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Calit2: Partnering to Invent the Ubiquitous Future Opening Talk Calit2 Ubiquity Forum September 9, 2009 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Calit2: Partnering to Invent the Ubiquitous Future Opening Talk Calit2 Ubiquity Forum September 9, 2009 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calit2: Partnering to Invent the Ubiquitous Future Opening Talk Calit2 Ubiquity Forum September 9, 2009 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD

2 Calit2 Continues to Pursue Its Initial Mission: Envisioning How the Extension of Innovative Telecommunications and Information Technologies Throughout the Physical World will Transform Critical Applications Important to the California Economy and its Citizens’ Quality Of Life. Calit2 is a University of California “Institutional Innovation” Experiment on How to Invent a Persistent Collaborative Research and Education Environment that Provides Insight into How the UC, a Major Research University, Might Evolve in the Future. Calit2 Review Report: p.1

3 Billions of New Wireless Internet End Points –Information Appliances –Sensors and Actuators –Embedded Processors Wireless Access--Anywhere, Anytime –Broadband Speeds –“Always Best Connected” Emergence of a Planetary-Scale Data System –Ubiquitous High Definition Video Flows –Parallel Lightwaves in Optical Backbone –Storage of Data Everywhere –Scalable Distributed Computing Power The Calit2 Vision: A Ubiquitous Internet Powered by a Planetary-Scale Optical Backplane Ubiquity—the New “Dual Use” Suite of Technologies

4 Using Students to Glimpse the Future of Widespread Use of Spatially Aware Wireless Devices Broadband Internet Connection via Wireless Wi-Fi Year- Long “Living Laboratory” Experiment 2001-02 –500 Computer Science & Engineering Undergraduates 300 Entering UCSD Sixth College Students—Fall 2002 Experiments with Geo-Location and Interactive Maps Early View into Social Networks Calit2 Team: Bill Griswold, Gabriele Wienhausen, UCSD

5 Spatially Aware World—Everyone and Everything Knows Where the Others Are Technologies of Geolocation –GPS chips –Access Point Triangulation –Bluetooth Beacons –Gyro chips Source: Bill Griswold, UCSD UCSD ActiveCampus – Outdoor Map

6 GIG: Integrating The Edge In the Future All Devices Have an Internet (IPv6) Address SAR Sensor IP: Injection Node Multi-GBits Gbit Link Transformational Communications Systems IP: 000.000.315.025 IP: 000.000.305.026 LAN/Sensor IP: LAN/Sensor IP: Each Platform And Each Sensor, An Entity Of The GIG, Integrated With Warfighters and Their Applications People IP: Smart Weapon IP: EO/IR Sensor IP: Source: Bob Young, SAIC

7 Calit2 Has Created an University Engagement Umbrella for SSC Pacific—FY09 Projects Neurocognitive and Physiological Effects of Fatigue and Other Stressors –Camellia Clark. Sept. 2007- Dec. 2008, $35,000 RF-VLSI: Development of Silicon-Based 64-Element Phased Arrays –Gabriel Rebeiz. Feb. 2008 - Feb. 2009, $150,000 Seminar on Service Oriented Architecture Research Issues –Ingolf Krueger. Feb. 2008 – Sept. 2008, $25,000 Chip-Scale Chirped Bragg Gratings for RF Photonics –Shaya Fainman. Mar. 2008 – Dec. 2008, $60,000 A Microwave-Based Gamma-Ray Spectrometer –Gabriel Rebeiz. Aug. 2008 – Aug. 2009, $120,000 Low Noise Figure Analog Fiber Link –Paul Yu. May 2008 – May 2009, $150,000 Parametric Channelizer & Fast Synthetic Filtering Device –Stojan Radic. Jun. 2009 – Mar. 2010, $418,000 Analysis of Distributed Fusion Under Intermittent Communications Using a Biologically Inspired Network Model –Gabriel Silva. Sept. 2009 – Dec. 2009, $40,000 The ongoing Calit2-SSC Pacific Cooperative Agreement During 2003 – 2009, 48 projects totaling $4M

8 What Is Calit2? Research on the Future of the Ubiquitous Internet and its Transformation of Our Society Core Partnership Between UCSD and UCI –Several Hundred Faculty –Alliances With Other Campuses Prototyping Of Infrastructure Through “Living Laboratories” –From Campus to Planetary Scale –Partnerships With Multiple Levels of Government and Industry –Secret Sauce: Technical Professionals to Move Projects Forward Multidisciplinary Research Teams –Faculty, Postdocs, Staff, Students –Industry Partners – –From Giants to Start-up Companies –Community Partners –Emergency Responders

