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1 Guy Wormser LAL Orsay Barcelona, May 8 2009 Status of Project Warwick April 14,2009Marcello A. Giorgi.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Guy Wormser LAL Orsay Barcelona, May 8 2009 Status of Project Warwick April 14,2009Marcello A. Giorgi."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Guy Wormser LAL Orsay Barcelona, May 8 2009 Status of Project Warwick April 14,2009Marcello A. Giorgi

2 Talk outline Brief Physics case for SuperB Present SuperB project Status The tests in Frascati The machine design and the recent Machine Advisory committee report The detector and detector R&D SuperB and ILC synergy Next steps Conclusion

3 Flavour physics in the LHC era The main objective is to unravel the flavor structure of the New Physics and the mechanisms causing its specific pattern Very good sensitivity to NP thru CP violation asymmetries and rare decays Double-prong attack on the quark and lepton sectors 3 3


5 Is there a no-loose theorem? In the assumption of a MFV scenario, is the LHC mass range well covered? Is the sensitivity in the leptonic sector meaningful in the LHC era? –The answer is PROBABLY YES if you can integrate at least 75 ab -1 with a Super B machine This requires a luminosity in excess of 10 36 during 5 years

6 Present knowledge about NP obtained by B factories and Tevatron

7 A conversation between Flavour Physics, LHC and ILC When evidence is found for New Physics at the LHC, attention will turn to understanding the details – Is it SUSY? What type of symmetry breaking? – Is it extra dimensions? Are they warped? The ILC will eventually sharpen the picture by, for example, measuring slepton masses SuperB/LHCb will be crucial to an understanding of the flavor sector of any type of new physics –Is there charged lepton flavor violation? –Are there new CP phases ? –Is there a charged Higgs ? –Is there minimal flavor violation in the (s)quark sector? 7

8 What is needed to know, once SUSY is found!

9 Sensitivity extends to high mass scales 9 s ~ New Physics contribution (2-3 transition) In this case the main constraints are b  s  A CP ( b  s   ) A CP magenta B(s  ) green B(sll) cyan All constr. blue MSSM + generic soft SUSY breaking terms 1 10 1 10 -1 10 -2 In the red regions the  are measured with a significance >3  away from zero Arg(  23 ) LR =(44.5± 2.6) o = (0.026 ± 0.005) 1 TeV g b b s ~ ~

10 Lepton flavor violation (LFV) Lepton flavor violation is unobservably small in the Standard Model Neutrino mixing proves that there is neutral LFV The next natural question is whether there is charged LFV? Will the neutrino pattern be repeated? –If so, then LFV will be largest in 3  2 transitions Best bets: 10

11 11




15 Physics Physics goals have been discussed inside the SuperB community in the CDR published in May 2007 and in the proceedings of the Valencia SuperB Workshop in 2008.It was reviewed in April 2008 by the IRC appointed by the President of INFN. Warwick April 14,200915Marcello A. Giorgi

16 CDR signatures: some numbers 320 Signatures About 85 institutions 174 Babar members –65 non Babar exper. Signatures breakdown by country Warwick April 14,200916Marcello A. Giorgi

17 Towards SuperB approval May 2008, Physics case positively reviewed by IRC Sep 2008 Presentation to CERN Council (European Strategy session) Nov 2008 : ECFA report Dec 2008 : SuperB TDR phase approved by INFN. Regional government votes 5M€/year support for TDR preparation 15 Feb 2009 Official launch of the TDR Phase in Orsay March 9 2009 : Interview of the Italian Minister of Research (after a visit to Frascati and CERN) : Plan to support research to be presented at the next G8 meeting includes a « machina » to be built in Italy to attract international researchers March 20, 2009: Large European Laboratory directors meeting : unanimous support for SuperB TDR April 24, 2009 : Report from the Machine Advisory Committee

18 …. B GRANDE INFRASTRUTTURA Sarà costruita una «macchina» (sul modello dell' acceleratore Lhc di Ginevra) in grado di effettuare ricerca d' avanguardia a livello internazionale e di attirare scienziati stranieri 314051.shtml March 14, 2009

19 Ultra-low emittance (ILC-DR like) Very small  at IP Large crossing angle “Crab Waist” scheme Small collision area Lower  is  possible NO parasitic crossings NO synchro-betatron resonances due to crossing angle P. Raimondi’s idea to focus more the beams at IP and have a “large” crossing angle  large Piwinski angle The machine :A new “superb” idea! Test started at DA  NE in November !!!


