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The role of the External Examiner at the University of Portsmouth Collaborative Programmes THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS Andy Rees Academic Registrar Academic Registrar
Variations n Collaborative Programmes will require either the exercise of these arrangements, including if necessary by “long distance” sampling, or an agreement to operate under a different model as defined in the University policy on Collaborative Programmes.
n One of quality assurance in ensuring procedures and processes are in place that will assure appropriate outcomes. n External Examiners play that role by sampling and commenting upon the evidence of the operation of those procedures and processes in the expectation that the University will act in response. Role at the University of Portsmouth
n External Examiners are expected to report, using their expert judgement, on the following: Whether standards are appropriate, by reference to benchmarks, the qualification framework, programme specifications, and unit descriptions. Whether standards are appropriate, by reference to benchmarks, the qualification framework, programme specifications, and unit descriptions. The comparability of student standards of achievement to those of similar programmes or parts of programmes at other UK institutions with which they are familiar. The comparability of student standards of achievement to those of similar programmes or parts of programmes at other UK institutions with which they are familiar. The extent to which the University’s processes for assessment, examination, and the determination of awards are sound and have been fairly conducted. The extent to which the University’s processes for assessment, examination, and the determination of awards are sound and have been fairly conducted.
What is the best way of describing the University of Portsmouth Assessment System? n Two Tier: Curriculum consists of units Curriculum consists of units These units have a credit value and level These units have a credit value and level Rules for the aggregation of credit by value and level define named qualifications. Rules for the aggregation of credit by value and level define named qualifications. The Course Approval Process approves particular defined pathways that lead to these named qualifications. The Course Approval Process approves particular defined pathways that lead to these named qualifications.
University of Portsmouth Assessment System n Academic Council appoints a Subject External Examiner to a group of units for a period of 5 years. Academic Council may exceptionally approve an extension of appointment of up to two years. n Normally, a unit is the responsibility of only one subject external examiner; a subject external examiner is responsible for many units.
University of Portsmouth Assessment System n Academic Council approves the annual nomination of Award External Examiner(s) for each named qualification, drawn from the pool of Subject External Examiners for the units contributing to the named qualification. n Each named qualification must have at least one Award External Examiner; an Award External Examiner may be responsible for more than one named qualification at any level.
University of Portsmouth Assessment System n We believe the principal focus for the maintenance of academic standards is at the unit level. Unit Assessment Boards meet twice a year. Unit Assessment Boards meet twice a year. Unit Assessment Boards confirm marks and assign credit at the unit level, regardless of for which qualification the students studying those units are registered. Unit Assessment Boards confirm marks and assign credit at the unit level, regardless of for which qualification the students studying those units are registered. The group of units for which a Unit Assessment Board is responsible may be larger than the group of units for which a Subject External Examiner is responsible. The group of units for which a Unit Assessment Board is responsible may be larger than the group of units for which a Subject External Examiner is responsible.
There may be more than one Subject External Examiner associated with a Unit Assessment Board. There may be more than one Subject External Examiner associated with a Unit Assessment Board. Subject External Examiners are encouraged to attend the meeting(s) of Unit Assessment Board. If this is impracticable, the Subject External Examiner must make her or his views known to the Board ahead of the meeting. Subject External Examiners are encouraged to attend the meeting(s) of Unit Assessment Board. If this is impracticable, the Subject External Examiner must make her or his views known to the Board ahead of the meeting. University of Portsmouth Assessment System
n Boards of Examiners meet at least once a year. n Boards of Examiners recommend the award of qualifications and any classification, on consideration of the full student profile across all the units approved as making up the named qualification within parameters of discretion defined by the assessment regulations. University of Portsmouth Assessment System
n Boards of Examiners may not alter confirmed marks n Award External Examiner must attend the meeting of the Board of Examiners (although an emergency procedure exists where prevented by last minute accident of some sort). University of Portsmouth Assessment System
n Consultants and Advisers to Unit Assessment Boards n Head of Department to inform Subject External Examiner of the Units they are responsible for and of any modifications to that list over time. Head will also cause to be sent the name and contact details for the Unit Co-ordinator of each unit so listed to the Subject External Examiner Subject External Examiner Role
n At the beginning of the session, the Unit Co-ordinator will send the Subject External Examiner: The Unit Description for each unit each time it is delivered (ie. Each semester or each academic year). This must include the learning outcomes for the unit and the assessment strategy. The Unit Description for each unit each time it is delivered (ie. Each semester or each academic year). This must include the learning outcomes for the unit and the assessment strategy. A statement of how the assessment artefacts planned for this session will meet the strategy and allow the students to demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes. A statement of how the assessment artefacts planned for this session will meet the strategy and allow the students to demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes.