9 Calit2--A Systems Approach to the Future of the Internet and its Transformation of Our Society Calit2 Has Assembled a Complex Social Network of Over 350 UC San Diego & UC Irvine Faculty From Two Dozen Departments Working in Multidisciplinary Teams With Staff, Students, Industry, and the Community Integrating Technology Consumers and Producers Into “Living Laboratories” of the Ubiquitous Internet

10 Two New Calit2 Buildings Provide New Laboratories for “Living in the Future” “Convergence” Laboratory Facilities –Nanotech, BioMEMS, Chips, Radio, Photonics –Virtual Reality, Digital Cinema, HDTV, Gaming Over 1000 Researchers in Two Buildings –Linked via Dedicated Optical Networks UC Irvine Living Laboratories for Inventing the Ubiquitous Future

11 Calit2 Has Wide Range of Ubiquity Alpha Research And a Track Record of Successful Transfer to Market

12 Only Three Years From Research to Market New Broadband Cellular Internet Technology First US Taste of 3G Cellular Internet –UCSD Jacobs School Antenna –Three Years Before Commercial Rollout Linking to WiFi Mobile “Bubble” –Tested on Campus CyberShuttle Verizon Introduces in San Diego Rooftop Qualcomm 1xEV Access Point Verizon Rollout Fall 2003 CyberShuttle March 2002 Installed Dec 2000

13 The Two-Campus Calit2 NSF Grant in Responding to Crises and Unexpected Events Long Beach, CA Company Original Subcontractor and Co-PI Multiple Equipment Donations Test-Bed Usage for Prototyping and Evaluation Internships and Training for Students Leading to Employment Close Alliance with First Responders, to Meet their Specific Needs Calit2 Irvine Engages 40+ Companies 22 Government Agencies 6 Universities 27 Investigators 70+ students

14 NSF RESCUE Mardi Gras Testbed 2006 Crowd Analysis “Waterproof” Cameras! Photo by Michael Hennig CalMesh on a Rooftop Photo by Michael Hennig Satellite Backhaul

15 Metropolitan Medical Strike Team (MMST): Drill at Calit2 – August 22, 2006 Explaining Command and Control Software to Incident Command Chief MMST Team Included 200 San Diego Police, Fire, SWAT, HAZMAT, Sheriff, Paramedics First Responders

16 MMST Drill at Calit2 – August 22, 2006 Calit2 Technologies Deployed UCSD Command Center Situational Awareness Cameras Portable Antenna Caddy to Extend Wireless Coverage CalMesh Node Deployed

17 Calit2 Has Introduced Innovative Wireless Systems to Support SoCal First Responders Aug. 22, 2006 MMST Disaster Drill at Calit2@UCSD Involved Over 200 First Responders

18 Calit2 Research Testbed to Ubiquity Product: Mushroom Networks UCSD Start-up Founded in 2004 by ECE faculty (R. Cruz) and Calit2 Engineer (C. Akin). –Now has 25 Employees, Series A Funding Ericsson Researcher (R. Mishra) –“Lived” at Calit2 One Year –Hired by Calit2 One Year –Then Moved to Mushroom Technology Proved In Federal Alpha Research Testbed--RESCUE Full Circle: Mushroom and Calit2 Joint Applicants for the Navy’s Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Funding First Product Shipped Feb, 2008: TRUFFLE –Used in Broadcast of Obama Historic Train Ride from Philadelphia to Washington DC

19 UCI Calit2 Cyberspace Events MacArthur Foundation Portfolio Conference on Digital Media and Learning, Feb. 2009 Calit2 UCI Bldg. Cybersecurity Three-day Conference, March 2009 Calit2 UCI Bldg.

