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10 th Anniversary Meeting Orlando Florida November 17, 2008 “The Role of Standards in the Consolidating Financial Services Industry”

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Presentation on theme: "10 th Anniversary Meeting Orlando Florida November 17, 2008 “The Role of Standards in the Consolidating Financial Services Industry”"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th Anniversary Meeting Orlando Florida November 17, 2008 “The Role of Standards in the Consolidating Financial Services Industry”

2 Contents Bill Irving Bio BIAN Introduction Outlook for FS Standards Seed Questions 2

3 Bill Irving Bio Bill Irving is a U. S. based industry and consulting professional with over 30 years of Financial Services experience. He has served the industry in both bank management and professional services roles. He has experience with individual participant issues related to operational efficiency, regulatory compliance and control, and financial management and business intelligence. He has also been engaged in broader industry initiatives including consolidation, cross-border integration and standards development. Bill’s individual focus is on organizational and operations effectiveness, including the implementation of related technology solutions. Bill was formerly President of the Capital Markets Company, an international consultancy focused on the transformation of financial services including the development and management of alternative operating models to increase efficiency and improve business performance. Prior to that he was a Principal and practice leader for capital markets at PricewaterhouseCoopers where he coordinated the development and delivery of consulting services and solutions for global clients. He is a regular speaker at industry conferences and has been active in groups such as the International Financial Services Association (IFSA), Securities Operations Forum (SOF) and the Securities Industry Association (SIA) addressing topics of business transformation, operational risk, global sourcing and technology investment. Before joining PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bill held management positions in banking with the Irving Trust Company and Marine Midland Bank, and in consulting with Decision Resources Corporation and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Bill holds Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. Bill Irving Executive Director & North American Leader 3

4 Contents Bill Irving Bio BIAN Introduction Outlook for FS Standards Seed Questions 4

5 Industry Changes Market structure and capital flows Voluntary and forced consolidation and convergence Regulatory reform and supervisory refocus Customer needs and care Market structure and capital flows Voluntary and forced consolidation and convergence Regulatory reform and supervisory refocus Customer needs and care Bank Priorities Realigning business and operating models Identifying growth opportunities Increasing revenue and margins Improving investment returns Realigning business and operating models Identifying growth opportunities Increasing revenue and margins Improving investment returns IT Architecture Reducing tightly-coupled and silo-based systems Improving overall agility and flexibility Reducing complexity Decreasing cost of ownership Extending applications and systems life cycles Reducing tightly-coupled and silo-based systems Improving overall agility and flexibility Reducing complexity Decreasing cost of ownership Extending applications and systems life cycles IT Investment Focusing on strategic priorities Improving time to market of new IT functions Increasing re-use Shifting from build to buy Moving from software license to SaaS Focusing on strategic priorities Improving time to market of new IT functions Increasing re-use Shifting from build to buy Moving from software license to SaaS Opportunities to Improve (SOA) in Banking Opportunities to Improve (SOA) in Banking Creating a standard banking services landscape Ensuring consistent service definitions, levels of detail and boundaries Moving from a proprietary to an standardized services model to accelerate the commercial availability of products Creating a standard banking services landscape Ensuring consistent service definitions, levels of detail and boundaries Moving from a proprietary to an standardized services model to accelerate the commercial availability of products SOA can help in Banking, but … 5

6 Tomorrow Today Industry SOA-Focus Banks can develop their semantic service definitions on a consistent basis through BIAN to enable internal and commercial SOA-based solutions according to a standardized industry model. BIAN’s envisions a SOA-enabled banking industry with both internal and industry-wide agility and flexibility. BIAN supports banks to define their internal services based on industry collaboration and best practices. standard Internal SOA-Focus proprietary best practices BIAN today Majority Of Banks internal external Industry SOA-Focus standard Internal SOA-Focus proprietary best practices BIAN tomorrow internal external BIAN’s vision 6

7 Value: To enable banks to fully leverage their SOA investments and focus scarce IT resources on strategic initiatives. To enable independent software and services providers to build productized services to industry standards ensuring efficiency, quality and adoption. To enable faster strategic and operational change in banking through the broad implementation of agile and flexible service-oriented architectures. Mission: As an industry-owned and independent not-for-profit association, BIAN will provide standard, i.e. systematically defined and banking specific, semantic services to enable its members to accelerate their SOA deployment. BIAN, defining services for banking 7

8 BIAN was founded as an independent, member owned, not-for-profit association. BIAN has 23 members including 6 banks, 11 service providers, and 6 software vendors. BIAN‘s initial focus is to accelerate SOA for its members by developing and publishing its work products: – Architecture Services Landscape Business Object Model Meta Model, Methodology and Guidelines – Service Definition Account Balance & Maintenance Analytics (market & credit risk) Lending (sales vs. operations) Manage Business Partner Payments (internal view) Pricing (simple, complex) – Building Blocks Architecture Management Service Lifecycle Management Service Repository … BIAN, the organization 8

9 Contents Bill Irving Bio BIAN Introduction Outlook for FS Standards Seed Questions 9

10 FS XML based standards initiatives Need for Standards  Consistent views and understanding of financial data  Connectivity among banks, counterparties, exchanges, clients and regulators  Transparency via real-time, straight-through, low-latency processing of transactions based on industry standards Financial Market Disruptions  Credit Crunch  Liquidity Crisis  Revenue Replacement and Margin Contraction  New Regulatory Supervisory Frameworks 10

11 Financial Services Standards Organizations and their Relationships ( illustrative, circa 2005 ) 11

12 Standards Roadmap for the Securities Industry 12

13 SEC Announces Successor to EDGAR Database “IDEA” Will Make Company and Fund Information Interactive FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2008-179 Washington, D.C., Aug. 19, 2008 — Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox today unveiled the successor to the agency’s 1980s-era EDGAR database, which will give investors far faster and easier access to key financial information about public companies and mutual funds. XBRL and the SEC Mandate for Financial Reporting SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 17 CFR Parts 229, 230, 232, 239, 240 and 249 [Release Nos. 33-8924; 34-57896; 39- 2455; IC-28293; File No. S7-11-08] RIN 3235-AJ71 Interactive Data to Improve Financial Reporting AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission. ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: We are proposing rules requiring companies to provide financial statement information in a form that would improve its usefulness to investors. 13

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