Subject External Examiner Role The Subject External Examiner may comment on these (Directly or through the Head of Department) but changes with immediate effect cannot be required.
Subject External Examiner Role n Before the Unit Assessment Board meets, the Unit co-ordinator shall send the Subject External Examiner: The assessment artefacts used (ie. Each assessment item such as a coursework assignment or an examination paper. The assessment artefacts used (ie. Each assessment item such as a coursework assignment or an examination paper. Marking schemes used for each artefact. Marking schemes used for each artefact. A sample of the students’ work A sample of the students’ work
Subject External Examiner Role n The size of the sample is to be decided by negotiation, but the Subject External Examiner may have access to any assessment she/he wishes. As a rule of thumb, it is suggested that not less than 20% of the total assessment diet for a unit is seen by the Subject External Examiner. The sample should include all work proposed for failure and all work proposed for a mark of 70% or more, together with a cross- section of work from other grades. n A cover sheet, on which the Subject External Examiner can make any comments on that particular assessment element, will accompany the sample of student work.
Subject External Examiner Role This procedure should enable the Subject External Examiner to comment to the UAB and subsequently report to Academic Council on the appropriateness of the assessment and the standard of the students’ performance. This procedure should enable the Subject External Examiner to comment to the UAB and subsequently report to Academic Council on the appropriateness of the assessment and the standard of the students’ performance. The Subject External Examiner cannot require any individual mark to be changed. The Subject External Examiner cannot require any individual mark to be changed.
Subject External Examiner Role The explicit agreement of the Subject External Examiner is required before a Unit Assessment Board may: apply moderation to the range of marks within a unit apply moderation to the range of marks within a unit set pass or other criteria at levels other than those specified in the approved unit descriptor set pass or other criteria at levels other than those specified in the approved unit descriptor
Subject External Examiner Role The signature of the Subject External Examiner on a marksheet signifies general satisfaction with the effectiveness and adequacy of the relationship between the assessment strategy and the learning outcomes of the unit. The signature of the Subject External Examiner on a marksheet signifies general satisfaction with the effectiveness and adequacy of the relationship between the assessment strategy and the learning outcomes of the unit. It does not imply that the Subject External Examiner agrees with every individual mark. It does not imply that the Subject External Examiner agrees with every individual mark. If the Subject External Examiner declines to endorse the marksheet, she or he should report the reasons why directly, and in confidence, to the Vice-Chancellor, as Chair of Academic Council. If the Subject External Examiner declines to endorse the marksheet, she or he should report the reasons why directly, and in confidence, to the Vice-Chancellor, as Chair of Academic Council.
Subject External Examiner Role Subject External Examiners are encouraged to undertake discussions with students in order to gain an appreciation of the nature and quality of the student learning experience. Subject External Examiners are encouraged to undertake discussions with students in order to gain an appreciation of the nature and quality of the student learning experience. Viva voce examinations are not possible unless specified in the unit description as a method of assessment for all students. Viva voce examinations are not possible unless specified in the unit description as a method of assessment for all students. The Subject External Examiner must submit a report, using the University pro-forma, to the Academic Registrar within 4 weeks of the date of the Unit Assessment Board. The Subject External Examiner must submit a report, using the University pro-forma, to the Academic Registrar within 4 weeks of the date of the Unit Assessment Board.
