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International Organization
International Organization for Standardization
Presentation of ISO/CASCO
by Mr. Sean Mac Curtain Head Conformity Assessment CEOC International conference and meetings of the Technical Committees Rome, Italy 26 May 2008
Contents Presentation of Standards and ISO Presentation of ISO/CASCO
Conformity Assessment CASCO Toolbox Certificates (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001)
Standards are a major asset for…
States and communities – Economic competitivity and access to world markets, regulation, sustainable development, loyal competition, public purchases… Companies – Technology transfer, market knowledge, good management practices, quality recognition… Consumers – Products and services comparison, quality improvement, information on performance, security and impact on environment Researchers – Measurements, risk assessment, dissemination of innovation, not re-inventing the wheel!
Presentation of ISO ISO is part of the World Standards Cooperation (WSC) IEC and ITU are also International Standards developers and publishers. Multi-discipline and cross sector For electrotechnology For telecommunications WSC
ISO governance / structure
GA: Council Functions: Most of the governance functions of the Organization . In accordance with the policy laid down by the member bodies Council composition: 18 member bodies, Elected according to a ranking scheme based on a set of criteria, One representative per Council member Council Reporting bodies: Council standing committees, CSC/FIN and CSC/STRAT (established in 1998), Technical Management Board (TMB), Policy Development Committees (PDCs), IT Strategies Implementation Group (ITSIG), Commercial Policies Steering Group (CPSG) TMB Functions: Defines and oversees application of procedures for technical work, Decides on new TCs and allocation of work to TCs, Resolves conflicts of technical nature TMB Composition: 12 member bodies, Elected according to a ranking scheme based on a set of criteria, One representative per TMB member ISOCS:The Central Secretariat provide services to the structure, acts as secretariat to the GA, Council,TMB and policy development committees. They manage the production of standards in terms of voting, editing, publication etc
Collection of more than 17 000 ISO Standards
Presentation of ISO 157 national members 98% of world GDP 97% of world population Participate Collection of more than ISO Standards experts 3 093 technical bodies (Technical Committees, Working Groups,…) Coordinate 155 full-time staff at ISO Central Secretariat Operational costs are financed: 60% through membership fees 40% through sales of publications 620 international organizations are in liaison with ISO technical committees and subcommittees
Distribution of ISO members per continent as of 1 January 2008
MB distribution per continent MB+MC+MS distribution per continent 29 44 30 18 38 36 17 43 3 4 Oceania Europe Total: 105 Americas Total: 157 Africa (95 in 2003) (147 in 2003) Asia
Yearly production of new and revised standards 2001 – 2007
1388 1247 1240 1105 995 889 813 184 113 97 79 67 54 41 Standards withdrawn New standards Revised standards
Some topical issues in ISO
Food safety Security Environment and climate change Energy efficiency and renewable sources Services Social Responsibility Information and Communication Technologies Nanotechnologies Management System Standards Conformity assessment Food safety: ISO published ISO in This standard provides guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to the food and drink industry as well as providing a bridge to the HACCP (Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points) system which is already widely used in the industry. It will soon be joined by ISO which specifies requirements for all types of organizations involved in the food chain and constitutes a food safety management system standard. Security: During 2004, ISO addressed the whole issue of security in a high-level advisory group reporting to the TMB. In its recommendations, the group recommended that ISO consider developing a security management system framework standard - such a standard specifically for the multi-modal supply chain is already in preparation under the leadership of ISO/TC 8 Ships and marine technology, that a workshop be organized to prepare an International Workshop Agreement on emergency preparedness, that the issue of threats (vulnerability) assessment be included in an overall approach to risk management, together with a number of other specific recommendations which have been referred to relevant ISO bodies. Social Responsibility: ISO has initiated the development of an International Standard providing guidance on social responsibility following two years of deliberations in a multi-stakeholder advisory group and an international conference held in Stockholm in June 2004 both of which considered that ISO could add value in this field if certain conditions were fulfilled. Among these conditions was a requirement that ISO provide a mechanism for effective engagement of all stakeholders and this was a major reason for the TMB's decision that the standard should be developed through a working group, rather than a technical committee, and that the constitution of the working group should seek to ensure a good balance of all affected stakeholders. Services: In most of the developed world, the service sector is the predominant contributor to GDP but the usefulness of International Standards in that sector has only recently started to be appreciated. It is expected that more new technical committees will be created in this sector in coming years to supplement ISO/TC 222 Personal financial planning, ISO/TC 224 dealing with drinking water and wastewater systems and the newly created ISO/TC 228 on tourism and related services. Environment: In addition to the successful ISO series of standards on environmental management, ISO has collaborated for several years with the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is currently in the process of finalizing a standard for the verification of green house gas emissions in support of the Kyoto Protocol which entered into force in February Work is also being initiated to develop a standard to allow a stepwise implementation of an ISO environmental management system. IT & JTC 1: JTC 1 has produced a large number of standards which are universally used in the IT industry, including standards for diskettes and optical media, character sets, security techniques and security management, and the well known JPEG and MPEG standards used in digital photography and digital video and audio. It is currently working in a number of new areas including biometrics and radiofrequency identification techniques, while a major development has seen the submission of the specification for the Linux operating system for adoption as an International Standard. Management System Standards: Over the last several years there have been numerous initiatives to develop sectoral applications of ISO 9001, including in the automotive, and gas and petroleum,sectors, while there have been two proposals from ISO's member in Mexico to develop International Workshop Agreements on the application of ISO 9001 to education services (IWA 2) and to local governments (the workshop will be held in May 2005). More generally, a TMB subgroup is currently elaborating an ISO strategy for further work in the field of management system standards and in order to define the strategy, feedback from senior managers will be sought over the next year to identify what are the perceived needs for further management system standards.
