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GOVERNANCE IN ACADEMIC AND IN DEVELOPMENT DISCOURSE Henk Molenaar Executive Director WOTRO Science for Global Development Governance for Inclusive Development.

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Presentation on theme: "GOVERNANCE IN ACADEMIC AND IN DEVELOPMENT DISCOURSE Henk Molenaar Executive Director WOTRO Science for Global Development Governance for Inclusive Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOVERNANCE IN ACADEMIC AND IN DEVELOPMENT DISCOURSE Henk Molenaar Executive Director WOTRO Science for Global Development Governance for Inclusive Development 10-12-2009

2 Structure of the lecture Introduction to the notion of governance Part IGovernance in political and social science theory Part IIGovernance in development discourse Concluding remarks WOTRO Science for Global Development

3 Introduction: Notions of Governance Governance as an empirical notion Governance as an empirical notion Governance as an analytical notion concerning the changing role of the state Governance as an analytical notion concerning the changing role of the state Governance as a theoretical concept denoting the steering and co- ordination of social processes Governance as a theoretical concept denoting the steering and co- ordination of social processes Governance as a normative notion in development discourse Governance as a normative notion in development discourse WOTRO Science for Global Development

4 PART I: Governance in Political and Social Science Theory Governance in early modern political philosophy Governance in early modern political philosophy The renewed focus on governance in times of globalization The renewed focus on governance in times of globalization Theory of Jan Kooiman Theory of Jan Kooiman WOTRO Science for Global Development

5 Governance in Early Modern Political Philosophy Explaining and legitimizing the nation state Explaining and legitimizing the nation state The notion of the social contract The notion of the social contract Political philosophy reflects the emerging economic order Political philosophy reflects the emerging economic order Modern public and private spheres constitute one another Modern public and private spheres constitute one another Focus on the state and government in modern political philosophy Focus on the state and government in modern political philosophy Max Weber: the rational state bureaucracy Max Weber: the rational state bureaucracy WOTRO Science for Global Development

6 The Renewed Focus on Governance in Times of Globalization Globalization weakens the state Globalization weakens the state Internal challenges to the state Internal challenges to the state Renewed attention for governance as state-society interaction Renewed attention for governance as state-society interaction WOTRO Science for Global Development

7 Theory of Jan Kooiman Governance as an interactive processes between various actors Governance as an interactive processes between various actors Process and structure Process and structure Three types of governing interaction Three types of governing interaction self-governingself-governing co-governingco-governing hierarchical governinghierarchical governing WOTRO Science for Global Development

8 Self-Governing The notion of a ‘living’ system The notion of a ‘living’ system Organizational closure Organizational closure WOTRO Science for Global Development

9 Co-Governing The policy network The policy network The public-private partnership The public-private partnership Communicative governing Communicative governing Responsive regulation Responsive regulation WOTRO Science for Global Development

10 Hierarchical Governing Governing by the state Governing by the state Policies and laws Policies and laws WOTRO Science for Global Development

11 Orders of Governing First order governing for problem- solving and opportunity creation First order governing for problem- solving and opportunity creation Second order governing for creating an enabling environment Second order governing for creating an enabling environment Third order governing as a systems quality leading to governability Third order governing as a systems quality leading to governability WOTRO Science for Global Development

12 PART II: Governance in Political and Social Science Theory Focus on good government Focus on good government Governance assessments Governance assessments WOTRO Science for Global Development

13 Focus on Good Government Washington consensus Washington consensus “Assessing Aid – What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why” “Assessing Aid – What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why” Good governance as a normative and prescriptive notion Good governance as a normative and prescriptive notion Tension with the Paris Declaration and the Accra Action Plan Tension with the Paris Declaration and the Accra Action Plan Governance discourse focuses on good government Governance discourse focuses on good government WOTRO Science for Global Development

14 Governance Assessments The Strategic Governance And Corruption Analysis (SGACA) The Strategic Governance And Corruption Analysis (SGACA) Instrument designed for Dutch Embassies Instrument designed for Dutch Embassies Quick scan to analyze local governance context Quick scan to analyze local governance context WOTRO Science for Global Development

15 SGACA Components Information already available Information already available Power and Change Analysis Power and Change Analysis Two-day workshop Two-day workshop Strategic choices for the governance and anti-corruption strategy Strategic choices for the governance and anti-corruption strategy WOTRO Science for Global Development

16 Power and Change Analysis Foundational factors Foundational factors Rules of the game Rules of the game Here and now Here and now Operational implications Operational implications WOTRO Science for Global Development

17 Assessing SGACA Itself It is claimed that SGACA is less normative It is claimed that SGACA is less normative SGACA leads to better understanding SGACA leads to better understanding Underlying presuppositions: ghost of Weber Underlying presuppositions: ghost of Weber Lack of harmonization Lack of harmonization WOTRO Science for Global Development

18 ‘ The central issue is not that donors classify the governance in a given country as “good”, “bad”, “weak” or ”strong” and allocate aid accordingly. It is more important to focus the discussion on methods and approaches to support governance processes. […] Respect for ownership, dialogue between partners and a focus on incentives for result- oriented reforms are the main principles of EU support for governance’. European Commission, Commission Staff Working Paper SEC (2009): Supporting Democratic Governance through the Governance Initiative, A Review and the Way Forward WOTRO Science for Global Development

19 Concluding Remarks I Attention for governance in early modern thinking: need to explain and legitimize the state Attention for governance in early modern thinking: need to explain and legitimize the state Contemporary attention for governance: the state can no longer be taken for granted and has to be re-thought Contemporary attention for governance: the state can no longer be taken for granted and has to be re-thought WOTRO Science for Global Development

20 Concluding Remarks II Development discourse focuses on government, on modernity, and not on post modern notions of governance Development discourse focuses on government, on modernity, and not on post modern notions of governance Need for research capacity strengthening on governance through international partnerships Need for research capacity strengthening on governance through international partnerships WOTRO Science for Global Development

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