target: Accepts association Association:Context between peers  IP  I ndependent  I ndependent datagrams  Works fine  Took a long time to get it that way  Leave it alone  Multiaddressing  Sequences  Sequences of datagrams enhancement  Design an endpoint enhancement

3 3 Addressing Operation  Locator discovery  Identifier  Locator(s)  Protect against hijacking and the like  Pre-association versus within-association  Locator selection  Open research topic, if more than one

4 4 MAST Architecture EP= Endpoint TR= Transit EID= Endpoint identifier InitiatorTarget Port l IP f Port r IP f IP y IP q IP y IP a IP eid2 Connection (IP eid1, Port l, IP eid2, Port r ) IP eid1 TCP IP-TR IP-EP IP-EP TCP IP-TR Presence DNS MAST

5 5 MAST Operation Locator discovery  Pre-association Mob target: DNS + presence Other:Nothing new  Intra-association Displaced:DNS + Presence Other:MAST Control Locator selection  Recommend using single locator  Switch when there is a problem  Defer better schemes for future research

6 6 MAST Control  Pool maintenance complete list of locators  Send complete list of locators, to avoid synchronization problems with view of pool by both parties  PROBE to peer, to discover own NAT public address  Asynchronously from pool use, to avoid impact on performance (eg, startup latency) of application  Security – only equal to current IP  Domain Name, for global identifier reference  Random nonce – context reference, anti-redirect attack  (Use stronger nonce, if desired)

7 7 Basic capabilities 3.1.1Redundancy Multiple Multiple, independent locators 3.1.2Load Sharing independent Multiple, independent locators 3.1.3Performance May use locators simultaneously 3.1.4Policy OK 3.1.5Simplicity Useful with only two endpoints 3.1.6Transport Survivability Definitely! 3.1.7Impact on DNS SRV record, for mobile targets 3.1.8Packet Filtering OK

8 8 Additional capabilities 3.2.1Scalability Fully distributed into endpoints 3.2.2Impact on Routers None 3.2.3Impact on Hosts Modular, small, optional 3.2.4Host-Routing interaction None 3.2.5Operations & Management Presence, for mobile target 3.2.6Cooperation between Transit Providers None 3.2.7Multiple Solutions? Not needed, but OK 4Security Considerations Same as regular IPv4

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