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Bringing Web 2.0 to Traditional TV Myra Einstein - Thesis 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Web 2.0 to Traditional TV Myra Einstein - Thesis 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Web 2.0 to Traditional TV Myra Einstein - Thesis 2007

2 Inspiration

3 What is Ambient TV? Being able to turn on your TV and start watching a show right away Changing the idea of ‘1000 channels and nothing on’ New ways of exploring content to watch Including viewing what your friends are watching

4 TV is still King 8:14 hours for households per day 1 4:35 hours for individuals per day 1 1 Neilson Media Research findings of Fall 2006 season

5 Related Technologies

6 Web 2.0 Elements of Web 2.0 can be used to organize “what to watch”: Recommendation systems Social Networking Folksonomies/Tagging

7 Ambient TV: Changing Traditional TV

8 Ambient TV System Uses TV/set-top box interface Service provided by cable or satellite operator Uses existing set-top box technologies



11 what’s-on Based on who’s watching Streams of video based on viewing habits

12 Channels Initial Setup Channels become personalized based on keywords and preferences Keywords based on: Genre Talent Tag


14 Channels Ever-Changing Rating shows Continuous tagging Creating new channels on the fly Incorporate recommendations from friends

15 Watching TV



18 myMedia At any time, viewers can choose to seek out specific shows to watch Can subscribe to shows to automatically download Ability to search based on different categories Ability to see what your friends are watching



21 Future of Television Balance of active and passive media consumption More meaningful passive media presentation Social TV watching Organization of vast amount of media choices

22 Questions?

23 Ambient TV - Groups TV is often watched by more than one person at a time Groups can be created to define the viewing habits of a combined audience A group is like its own user: Contains own set of preferences Starts with combined media preferences of the users that make up the group

24 TV still King (for kids) TV still most consumed media among the younger generation 1 1 From 2005 Kaiser report: Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds


26 Abundance of choices Average American household receives 104.2 channels, but only watched 15.7 channels last year 1 Millions of videos available on the web Can be a problem if not organized 1 Despite Choices on TV, the Favorites Reign, New York Times

27 What is Ambient TV? Personalized ‘channels’ based on preferences Being able to watch what you want when you want on your TV Using Web 2.0 methodologies to organize wealth of choices New ways of viewing “what’s on”

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