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Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Maintaining Complex Rules in a Union Environment Matthew Michaels, D2C Solutions 21 May, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Maintaining Complex Rules in a Union Environment Matthew Michaels, D2C Solutions 21 May, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Maintaining Complex Rules in a Union Environment Matthew Michaels, D2C Solutions 21 May, 2003

2 Topics Covered Union Environments Requirements Approaches Maintenance of Rules Time Evaluation Limitations Leveraging Time Evaluation Tips and Tricks Integration with Payroll Disciplined Approach Documentation Reporting Questions

3 UNION ENVIRONMENTS HOSTILE or MUTUAL RESPECT You May Have a Hostile Relationship If... Union questions the company at every step Large Number of Grievances Threatening Strikes Labor Slowdowns/Stoppages Bureaucracy No Concrete Rules Policy Set by Precedent Lots of Off-Cycle and Manual Checks

4 UNION ENVIRONMENTS HOSTILE or MUTUAL RESPECT You May Have a Relationship of Mutual Respect If... Clear Collective Bargaining Agreements Clear Grievance Process Union Polices Own Policies Environment of Mutual Res- pect and Trust Remember “A Good Union Man Never Works Overtime” - James Spaulding

5 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT GATHERING Are you inheriting a monster, or a dream – either way... Start at the Collective Bargaining Agreement Gather Letters of Agreement/Addendums Determine Past Precedent Interpretation Compliance with State and Federal Law

6 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT GATHERING Everyone wants to believe their Union Requirements are the most complex and convoluted ever created. Does misery love company? Unless your Union bases payment on tide tables, moon cycles, and alignment of the planets – then there is a way to make it work in SAP....

7 APPROACHES TWO MAIN APPROACHES: 1.Allow the entry of all Absence/Attendance Types Required for payment. 2.Minimum Absence/Attendance Types to record what occurred during the course of a working day. Both approaches can be utilized in a negative or positive time recording environment.

8 APPROACHES APPROACH 1: Time Management has all of the absence and attendance types in order to pay an employee directly. Pro: Simplified Time Evaluation Cons: Employees and/or timekeepers enter how they want to be paid If an employee complains either manual checks or new entries are made in the system to keep the employee happy Past precedent is set – the dog is chasing his tail

9 APPROACHES APPROACH 2: Time Management has the absence/attendance types required to record what has occurred during the day. Pro:Consistent application of pay policy Consistent application of Collective Bargaining Agreement Simplified Time Recording Generate Everything Cons:Time Evaluation can be EXTREMELY complex, and the cost of maintaining very high

10 APPROACHES DO NOT BE AFRAID Complex Schemas and Rules were not invented to keep consultants in business. Although it doesn’t hurt! Consider the careful use of groupings to segregate population V_001P_ALL, V_503_ALL Table Access Modifiers are your friends Push the majority of the processing to the tables Process the extreme exceptions in time eval schemas and rules

11 APPROACHES NO MATTER WHAT Try to limit your use of Custom Infotypes or ANY core modifications. SAP can and will generally support all of your requirements – if you didn’t find a way KEEP LOOKING! REMEMBER in SAP there are several ways to approach the same opportunity (don’t forget about User Exits! – if your consultant told you there is only one way then get a new consultant!). With enough time and money anything is possible

12 MAINTENANCE OF RULES Sanitized for your Protection

13 MAINTENANCE OF RULES GROUPINGS Group your employees by the enterprise structure. Union contracts typically written around the type of work performed – operations, maintenance, laboratory, etc. Make sure these elements are a part of your enterprise Use the personnel sub-areas to define groupings based on functional area, or non-union and union work areas. Table Modifiers are the final element in making the key to Time Evaluation Tables

14 MAINTENANCE OF RULES Sanitized for your Protection

15 MAINTENANCE OF RULES GROUPINGS – DAY MODIFIERS If your organization is very large and the difference between bargaining units is great... Isolate specific selection groups in T510S with the Day Modifier In doing so when there are changes to a Union Agreement, the changes do not have to affect the whole enterprise. This limits the effort required to test and move to production. Quick turnarounds lead to better relationships

16 MAINTENANCE OF RULES Sanitized for your Protection

17 MAINTENANCE OF RULES GROUPINGS – DAY MODIFIERS Further break downs can be made in sub-rules that can be used over and over. The ability to use the Table Access Modifiers greatly enhances your ability to react to changes without much effort Only the table entries change – the schema remains relatively STATIC This makes T510S un-manageable! Not true the conditions for the generation of a wage type rarely change.


