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Connect[ED] Provincial Training
Helping students learn how to make safe and healthy choices online!
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Partners and Funders This project is funded by: Presenting Partners:
Agenda Safe Schools Ontario Provincial Police Kids Help Phone
Welcome, Introductions, Objectives of the Day The Role of Ophea in this Project Current Risks, Trends and Issues Safe Schools Ontario Provincial Police Kids Help Phone Connect[ED] – Background, Guiding Principles, Goals Exploring Connect[ED] – DVD and Website Connect[ED] Lesson Activities Implementation Action Planning Wrap Up
Welcome and Introductions
Introductions – Ophea team, Regional Education officer, OPP presenter, KHP presenter, participant teams Participant Packages – agenda, PowerPoint presentation, lesson samples, Connect[ED] DVD, Connect[ED] flyer
Objectives of the day By the end of this session participants will be able to: Understand current cyber issues and risks Understand community supports Understand Connect[ED] Develop or have developed an Implementation Action Plan for Connect[ED] in your school community
About Ophea Ophea is… Ophea’s Vision
A provincial not-for-profit organization - established in 1921 and incorporated in 1990 Dedicated to supporting Ontario schools and communities through quality program supports, partnerships, and advocacy Supportive of Health and Physical Education (H&PE) as a foundational component of healthy schools and communities Ophea’s Vision That all children and youth in Ontario value, participate in, and make a lifelong commitment to healthy active living
Ophea’s Programs & Services
Ophea works in partnership with school boards, public health, government, NGOs and private sector organizations to develop and implement initiatives that support healthy active living for all. Ophea’s programs and services: Provide high quality support Address curriculum expectations; are school based and/or community-based Are developed and tested by experts in the field and are consistent with current research and best practices Are continuously evaluated to ensure they meet ongoing client and sector needs Reach educators, public health professionals and sport and recreation/community leaders Are available in English and French
How is Ophea involved in Connect[ED]?
Ophea in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education, OPP and LiveWires developed the CyberCops resources in 2006/2007 Evaluation results from CyberCops: younger children are accessing the Internet and social media need to address Internet safety at an earlier age reinforce learning throughout a student’s education need to support parents – learning can be reinforced at home Multi-sectoral partnership involved in the development of Connect[ED], funded by the Ministry of Education
University of Toronto Evaluation Study
Impact evaluation of Connect[ED] Looking for 4 schools to participate – 3 English schools, 1 French school (2 urban, 2 rural) Within the participating schools – 3 classrooms to participate, students (pre- and post-test survey), teacher (focus test by phone or in-person) parents of the students (focus test by phone or in-person) UofT research assistant will come to participating schools to support information session, consent form administration, parent recruitment, pre-testing, post-testing All decisions to participate in the study or not will be kept confidential along with any information shared
Online Exploitation & Threats
Ontario Provincial Police
What can we do on the Internet?
Find information Create our own website Send Chat/Instant Message Shop Play games Social Network !!!
Is Social Media affecting our youth?
What risks are there? Viewing inappropriate material
Harassment/Cyber bullying Losing touch with real world Frauds and scams Hate Crime Threats Luring Sexual Assault
What are we dealing with?
Predators Cyber bullying Desensitization Scams-personal safety
Statistics 35.9% of CSAI (Child Sexual Abuse Images) depicted actual graphic sexual assaults against children including intercourse, violence, bondage and sadistic sexual offences. 81.2% of CSAI depicts children estimated to be under 12yrs of age. 57.4% were estimated to be under 8yrs age, 83% of CSAI involving female children. Child Sexual Abuse Images, 2009, Canadian Centre for Child Protection Canada ranks second behind Bermuda in Internet usage in North America at 74.9% ( Canada is the 4th highest Facebook usage in the world (Facebook) In 2009 Canadians spent $15.1 billion in online shopping!-up from 12.3 billion in 2007 (Stats Canada) Cyber fraud losses doubled in 2009 to $559.7 MILLION ( 16
Generation X vs Y 99% of Canadian students have used the internet
48% of Canadian students use it at least ONE hour per day 60% of Canadian students use chat rooms or IM (instant messaging) Facts and News,
The internet is REAL The internet and social media is here to stay
The internet is REAL The internet and social media is here to stay. WE can not prevent what we are not aware of….
