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Dublin, 23.02.2011 ECN Annual Meeting 2011 Dublin 23 February 2011 16:00 h - 20:00 h.

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Presentation on theme: "Dublin, 23.02.2011 ECN Annual Meeting 2011 Dublin 23 February 2011 16:00 h - 20:00 h."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dublin, 23.02.2011 ECN Annual Meeting 2011 Dublin 23 February 2011 16:00 h - 20:00 h

2 Dublin, 23.02.2011 Agenda 16:00 – 17:30 h TOP 1 Welcome and opening of the meeting TOP 2 Approval of the agenda and votes TOP 3 Annual review of activities TOP 3.1 Report of the ECN Board TOP 3.2 Report of the Executive Directors TOP 3.3 Report of the ECN-QAS Manager TOP 4 Report of the Treasurer TOP 4.1 Financial Report 2009 TOP 4.2 Financial Report 2010 TOP 5 Exoneration of the Board/Treasurer TOP 6 New ECN statutes

3 Dublin, 23.02.2011 Agenda 17:45 – 19:30 h TOP 7 New ECN structure TOP 8 Work items and schedule 2011 TOP 9 Budget plan for 2011 TOP 10 Proposal for a new ECN fee structure TOP 11 ECN Board elections TOP 12 Any other business 20:00 h Common Dinner

4 Dublin, 23.02.2011 Annual Meeting 2011 TOP 1 Welcome and opening of the meeting Roll call of deglegates TOP 2 Approval of Agenda, approval of votes Call for Annual meeting 2 February 2011 Participants: Votes:

5 Dublin, 23.02.2011 Annual Review of activities TOP 3 Annual review of activities TOP 3.1 Report of the ECN Board TOP 3.2 Report of eh Executive Directors TOP 3.3 Report of the ECN-QAS Manager

6 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.1 Report of the ECN Board 4 Board meetings/telephone conference  14 February 2010 Barcelona Requirements for new ECN as independent European Organisation  8 July 2010 Cologne New organisational structure of ECN  5 October 2010 Cologne New ECN statutes, Mission and Vision, Working group structure  8 Dezember 2010 Telephone conference Preparation of Annual meeting 2011

7 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.1 Report of the ECN Board The work of the Board was focused mainly on the reorganisation of ECN:  Proposal for new ECN statutes (TOP 6)  Rules for Board elections  ECN Mission and Vision  Proposal for new ECN structure (TOP 7)  ECN rules of Internal procedure  Development of a new working group structure (TOP 8)  Implementation of 5 working groups  Proposal for new ECN fee structure (TOP 10)  As a pre-requisite for establishing ECN in Europe

8 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.1 Report of the ECN Board Status of the ECN Membership

9 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors Activity Report 2010 February – Support of the Spanish EU presidency with proposals for speakers for the European Bio-waste Conference in Barcelona 15 th of February 2010 March - Support of the Rapporteur of EP ENVI J. M. Fernandes with biowaste data from Europe for comments for the Green Paper on Bio-waste Management - Draft Report 2009/2153 April to November - Participation in meetings at DG Sanco and comments to the revision of the Animal by products regulation EC 1069 - mainly to the various versions of implementation rules for compost and biogas plants

10 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors May - Internal comments to ECN members to DG Env.'s "COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT" on future steps in bio-waste management in the European Union {SEC(2010) 577} May - Co-organisation and participation in Tajex event INFRA 34741 "Bio-waste Management" organised in co-operation with the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria in Sofia June - Participation in stakeholder meeting of the Commission on "Soils and biodiversity"

11 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors July - Comment in the framework of stakeholder consul- tation to document: “Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions in the Management of Bio-waste. A practical guide to Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the context of bio-waste management” October - Participation in Commission's consulting on whether to include land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) in the EU's CO 2 reduction commitment October - Comments to DG Environment's "Working Document on Sludge and Biowaste" - 21. Sept. 2010 with recommendations to End-of-Waste Standards for compost and digestate and quality categories for biodegradable waste

12 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors October - Collection of information about existing composting and digestion process validation systems in Europe incl. translation into English as support for the EFSA and DG Sanco. Process validation of composting and anaerobic digestion plants is foreseen as part implementation of the revised Animal by products regulation EC 1069. Work for a European solution will go in 2011. November - Co-organisation and presentations at the international ORBIT conference "Soil and latest development with the implementation of Waste Framework Directive" in Valladolid, Spain.

13 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors November - Comments to stakeholder consultation to a study on behalf of the EU Commission aimed at developing a proposal for limit values for the following POPs: PBDEs, PFOS and PeCB (and proposing any other accompanying measures, if necessary), as well as assessing the potential; consequences of the proposal, in particular on other waste streams that are currently recycled. December - Update and enlargement to data on digestates, sludge and manure of the report "Compost production and use in Europe" which was compiled in 2008 for JRC/IPTS in Seville for the development of a methodology on End-of- Waste standards. This devel- opment will go on in 2011 and ITPS will develop a proposal.

14 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors Study tours June - Study tour with presentations for the Estonian Biowaste cluster on compost quality assurance, small scale and decentralise composting, compost marketing and use in Germany June - Study tour for a Swedish waste management association on success stories about mechanical biological treatment of residual waste with focus on digestion November - Study tour in Germany and Netherlands for the officer in charge from JRC/IPTS in Seville for the revision and extension of the End-of-Waste (compost, digestate, sludge) methodology

15 Dublin, 23.02.2011 TOP 3.2 Report of Executive Directors FP7-Project Compo-Ball from 2010-2012 Research Project “Wireless Online Monitoring for Temperature and Humidity during composting” Project-Partner: 7 Compost organisations, 3 universities, 6 waste management companies from 9 countries Roll of ECN: Key partner in the consortium, responsible for co-ordination and dissemination of results Jan. 2011: ECN invited the consortium for the review meeting of the R&D after 1 year project time. A good progress has been made in the project and in April 2011 the first prototypes will be available for field and handling tests of the balls during composting incl. turning and screening.

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