20 From Research Testbed to Ubiquity Product: Machine Learning and Robotics The MPL (a Calit2 Affiliated Research Group Housed in Calit2) Partnered with Sony Electronics Through the UC Discovery Program to Create Socially Perceptive Appliances The MPL Developed a Social Robot (RUBI) Which Interacted With Infants –Smile Detection was Identified as a Key Indicator of Social Interaction The MPL RUBI Work Led to the Creation of a Smile-Learning Algorithm Which was Trained With a Data Set of Over 100,000 Individuals Sony Used This Technology as the Basis for the Sony Shutter Smile Technology Found in Their Latest Generation of Consumer Digital Camera Products RUBI Interacting with Children Sony Shutter Smile Technology Source: Javier Movellan Institute for Neural Computation

21 Guided wave optics Aqueous bio/chem sensors Fluidic circuit Free space optics Physical sensors Gas/chemical sensors Electronics (communication, powering) Ivan Schuller holding the first prototype in 2004 I. K. Schuller, A. Kummel, M. Sailor, W. Trogler, Y-H Lo Technology Transfer from Federally Funded Research to New Companies Developing Multiple Nanosensors on a Single Chip, Integrated with Local Processing and Wireless Communications Technology Transfer: RedX (Explosive Sensors), RheVision (Fauvation Optics) 2006

22 Company Spun Off From UCSD MURI for Nanostructured Supersensors X PAK X Pro Kiosk High-Throughput Hand Screening for Explosives Explosives Detection on Surfaces FIRST PRODUCTS SHIPPED FEBRUARY, 2007

23 Calit2 Has A Broad Set of Innovative Faculty, Centers, Industrial Partners, and Federal Grants

24 Calit2 UCSD Affiliated Centers Loci for Innovation

25 UCSD Network Telescope Applying Ubiquity to Internet Security Network Telescope: Monitor Large Range of Unused IP Addresses –Will Receive Scans from Infected Hosts (or DDoS Backscatter) Very Scalable. –UCSD Telescope Monitors 17M+ Addresses Source: Stefan Savage, CSE, UCSD

26 Calit2 UCI Affiliated Centers Loci for Innovation

27 Calit2@UCI Game Culture & Technology Lab Unique Partnership with Discovery Science Center and Santa Ana Unified School District Complementary K-8th Grade Science and Learning Games in Line with CA Teaching Standards Developed a Gaming Undergraduate Degree Concentration – Most Sought After Minor at UCI Offering “Joystick Corridor” Internships and Highly Developed Workforce International Gaming Research Partnership Developed with Daegu City, Korea

28 Calit2 Industrial Partners Team with Academic Research and Education Joint Support of Centers (CWC, CITA, CNS…) Using Calit2 Facilities Funding Joint Research Projects Commercialization of Faculty/Staff/Student Research Joining on Federal Grants Providing Equipment to Calit2 Projects Sending Staff to Live at Calit2 Supporting Graduate/Undergraduate Fellows Granting Access to Industry Facilities Endowing Chaired Professorships Co-Sponsoring Workshops/Conferences Hosting Seminars or Lectures $93 Million from Industrial Partners Since 2000

29 Nanotrope Separation Systems Technology New Industrial Partners Using Calit2@UCSD Cleanrooms Plus >75 Faculty!

30 Leading Edge Photonics Systems Laboratory Has Been Created in the Calit2@UCSD Building Networking “Living Lab” Testbed Core –Terabit Networking –Micro LIDAR/Spectroscopy –Silicon Frequency Conversion –320Gbps Real Time Processing –Advanced Transmission Coding UCSD Photonics Shayan Mookherjea Optical devices and optical communication networks, including photonics, lightwave systems and nano-scale optics. Stojan Radic Optical communication networks; all-optical processing; parametric processes in high-confinement fiber and semiconductor devices. Shaya Fainman Nanoscale science and technology; ultrafast photonics and signal processing Joseph Ford Optoelectronic subsystems integration (MEMS, diffractive optics, VLSI); Fiber optic and free-space communications. George Papen Advanced photonic systems including optical communication systems, optical networking, and environmental and atmospheric remote sensing. ECE Testbed Faculty

31 Cooperative Test Beds Funded by Industry Partners Calit2@UCSD’s Wireless Power Amplifier Lab Power Transistor Tradeoffs Si-LDMOS, GaN, & GaAs Price & Performance Power Amplifier Tradeoffs WiMAX & 3.9GPP LTE Efficiency & Linearity Digital Signal Processing Tradeoffs Pre-Distortion, Memory Effects & Power Control MIPS & Memory STMicroelectronics

