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TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Hypermedia Presentation Adaptation on the Semantic Web Flavius Frasincar Geert-Jan Houben

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Presentation on theme: "TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Hypermedia Presentation Adaptation on the Semantic Web Flavius Frasincar Geert-Jan Houben"— Presentation transcript:

1 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Hypermedia Presentation Adaptation on the Semantic Web Flavius Frasincar Geert-Jan Houben

2 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Overview Motivation and Goals HERA Design Methodology Conceptual Design Application Design Adaptation Design Prototype and Rendering Conclusion

3 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Motivation: WIS Engineering Methodologies exist for manual hypermedia presentation design, HERA targets automated presentation Automated presentation is important for databased content (the ‘deep web’) as opposed to manually crafted content (the ‘surface web’): most WIS are data driven

4 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Motivation: Adaptation Presentations must be adaptable to different users/user platforms Devices (PC, PDA, WAP Phone, WebTV etc.) Device capabilities (display size, memory size, network speed, etc.) User preferences (desired layout, navigation patterns, etc.) User browsing history

5 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Goals Develop a methodology for automated hypermedia presentation design (generation) that –is intended for Web-based information systems (WIS) –integrates heterogeneous data sources –facilitates presentation (server/client-side) adaptation to device capabilities and user preferences –enables semi-structured data queries

6 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven HERA Architecture

7 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Hera Design Methodology Originates from RMM (Relationship Management Methodology) Suggests a sequence of design steps to be taken when designing a web application Supports –integration of heterogeneous information –automated presentation design –user/platform adaptation

8 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Hera Design Methodology

9 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Conceptual Model (CM) Provides a uniform semantic view over different data sources that are integrated within a given Web application Consists of hierarchies of concepts relevant within the given domain, their properties, and relations Encoded in RDF(S)

10 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Conceptual Model Example

11 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven CM Example RDF(S) Syntax

12 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Application Model (AM) Captures navigational view over CM, describing hypermedia aspects Slices are meaningful presentation units: –Associated to concepts from CM –Containing properties/attributes and possibly other slices Slices are linked together with slice relationships: –Aggregation relationships: index, tour, indexed guided tour etc. –Reference relationships: link with an anchor specified Encoded in RDF(S)

13 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Application Model Example

14 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven AM Example RDF(S) Syntax

15 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Adaptation WIS are accessed through multitude of devices and by different users –Device capabilities –User preferences –Browsing history Adaptation based on conditioning the appearance of slices in AM

16 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Adaptation/User Model Captures two kinds of adaptation Adaptability takes into account the situation in which the user will use the presentation (e.g. the browsing platform) Adaptivity means that the presentation changes itself according to the “state of the user’s mind” while being browsed Consists of Device/User Profile captures “static” visual and platform preferences encoded in CC/PP User Session represents the dynamic user’s state, e.g. did the user visit (learn) this slice (concept) Application and Update Rules describe the behavior of the presentation (e.g. conditional slices in AM) and keep the User Session up-to-date (AHAM rules)

17 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Adaptation Model Example

18 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Adaptation Model Syntax Adaptability Condition Adaptivity Condition <rdfs:Class rdf:ID=“Slice.painter.main” slice:condition=“us:Biography =false”> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID=“Slice.painting.picture” slice:condition=“prf:ImageCapable=Yes”> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID=“Slice.painting.main” slice:condition=“us:Painter > 10”>

19 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Profile Example Device/User Profile (CC/PP encoding) Screen size: 100x80 Preferred language: English English … No 100x80 …

20 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Update Rule (AHA) Example Update the Biography record in the User Session table to true after the user visited “Slice.painter.main”. … USValue us.Biography(“Rembrandt”) … false … USValue us.Biography(“Rembrandt”) … true …

21 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Update Rule (AHA) Example … USValue us.Painter(“Rembrandt”) … 0 (<10) … USValue us.Painter(“Rembrandt”) … 40%x35=14 (>10) …

22 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Presentation Model Based on the concept of region which contains attributes and possibly other regions Each region has a rectangular area associated Slices are translated to regions, one slice can be mapped to several regions Slice relationships are materialized with: –Navigational relationships –Spatial relationships –Temporal relationships

23 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Presentation Model Example

24 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven XSL Prototype XSLT code generation Two code generators: –HTML for PC Web browsers –WML code for WAP phone browsers XSL HTML WML

25 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Rendering

26 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Rendering

27 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Summary Hera methodology originated from RMM, suggests a sequence of design steps Our framework supports –integration of heterogeneous information (CM populated from several heterogeneous data sources) –automated presentation design: AM serves as a presentation blue print from which a concrete presentation is derived (w.r.t. a query) –user/platform adaptation (adaptability and adaptivity)

28 TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Future Work Adaptation in all design steps including the Conceptual Model and Integration Model Experiment with higher ontology languages (e.g. DAML+OIL) as the basis for the CM Further development of tools for presentation rendering Authoring tools that would help the designer to build specification models in all design steps

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