21 DA  NE (KLOE run) DA  NE Upgrade I bunch (mA)13 N bunch 110  y * (cm) 1.80.85  x * (cm) 16026  y * (  m) 5.4 low curr 3.1  x * (  m) 700260  z (mm) 2520 Horizontal tune shift 0.040.008 Vertical tune shift0.040.055  cross (mrad) (half) 12.525  Piwinski 0.452.0 L (cm -2 s -1 )1.5x10 32 >5x10 32 DA  NE (KLOE run) DA  NE Upgrade BEAM PROFILES @IP AND NEW PARAMETERS 3 times more luminosity obtained just with 3 times smaller vertical beam

22 Crab Waist Works: First Experimental Evidence Crab Sextupoles on all the time since the first time we tested them

23 Present Performances Peak Luminosity: 4.36e32 (1.52e32) obtained with 1.40 (1.55) Amps e- vs 1.1 (1.25) Amps e+ 105 (110) Bunches Peak Hourly rate 1.023 (0.44) pb-1/hour Peak Daily rate 15.0 (9.83) pb-1 with long coasting (Long coasting needed for Siddharta, not for Kloe or Finuda) Red are the Kloe records before the upgrade

24 Luminosity [10 28 cm -2 s -1 ]  y=18mm, Pw_angle=0.6  y=9mm, Pw_angle=1.9  y=25mm, Pw_angle=0.3 LPA alone gives more luminosity Data averaged on a full day

25 Specific Luminosity [10 28 cm -2 s -1 ]  y=18mm, Pw_angle=0.6  y=9mm, Pw_angle=1.9  y=25mm, Pw_angle=0.3 Same beam sizes and specific luminosity at low current with an without Crab Sextupoles

26 Beam-Beam Simulation of DAFNE (Ohmi) (Fall 2008)

27 Key technical advances for Super-B Crossing angle IR with large Piwinski angle Crab waist scheme (Raimondi et al) Very low IR vertical and horizontal beta functions Low horizontal and vertical emittances

28 Beams distribution at IP Crab sextupoles OFF Crab sextupoles ON waist line is orthogonal to the axis of one bunch waist moves to the axis of other beam All particles from both beams collide in the minimum  y region, with a net luminosity gain E. Paoloni With Crab-sextupoles Without Crab-sextupoles

29 Tor Vergata Site

30 Potential Frascati LNF Location

31 From July 2008 Mini-MAC

32 Super-B Parameter Options

33 All lattices reuse PEP-II hardware components Total length 1800 m 280 m 20 m L mag (m)0.455.4 PEP HER-194 PEP LER194- SBF HER-130 SBF LER22418 SBF Total224148 Needed300 Dipoles L mag (m)0.560.730.430.70.4 PEP HER20282--- PEP LER--353-- SBF HER165108-22 SBF LER8810816522 SBF Total 25321616544 Needed51*134044 Quads Available Needed All PEP-II magnets are reused. Dimensions and fields are properly sized. L mag (m)0.250.5 PEP HER/LER188- SBF Total3724 Needed1844 Sexts M. Biagini

34 SuperB Interaction Region Layout View (Jan 2009) Sullivan M. Sullivan

35 Simulations for SuperB Strong-Strong Weak-Strong Quasi-Strong-Strong K. Ohmi (M. Zobov’s talk)

36 Possible layout with spin rotators near IR (Wienands, Wittmer)

37 TDR Topic List Collider design Two rings lattice Injection System Polarized gun damping rings spin manipulators linac positron converter beam transfer systems Polarization insertion IR design beam stay clear ultra-low emittance tuning detector solenoid compensation coupling correction orbit correction stability beam-beam simulations beam dynamics and instabilities single beam effects operation issues injection scheme Vacuum system Arcs pipe Straights pipe IR pipe e-cloud remediation electrodes bellows impedance budget simulations pumping system Diagnostics Beam position monitors Luminosity monitor Current monitors Synchrotron light monitor R&D on diagnostics for low emittance Feedbacks Transverse Longitudinal Orbit Luminosity Electronics & software Control system Architecture Design Peripherals RF System RF specifications RF feedbacks Low level RF Synchronization and timing Site Civil construction Infrastructures & buildings Power plants Fluids plants Radiation safety Magnets Design of missing magnets Refurbishing existing magnets Field measurements QD0 construction Power supplies Injection kickers Mechanical layout and alignment Injector supports

38 Conclusions for the machine The Super-B parameters are being optimized around 1 x 10 36. The team is addressing the Mini-MAC suggestions from the July meeting. IR present design is a strong basis on which to start adding subtle features. IR polarization (spin) rotators have now been added to the HER lattice. Polarization has changed the geometrical layout. Beam-beam and dynamic aperture calculations have started. The new lattice layouts show improvement. Beam loading and RF parameters have taken the next solid step. Looks acceptable. Planning for the Technical Design Report has started. The areas for further concentration: –Look for issues with the potential new site –Lattice emittance tuning and dynamic aperture –Vibration measurements and active damping for IR –Polarization geometry and tolerances –IR engineering –Next round of beam-beam interaction studies –Beam dynamics studies (ECI for e+ and ions for e-)

39 Comparison of Super-B to “Old” SuperKEKB ParameterSuper-BSuper- KEKB EnergyGeV4x73.5x8 Luminosity10 36 /cm 2 /s 1.00.4 Beam Currents Amps1.9x1.910.0x4.0  y* mm0.22/0.3 9 3.0  x* cm3.5x2.020. Crossing angle (full) mrad4830 RF power (AC line) MW17~85 Tune shifts(x/y)0.004/0. 15 0.24/0.40