32 Calit2 is Creating a Nano-Bio-Info Innovation Laboratory Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science

33 INRF Partners Companies with University Researchers: 70 Past and Current Collaborating Companies Advanced Customs Sensors Inc. Agilient Alpha Industry/Network Device Inc. AXT/Alpha Photonics Incorporated Alpine Microsystems Incorporated Auxora, Inc. Bethel Material Research Broadcom Broadley-James Corp. Cito Optronics, Inc. Coherent, Inc. Conexant Coventor DRS Sensors Endevco Friends USA General Monitors Global Communication Semiconductor Hewlett Packard Hitachi Chemical Research IJ Research Impco Technology Intelligent Epitaxy Incorporated International Technology Works IOS Irvine Sensors Jazz Semiconductor Linfinity Microelectronics Maxwell Sensors Metrolaser Incorporated Microtek Lab Incorporated MicroWave Technology Moog, Inc. Network Device Newport Opticom NexGen Research Corporation Northrop Grumman Corporation Numerical Technologies Ormet Corp. Oplink Communications Optical Crossing Optinetrics Optiswitch Technology Physical Optics Corp. Printronix ProComm Enterprises Rainbow Communications Raytheon Systems Rockwell RF Integrated Corp. Sabeus Photonics Saddleback Aerospace SAIC Second Sight, LLC Semco Laser Technology Sequenom Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. Simax Skyworks Solutions SVT Associates Tamarack Scientific, Inc. Tanner Research, Inc. Texas Instruments, Inc. TRW U Machines Versa Technology VSK Photonics WIN Semiconductors Xtal Technologies Y Media Corporation 40 UCI Faculty from a Dozen Departments

34 LifeChips: the merging of two major industries, the microelectronic chip industry with the life science industry LifeChips medical devices Lifechips—Bringing Ubiquitous Computing to the Body: Microelectronic Chips & Life Sciences 65 UCI Faculty

35 Federal Agency Source of Funds Federal Agencies Have Funded Over $400 Million to Over 300 Calit2 Affiliated Grants Creating a Rich Ecology of Basic Research 50 Grants Over $1 Million Broad Distribution of Medium and Small Grants OptIPuter Calit2 Review Report p.4,21 Plus $50M From Foundations

36 Taking Ubiquity to the Seafloor: Cyberinfrastructure for Ocean Observing

37 Using Ubiquity to Accelerate Response to Wildfires Early on October 23, 2007, Harris Fire San Diego Photo by Bill Clayton,

38 HPWREN Topology, August 2008 approximately 50 miles: MVFD MTGY MPO SMER CNM UCSD to CI and PEMEX 70+ miles to SCI PL MLO MONP CWC P480 USGC SO LVA2 BVDA RMNA Santa Rosa GVDA KNW WMC RDM CRY SND BZN AZRY FRD PSAP WIDC KYVW COTD PFO BDC KSW DHL SLMS SCS CRRS GLRS DSME WLA P506 P510 P499 GMPK IID2 P509 P500 P494 P497 B08 1 P486 Backbone/relay node Astronomy science site Biology science site Earth science site University site Researcher location Native American site First Responder site NSS S SDSU P474 P478 DESC P473 POTR P066 P483 CE 155Mbps FDX 6 GHz FCC licensed 155Mbps FDX 11 GHz FCC licensed 45Mbps FDX 6 GHz FCC licensed 45Mbps FDX 11 GHz FCC licensed 45Mbps FDX 5.8 GHz unlicensed 45Mbps-class HDX 4.9GHz 45Mbps-class HDX 5.8GHz unlicensed ~8Mbps HDX 2.4/5.8 GHz unlicensed ~3Mbps HDX 2.4 GHz unlicensed 115kbps HDX 900 MHz unlicensed 56kbps via RCS network dashed = planned Hans-Werner Braun, HPWREN PI

39 Calit2 Added Live Feeds From HPWREN Cameras to KPBS Google Map

40 Calit2 Situational Awareness Alpha Prototype: 1/3 Billion Pixel OptIPortal Linked Earth and Space Sensors Source: Falko Kuester, Calit2@UCSD

41 Just in Time OptIPlanet Collaboratory: Live Session Between NASA Ames and Calit2@UCSD Source: Falko Kuester, Calit2; Michael Sims, NASA View from NASA Ames Lunar Science Institute Mountain View, CA Virtual Handshake HD compressed 6:1 From Start to This Image in Less Than 2 Weeks! Feb 19, 2009 NASA Interest in Supporting Virtual Institutes

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