Award External Examiner Role n The Award External Examiner acts as a member of the Board of Examiners, with a duty to report on key quality assurance aspects. n Annually, the Head of Department shall ensure that the following is sent to the Award External Examiner, for each named qualification for which they are responsible, once their nomination has been approved by Academic Council:
Award External Examiner Role Programme Specification Programme Specification Programme Level Assessment Matrix Programme Level Assessment Matrix Any programme specific assessment regulations Any programme specific assessment regulations
Award External Examiner Role n Before the Board of Examiners meets, the Award External Examiner(s) shall have the opportunity, in any of the units contributing to the named qualifications for which they are responsible, to examine: The sample of students’ assessed work sent to the Subject External Examiner The sample of students’ assessed work sent to the Subject External Examiner The cover sheet completed by the Subject External Examiner The cover sheet completed by the Subject External Examiner Any further sample of assessed work deemed appropriate by the Award External Examiner Any further sample of assessed work deemed appropriate by the Award External Examiner
Award External Examiner Role n The signature of the Award External Examiner on the Conferment List (UP6) for the named qualification relates to satisfaction with: The equitable and fair consideration of each individual student profile against the assessment regulations, taking into account any properly presented extenuating circumstances.
Award External Examiner Role n The adequacy of the assessment process in allowing the programme level learning outcomes to be demonstrated. n The standard of the named qualification in comparison to that of similar named qualifications elsewhere in the UK. n It does not imply that the Award External Examiner agrees with every individual mark or classification.
Award External Examiner Role n If the Award External Examiner declines to endorse the Conferment List she or he should report the reasons why directly, and in confidence to the Vice-Chancellor, as Chair of Academic Council. n Award External Examiners are encouraged to undertake discussions with students in order to gain an appreciation of the nature and quality of the student learning experience.
Award External Examiner Role n Viva voce examinations are not possible unless specified in the Unit Description or Programme Level Assessment Matrix as a method of assessment for all students. n The Award External Examiner must submit a report, using the University pro-forma, to the Academic Registrar within 4 weeks of the date of the main Board of Examiners.
Maintaining Standards n The submission and consideration of the Annual Report Form by External Examiners is central to the maintenance of standards. n The report form takes the form of a pro-forma requiring yes/no answers to a number of key quality assurance issues.
Maintaining Standards n This is supplemented by a free-form section the content and structure of which is at the discretion of the external examiner, although we do suggest a number of issues on which we would be grateful to receive feedback. n External Examiners must submit their report(s) annually to the Academic Registrar together with the claim for any expenses (Form SAL6). The Academic Registrar will ensure copying of the report to the Associate Dean (Quality) and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
Maintaining Standards n External Examiners must submit their report(s) within 4 weeks of the Unit Assessment Board (Subject External Examiners) or the main meeting of the Board of Examiners (Award External Examiner). n The Head of Department must respond to the External Examiner with a copy to the Annual Subject Review of the Department. n The Report Form allows the External Examiner to record whether they are satisfied or not with the response received to last year’s report.
Maintaining Standards n Additionally, on completion of their term of appointment, Academic Registry will ask External Examiners to submit a final report. This final report will summarise the general perception of the units and programmes for which she or he has been responsible, and draw attention to any particular issues that need addressing or recommendations for future development.
Maintaining Standards n The External Examiner’s Report is considered by the University to be a key quality assurance document. Therefore, external examiners who fail to submit reports, or who submit reports inadequate in either form or coverage, may have their agreement with the University of Portsmouth terminated.
Payments and Agreements Subject External Examiners: n A standard fee of £400 per annum, although additional fees will be paid for agreed additional duties (for example travel abroad, large numbers of units >30 to examine)
Payments and Agreements Award External Examiners: n An additional fee of £100 per annum, regardless of the number of named qualifications for which the Award External Examiner has responsibility.
Payments and Agreements n Additionally, reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with duties. Such reimbursement must be made in accordance with the University’s Finance Regulations. n Payment of fees will be made only on receipt of the annual report. n All external examiners are asked, on appointment, to sign and return a written agreement that includes a termination procedure.
Variations n Professional Bodies may have additional requirements and expectations of External Examiners as a condition of accreditation. Where this is the case, and the professional body is recognised by the University, these additional duties and/or variations will be incorporated by Academic Registry into the written agreement. Such arrangements may also involve a different payment rate.
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