40 Super-KEKB  Nano-Beam Collider (April 2009) (Oide)

41 Super-KEKB options (Ohnishi April 2009)

42 Machine Advisory Committee statement on Viability Important progress since last meeting. Examples –Crab waist studies very convincing Demonstrated improvement of ~3 from CW –Beam-beam simulation Benchmarked at DA  NE Increased confidence in weak-strong given validation from strong-strong –New IR design Removes cold bore BSC increased significantly Reduced power levels on components Faster separation (larger crossing angle) Mini-MAC recognizes this important progress

43 1.Viability continued Mini-MAC now feels secure in enthusiastically encouraging the SuperB design team to proceed to the TDR phase, with confidence that the design parameters are achievable

44 Warwick April 14,2009Marcello A. Giorgi44 28 Nov,2008Marcello A.Giorgi44 Detector Layout – Reuse parts of Babar (or Belle) BASELINE OPTION

45 Organization Chart for TDR Phase Accelerator R&D, Engineering and Construction Accelerator Technical Board Detector R&D, Engineering and Construction Detector Technical Board Site computing system, offline Infrastructure,Facilities, Services Oversight Board International Board of Representatives R&D + Preparatory Studies Linac Magnets Mech. Design IR/Final Focus Vacuum Transfer Lines Alignment Diagnostics Polarization Parameters Optics Beam Dynamics RF/Feedback Fluid Supplies Damping Rings Control System Power Supplies Rad. Protection Tunnel, power, water, utilities, ……… Computing (M.Morandin) Accelerator Consortium (J.Seeman ) Detector Collaboration (F.Forti B.Ratcliff) Local Infrastructure (S.Tomassini) SVT DCH PID EMC IFR Magnet Offline Computing Online Computing Electronics Trigger DAQ Rad. Monitor Lum. Monitor MDI Computing Model Mini-MAC Mini-DET Mini-COMP SuperB Project Office - TDR Phase Director (M.Giorgi) Deputy Director 1 (D.Hitlin) Deputy Director 2 (D.Leith) Deputy Director 3 (G.Wormser) Administrative and scientific staff Warwick April 14,200945Marcello A. Giorgi

46 Steering Committee Since 2006 a Steering Committee is in place M.G. ( INFN Italy-Chair) W.Gradl (Germany) P.Harrison (UK) D.Hitlin (USA) H.Jawahery (USA) D.Leith (USA) E.Levichev(Russia) F. Martinez-Vidal (Spain) P.Raimondi (INFN Italy) M.Roney (Canada) G.Wormser (France) + Detector Coordinators +Accelerator Coordinators This committee is in a restructuring phase and will evolve into the International board of representatives. Warwick April 14,200946Marcello A. Giorgi

47 Detector R&D Main parts of Babar to reuse –Quartz bars of the DIRC –Barrel EMC CsI(Tl) crystal and mechanical structure –Superconducting coil and flux return yoke. SysR&DEngineering SVTLayer 0 thin pixels Low mass mechanical support Silicon strip layers Readout architecture DCHHigh speed waveform digitizingCF mechanical structure Gas speed, cell size Barrel PIDPhoton detection for quartz barsStandoff box replacement Forw PIDTime of flight option Focusing RICH option Mechanical integration. Electronics EMCLYSO characterization Light detection Readout electronics Forward EMC mechanical support IFRFiber disposition in scintillatorLocation of photo-detectors ETDHigh speed data link Radiation hard devices Trigger strategy Bhabha rejection Warwick April 14,200947Marcello A. Giorgi

48 Resources for Detector and Computing Warwick April 14,200948Marcello A. Giorgi Half the people are still missing fot the TDR phase : you can help!

49 ILC and Super B synergies Machine – The superB rings and ILC damping rings are extremely similar: same goal in terms of emittance –Strong similarity between SuperB Interaction regions and ILC interaction region –Same electron polarisation scheme Detector –Vertex detector R&D quite similar –Electronics, trigger, DAQ,…

50 The next steps Next SuperB general meeting June 16-20 in Perugia –October 1-5 at SLAC –December in Frascati June 2009: encouraging statement from Italian governement is expected Bilateral MoUs to be signed between INFN and international partners Statement from CERN council reagrding SuperB as part of the European Strategy expected in September 2009 Intermediate document to be transmitted to Italian governement at the end of 2009 Groundbreaking start hoped in 2010, together with SPARC-X project TDR written : end 2010

51 Conclusions Flavor physics presents an very exciting opportunity to understand new physics uncovered at the LHC LCHb and SuperB factory are very complementary tools. A superb new idea to build a machine of unprecedented luminosity. Tests at DAFNE demonstrated the concept! Machine Advisory Committee endorsed the machine feasability. There is a real chance that a SuperB project be approved in Europe provided it is very vigorously pushed by the new Italian government TDR phase now in full steam, time to join! To be completed by end 2010 Important synergy with ILC key elements Expected first beams in 2015…. 51

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