Topical issues related to management systems standards
revision of ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 ISO and sustainable development sector implementations of ISO 9000 thematic management system standards, e.g. environment, energy, risk, IT security, food safety market surveillance of certification to MSS Strategic Advisory Group on MSS APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations AU African Union EU European Union MERCOSUR Southern Common Market NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
Conformity Assessment and world trade
World Trade Organization designates the non acceptance of test reports and certificates as one of the biggest obstacles to trade The way forward: implementing the ISO/IEC Standards and Guides, with a double level of consensus, amongst countries and across stakeholders
The 1-1-1 dream of Conformity Assessment
Conformity Assessment: The dream The dream of Conformity Assessment
ISO Strategic Plan Objective 6: ISO, in cooperation with IEC, provides a comprehensive range of standards and guides for the implementation and recognition of good conformity assessment practices, suitable for all forms of first, second or third party involvement and evaluation, widely used by suppliers, conformity assessment operators and accreditors and recognized by customers and public authorities.
Presentation of ISO/CASCO (Conformity Assessment Committee)
107 ISO members are represented in CASCO (76 participating members and 31 observers). Eleven international organizations are liaison members of CASCO: BIPM, CEOC, IAF, IFAN, IFIA, IIOC, ILAC, IPC, IQNet, OIML, UILI. Both policy and technical work Continual improvement cycle
The ISO/CASCO toolbox The CASCO toolbox consists of 26 documents covering: Vocabulary, principles and common elements of conformity assessment Code of good practice Product, system, and persons certification Testing, calibration, inspection, marks of conformity Supplier’s declaration of conformity, accreditation, peer assessment, and mutual recognition arrangements
Components of the CASCO toolbox (1)
General standards and guides Subject Document Publication date Vocabulary 17000 2004 Principles of impartiality 17001 2005 Code of good practice Guide 60 Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA’s) Guide 68 2002 Peer assessment 17040 Accreditation 17011 Marks of conformity 17030 2003
Components of the CASCO toolbox (2)
Technical functions Subject Document Publication date Suppliers declaration of conformity 17050 2004 Testing & calibration laboratories 17025 Guide 43 2005 1997 Inspection 17020 1998 Product certification Guide 28, 67 Guides 65, 67, 53 96 – System certification 17021 End 2006 Person certification 17024 2003 For a full list of CASCO documents, visit and follow this path: Conformity Assessment > Publications and resources > List of CASCO standards and guides
ISO/CASCO current projects
Subject Document Common elements of conformity assessment ISO PAS 17005 Writing specifications for use in conformity assessment ISO/IEC 17007 Auditing competence ISO/IEC Part 2 Proficiency testing ISO/IEC 17043 Product certification ISO/IEC 17065 + a workshop on market surveillance (October 2008)
Principle 3 – Common elements
ISO/IEC International Standards and Guides on conformity assessment are written on an understanding of some basic common elements - Impartiality and related bodies (ISO PAS 17001) - Confidentiality (ISO/PAS 17002) - Complaints and appeals (ISO PAS 17003) - Disclosure of information (ISO PAS 17004) - Use of management systems (future ISO PAS 17005)
Presentation of ISO/CASCO
CASCO ensures that within ISO, wherever Conformity Assessment is used, it is used and applied in a consistent manner and the rules are the same. CASCO has "rules" for when a TC needs to use Conformity Assessment. Neutrality policy Sector policy
Topical issues related to conformity assessment
product and service certification Interpretation panel qualification of assessors market surveillance APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations AU African Union EU European Union MERCOSUR Southern Common Market NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
World total number of ISO 9001:2000 certificates
World total number of ISO 14001 certificates
Conformity Assessment and the market
A global framework for conformity assessment will increase consumer and regulator confidence by: Providing a common interpretation of conformity assessment standards and guides; Elimination of need for multiple testing, audits and certification (except where national differences exist) Recognition and acceptance of reports Reduced costs.
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