19 FORM BALANCES Using the Time Statement Form can be a good way to show an employee the results of time evaluation in an easy to read format. They can compare the difference between what was entered “WORK” versus what will be paid “Double-Time Overtime” The use of variable balances can be helpful here.


21 NO CLOCK TIMES Try to get the most out of the variable key, using VALEN and VAOFF to remove bytes that are uniform. Always order the TIP entries so that all reductions and shift classifications occur prior to wage type generation.


23 7 th DAY RULES Double time and other 7 th day premiums are easy to generate. The main issue with standard delivered rules is there are conditions which can invalidate premium eligibility GOTC can save the day...

24 TIME EVALUATION LIMITATIONS What do you want it to do? Make Coffee? Overtime Equalization and Bidding Process ANY Policy that requires a manager’s decision Clock times without the use of swipe cards


26 LIMITS Use these to warn you of policy violations Use them to flag employees for discipline Use them to limit time types and wage types created Use them to check thresholds Store surpluses for further processing The more that is generated, the less room there is for argument and inconsistency between various employees.


28 TIME TYPES With Time Wage Types, Time Transfer Types, and Time Types it is easy to see why there can be so much confusion around this area Use time types to: Track Balances over a specified period of time for specific employees Set Flags for additional processing in the schema or a rule Mark TIP entries for ease of processing in T555Y assignment


30 Time Type Assignment Use this table to identify Absence/Attendance and Planned Working Time Assign processing types for TIP entries The TIP table is slowly filled with enough information to classify, accumulate, and generate wage types. Again MODIF T determines the eligible table entries...

31 LEVERAGING TIME EVALUATION GENERAL PHILOSPHY Everyone processes through the same rules Differences accounted for in groupings and table entries Exceptions to these are handled by rules that process these for individual locations START General and then move to most specific.

32 TIPS and TRICKS ALWAYS CONSIDER Groupings – V_001P_ALL and V_503_ALL Holiday Calendars – How many is too many? Do I really have to get the schedule “right”? Work Schedule Rules – Employee Sub Group Groupings, Valuation Classes, and Daily Work Schedule Classes Clock Times – Is every 5X8 Monday Through Friday schedule starting every 15 minutes necessary? Time Statement Forms and sub-forms Custom Error Messages – Get your point across! Time Management Status, Working Week and other PA0007 considerations Substitutions – It is OK to use these!! Quotas

33 Specific Requirements CAN SAP HANDLE? Working Up Turnarounds/Shut Down Maintenance Overtime Equalization Shift Swaps Substitutions Minimum Hourly Guarantees Rates Double-time and other Premiums Holiday Pay Night Shift and Rotating Shift Allowances Call-Outs Multiple Contracts at one Site

34 INTEGRATION WITH PAYROLL DON’T FORGET PAYROLL If someone tells you that Time Evaluation Ran successfully, so it must be a payroll problem.. Ask them to try another answer. Time is separate from Pay – but they are always linked. It isn’t successful until you EXIT Payroll. If you cannot handle the requirement in Time think about the pro-rations available in Pay, and the calculation of rates as well.

35 DISCIPLINED APPROACH EVALUATE THE SAME WAY EVERY TIME Once you start down this road – don’t turn back. Always challenge individuals in the field to PROVE their case. Show them how it has paid the last 100 times. It hurts at first, but then everyone understands. “Sometimes You Have to Choke the Dog to Give Him Medicine” -From We’ve Never Been Licked 1943

36 DOCUMENTATION DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT Write it down Document your time types in SAP Document your Rules and Schemas in SAP BE SPECIFIC!!! KEEP UP WITH IT!!!! Everyone hates documentation except the person who takes over for you. If your consultant does not want to document, then tell them to take a HIKE!!! Otherwise, they are creating a job for LIFE!!!

37 REPORTING LET REPORTS HELP RPTBAL00 – Time Type and Time Wage Type Reporting RPTERL00 – Time Evaluation Messages Display RPTEDT00 – Time Statement Form To monitor things like, attendance programs, totals across populations for negotiations or Union meetings, unique conditions flagged at your business, hours of overtime, etc. Use these reports to diagnose problems for correction.


39 Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Thank you for attending! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 2209

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