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CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D. 1 CHMI 2227E Biochemistry I Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D. 1 CHMI 2227E Biochemistry I Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D. 1 CHMI 2227E Biochemistry I Introduction

2 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.2 What is Biochemistry?

3 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.3 What is Biochemistry?

4 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.4 What do biochemists do?

5 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.5 Example 1 Myostatin deficiency and muscular development Normal mouseMighty mouse

6 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.6 Example 2 Leptin deficiency and obesity 7 FEBRUARY 2003 VOL 299 SCIENCE Boy with an inherited deficiency in the gene encoding leptin -Top: at age 3 -Bottom: same boy, at age 8, after years of treatment with leptin

7 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.7 Example 3: Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

8 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.8 Ultrastructure of life - the AIDS virus Lipids Nucleic acids Proteins Sugars

9 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.9 Ultrastructure of life - A bacteria Lipids Nucleic acids Proteins Sugars

10 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.10 Ultrastructure of life - A mammalian cell 1- Nucleolus  Synthesis of ribosomes 2- Nucleus  Contains DNA  Site of DNA and RNA synthesis 3- Ribosome  Contains RNA and proteins  Site of protein sythesis 4 –secretory vesicle  Transport 5- rough endoplasmic reticulum  Cellular highway 6- Golgi appatarus  Cellular highway  Sugarland!

11 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.11 Ultrastructure of life - A mammalian cell 7- Cytoskeleton  Scaffold 8- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum  Cellular highway 9- Mitochondria  Powerhouse 10 –Vacuole  Storage 11- Cytoplasm  Cellular Jello 12 – Lysosome  Digestive organ of the cell 13 – Centriole  Makes flagella/cilia  Required during cell division

12 CHMI 2227 - E.R. Gauthier, Ph.D.12 Red: mitochondria Blue: Nucleus Green: cytoskeleton

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