Overview of Risks Passwords Too much information Webcams CyberBullying
Passwords Passwords Secret questions
Opens door for cyberbullying ie: knowledge is power
Information overload Content understand the info is there forever
Contact teach our youth, people may not be who they say they are Conduct explain to kids the internet is a PUBLIC forum. Be a good person, as you would offline
WEBCAMS Why do you have one? Danger of bringing people into your home
Can see information behind you Ability of other person to take screen shots Can capture in still/video format what someone sees Remote access – related directly to your security while connected to the internet 24
Cyberbullying Power, and aggression gone High tech. Everywhere
Size/speed of audience Permanency Reluctance to tell
Bullying Consequences
Police - Criminal record 60% of boys who bully others have criminal records by age 24 (Bullying Facts, School – Bullying that affects the school climate (on or off school grounds) can result in suspension/expulsion
Bullying Consequences
Police 60% of boys who bully others have criminal records by age 24 School Bullying that affects the school climate (on or off school grounds) can result in suspension/expulsion
Kids Help Phone will improve the well-being of children and youth in Canada by providing them anonymous and confidential professional counselling, referrals and information through technologically-based communications media. To continue to improve and grow Kids Help Phone to ensure we deliver the most effective, timely and valuable counselling, referrals and information to every child, teen and young adult in Canada who could benefit from our support. Since 1989, Kids Help Phone has been on the forefront of kids issues and continues to provide bilingual, toll-free service, by phone and online, 24/7/365
About Kids Help Phone Through the passion and fundraising efforts from a group of concerned community citizens, the phones went live at noon on May 16, 1989. goes live giving young people access to information about issues important to youth. Kids Help Phone’s volunteer chapter expansion program begins across Canada Online counselling is introduced at Kids Help Phone introduces our first capital campaign – a campaign strategically developed to help us to raise necessary funds to reach more kids in more ways. We celebrated 20 years of being there for kids across Canada 24 / 7 / 365. With our kids website update to include 4 distinct websites (Teen & Kids, in English and French), we transformed our online services, offering young people a place to go for age-appropriate, direct and indirect web-based counselling services. Live Chat professional counselling pilot will take place in the Fall of 2011 Developing new modalities and partnerships to reach more kids in new ways
We are here for Children, Teens and Young Adults in Canada
Kids Help Phone is an essential service available to the 6.5 million young people aged 5-20 in Canada (StatsCanada 2010) Kids Help Phone provides free, anonymous, confidential, professional counselling services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in both official languages Kids Help Phone has developed and maintains the largest referrals database for children and youth services in Canada, with 37,000 local services nation-wide (15,000 in Ontario) Our Essential Role in Fostering Positive Mental Health – 8 Key Strengths Doorway to clinical treatment Adjunct to clinical treatment Stigma reduction and safety Lifeline for kids in crisis Always accessible (24/7, in both English and French) Largest community referral database of youth services across Canada Highly recognized and trusted resource for kids, teens and young adults Essential support for those on wait lists for treatment
Kids Help Phone’s Counselling Mandate
Healthy coping includes asking for help.
Who Contacts Kids Help Phone?
We Offer Service to Young People in 7 Ways
Our Teens & Kids Websites
Clinically vetted and thoroughly researched information Clear indication of phone and online counselling options Addition of a section called Get Involved for youth engagement programs Feature area engages youth emotionally and establishes ‘this is the right place for me’ Interactive tools using a variety of media including quizzes, polls and games to capture the imagination and interest of kids in the course of providing information and counselling. Info Booth allows kids to quickly scan for information on the topic important to their own situation 35
Info Booth – More than 55 topics
A Great Resource for Educators, Students & Parents
2011 Kids topics (ages 8-11) Abuse in the family Sadness
Grief and loss Dating Depression (when you feel said most of the time) Anxiety (when you worry a lot) Friends Test stress Online gaming Gambling Money Getting a good night’s sleep
Our Funding Reality
4 Ways You Can Help WALK FOR US – Walk So Kids Can Talk
Sunday, May 6, 2012 – Walk for Kids Help Phone In 2011, more than $125,000 was raised by students & schools across Canada to support kids who access our service VISIT US – go to to: Order our FREE materials for your school ( Sign up to receive our newsletter View our critical issue reports (Mental Health, Online Gaming, Cyberbullying & more) FOLLOW US SHARE US – Recommend us to your colleagues and friends and pass along our information –
Thank You!
What is Connect[ED]? Web-based resource (also available as a DVD), Ophea’s H&PE Curriculum Resources Video episodes, for each of Grades 4, 5 and 6, combining animation with exciting and informative live action Teacher lesson plans directly linked to H&PE and Media Literacy Take home lessons for students to complete with their parent/guardian Teacher resource section Parent resource section Additional online tools to support learning – child/parent Internet safety agreement, teacher training tools, parent module
Connect[ED] Curriculum Connections
Health and Physical Education (H&PE) Connect[ED] is linked to Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, which helps students recognize, assess and control potentially dangerous situations in order to reduce risk of injury. Connect[ED] reinforces living skills such as: self-advocacy conflict resolution anger management decision making assertiveness resistance refusal techniques
Connect[ED] Curriculum Connections
Language – Media Literacy To develop media literacy skills, students need opportunities to view, analyze and discuss a wide variety of media texts. Connect[ED] allows students to reflect on the messages portrayed in the videos and examine whether they are a useful form of media to deliver credible information about Internet Safety. Character Education Connect[ED] integrates character education through an understanding and application of online ethics. One of the key areas of focus of this resource is on “netiquette” - communicating respectfully online.
Goals of Connect[ED] Educate students about Internet safety and cyber ethics Facilitate the development of critical and creative thinking skills, such as problem solving and decision making skills, that will enable students to make informed decisions online in a way that replicates the decisions they would make in real life Support educators as they strengthen their knowledge and comfort level in teaching Internet safety Support parents as they increase their knowledge of and comfort with the online world and begin to engage in productive discussions with their children about appropriate online behavior Support the sharing of Internet safety information between parents, students, educators and other community members
Guiding Principles of Connect[ED]
Build critical and creative thinking skills Effectively engage students Focus on current technologies Employ a cross-curricular approach to learning – connections to H&PE, Language (Media Literacy), character education, Catholic graduate expectations and Fully Alive Available in a variety of formats Focus on a Healthy School approach Focus on a harm reduction approach Highlight additional resources and community partners Support teachers and parents
Bullying Prevention and Intervention- Bill 144
School Level Plans Bullying prevention and intervention plans must include: Definition of bullying Prevention and awareness-raising strategies Intervention and support strategies Reporting requirements Training strategies Communication and outreach strategies Monitoring and review processes Safe Schools Team Includes at least one student, parent, teacher, non teaching staff member, once community partners, one principal
Exploring Connect[ED]
Connect[ED] Homepage
Before You Get Started
Grade Specific Pages
Lesson Plan
Teacher Resource Section
Teacher Training Tools
Parent/Guardian Section
Internet Safety Agreements
About Section
Before You Get Started: Equipment
DVD Player/ TV Or Computer with Internet
Before You Get Started: Parent/Guardian Letter
The parent/guardian letter helps to generate dialogue between child, parent and teacher, and should be sent home one to two weeks prior to the unit. School letterhead should be added Consider requesting parent or guardian signature to ensure that the letter is received and read
Before You Get Started: How to Use Connect[ED]
Step 1: Download your complete Connect[ED] unit for Grade 4, Grade 5 or Grade 6. You may want to save or print this PDF. Step 2: Prepare to teach the Unit Send the grade-specific Letter to Parents/Guardians home with students before starting the lessons Become familiar with the video episodes and lesson plans before teaching them to students.
Grade 4 – Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian
Dear Parent or Guardian: In the near future, we will begin the Connect[ED] unit (available online at on Internet Safety that addresses the Healthy Living strand of the Health and Physical Education curriculum. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the topics that will be covered as well as the Parent Section of the resource. This unit will cover the following curriculum expectations: • Identify risks associated with communications technology (e.g., Internet and cell phone use, including participation in gaming and online communities and the use of text messaging), and describe precautions and strategies for using these technologies safely • Describe various types of bullying and abuse (e.g., social, physical, verbal), including bullying using technology (e.g., via , text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify appropriate ways of responding • Communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information accurately as they acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living • Use a range of critical and creative thinking processes to assist them in making connections, planning and setting goals, analyzing and solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating their choices in connection with learning in health It is our belief that you as parents/guardians play the most significant role in the formation of your child’s values and behaviours. Recognizing the challenge that parents face becoming familiar with, and keeping up with the ever-changing world of technology, the website, includes a Parent Section. This section includes age specific information, chat lingo, suggestions for opening a dialogue with your child, how to recognize safe and reliable websites as well as a directory on where to go for more information on related topics. A parent lesson is also included in this unit which will offer the opportunity to open up a dialogue with your child about important issues related to the Internet that were discussed in class and strategies you may want to consider while using the Internet at home. Watch for your child to bring this home in the coming weeks. Should you have any concerns, or if you would like further information about this unit, I can be reached at:____________________
Before You Get Started: How to Use the Video
Step 3: Watch the videos and teach the lessons Option 1 (Recommended) Day 1: Watch Part 1 of the video and teach Lesson 1 Day 2: Watch Part 2 of the video and teach Lesson 2 Day 3: Watch Part 3 (and Part 4 in Grades 4 and 5 only) of the video and teach Lesson 3 Day 4: Teach Lesson 4 with the culminating activity Option 2 View the video episodes in one complete sequence during one class (skipping past all of the optional ‘stops’ ! ) and then teach the lessons in subsequent classes.
Before You Get Started: Possible Disclosure and Bill 212
During the presentation of Connect[ED], students may disclose personal experiences of an abusive nature related to cyberbullying or other potentially dangerous online experiences. New legislation, Bill 212 and Keeping Our Kids Safe at School Act, recognizes cyberbullying as an offense for which a student can be suspended or expelled and requires educators to report incidents. The Bill further extends the right of educators to discipline students for actions occurring off school property and outside school activities, where the incident has an impact on school climate.
Connect[ED] Lesson Format
Learning Goals Facility and Materials Minds On Action with A&E Consolidation with A&E Ideas for Extension Notes to Teacher Additional Resources and Websites
Sample Lesson Learning Goals
By the end of the lesson students will be able to: describe appropriate netiquette and Internet safety behaviour and will describe different types of bullying with a focus on cyberbullying apply a decision making model and use problem solving skills to address risks and dangers to their own personal safety and the safety of others in a variety of on-line situations.
Sample Key Questions Am I able to describe appropriate behaviour online and recognize when cyberbullying is occurring? Can I make decisions and solve problems to address threats to my personal safety and injury prevention? Can I apply personal and interpersonal skills to help promote positive interactions with my peers? How will my choices and actions online (both negative and positive) affect and impact others? Can I interpret and analyze a variety of media forms and recognize the impact they have upon me and others?
A Closer Look: Lesson Review
With a partner decide which grade lesson each of you will review. Review the lessons looking for examples of the following: Integrated H&PE content with media literacy topics Student centered approach to teaching Examples of teacher/student prompts Differentiated Instruction (DI) Share your thoughts with an elbow partner Share your thoughts with the table group
Let’s Take a Look – Grade 4
Grade 4 Lesson 1 Sample Minds On
What do you Know about Cyber Safety? 1. The Internet always gives you accurate information if you are doing research. True - Pogo Jump False – March
Grade 4 Lesson 1 Sample Minds On
What do you Know about Cyber Safety? 2. There are ways to make sure you are always safe and your information is private on the Internet. True - Pogo Jump False - March.
Let’s Take a Look – Grade 5
Grade 5 Lesson 1 Sample Action
Teacher prompt: “As you can see from the Connect[ED] video, cyberbullying is on the rise, and just like the characters in the video, students like you, are frequently being cyberbullied or are observers of cyberbullying and are being forced to make difficult decisions. Most students aren’t sure what to do, or who or where to turn to for help. In the Connect[ED] video there are several characters who are faced with a variety of cyberbullying issues. Using a decision making model, we are going to help the characters make good decisions by analyzing the problem.”
Let’s Take a Look – Grade 6
Grade 6 Lesson 1 Sample Consolidation
In a large class discussion, discuss with students their responses to the Student Resource 1: Managing Conflict. Remind the students that at the beginning of the lesson you asked them to think about the impact of the media text (video). In large class discussion, ask the students if they thought that the video was an effective media form in sharing the message of “creating safer online communities for Grade six students”. Would it have been more effective if the message were presented in a magazine article, song or a blog? Why/why not? Refer back to the Learning Goals and have students self assess their understanding of the lesson Learning Goals using the Thumbs Up Strategy.
Tools for Assessment and Evaluation
The following tools for assessment and evaluation are included throughout the lessons in this resource. The results of all assessments gathered using these tools are measured against the levels and qualifiers outlined in the Achievement Chart. Rubrics Checklists Anecdotal Recording Charts
Additional Supports Grade 5 – Parent/Guardian Lesson
Use the information from your child’s brochure to help you develop an agreement between you and your child on how to ensure a healthy and safe online experience in your home. Go to the Connect[ED] website, and click on the Parent/Child Internet Safety Agreement and work together with your child to develop an agreement that can be signed by all parties and posted near your computer at home.
Connect[ED] Team Implementation Action Planning
Implementation Action Planning template Goals of the implementation Examination of individual roles Target Audience Who needs to be involved Development of implementation Action Plan Ophea Incentive Group Sharing
Objectives check in Self check: Are you able to:
Understand current cyber issues and risks Understand community supports Understand Connect[ED] Develop or have developed an Implementation Action Plan for Connect[ED] in your school community
Support Teacher Training Tools – Teacher Training Module, Parent Module, Training Wiki, FAQs Send in Implementation Action Plans Training workshop evaluation
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