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10 20 40 30 40Art Elements Music Elements Dance Elements Drama Elements 30 20 40 20 10 50 10? 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "10 20 40 30 40Art Elements Music Elements Dance Elements Drama Elements 30 20 40 20 10 50 10? 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:


2 10 20 40 30 40Art Elements Music Elements Dance Elements Drama Elements 30 20 40 20 10 50 10? 20 30 40 50

3 Column 1, #1 An element of art – a continuous mark; types of these include vertical, horizontal, curved, diagonal, etc. What is Line?

4 Column 1, #2 An element of art – used in 3-dimensional pieces like sculptures that have height, width, and depth What is Form?

5 Column 1, #3 An element of art – the way the surface of something feels, i.e. rough, smooth, bumpy, etc. What is Texture?

6 Column 1, #4 An element of art – used in flat, 2-dimensional pieces like paintings, can include geometric items or items from nature What is Shape?

7 Column 1, #5 An element of art – the hues and shades used in art, including primary and secondary hues, warm, cool and neutral tones, etc. Color

8 Column 2, #1 The speed of a musical work. What is Tempo?

9 Column 2, #2 The shape or structure of a musical work. What is Form?

10 Column 2, #3 The duration or length of specific notes and rests. (i.e. syncopated) What is Rhythm?

11 Column 2, #4 What is Melody? The main idea of a musical work. (i.e. the theme)

12 Column 2, #5 The specific sound of an instrument, voice, or object. What is Timbre or Tonality?

13 Column 3, #1 Movements in which a person stays in one place. (i.e. bending, swinging, twisting, etc.) What is Nonlocomotor?

14 Column 3, #2 An element of dance – that focuses on direction, size, pathways, levels, and shape. What is Space?

15 Column 3, #3 Movements that usually travel through space. (i.e. walking, hopping, galloping, etc.) What is Locomotor?

16 Column 3, #4 What is Time? An element of dance – that focuses on pulse, speed, duration, rhythm, and phrases.

17 Column 3, #5 What is Force? An element of dance – that focuses on tension/relaxation, flow and weight.

18 Column 4, #1 This includes scenery, costumes, props, sound effects, make-up, and personal props. What are the Elements of Production?

19 Column 4, #2 What are the Elements of Drama? This includes plot (story line), characters, story or plot development (b, m, e), dialogue (2 or more actors), monologue (1 actor) and conflict.

20 Column 4, #3 What are Elements of Performance? This includes acting, breath control, vocal expression, movement, and diction.

21 Column 4, #4 What is a Myth? This dramatic work is a traditional story of supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes.

22 Column 4, #5 This dramatic work is an unverifiable story popularly accepted as history passed down. What is a Legend?

23 Column 5, #1 Color that reflects no light, it absorbs all of the color waves. It is actually the absence of color. What is Black?

24 Column 5, #2 This dance term refers to the characteristics of a movement. What are Qualities?

25 Column 5, #3 To perform the exact same activity at the exact same time. What is Unison?

26 Column 5, #4 The seating area in the Greek theatre is referred to as this. What is the Theatron?

27 Column 5, #5 Also called Kineshpere, this is the space reached while stationary. What is Personal Space?

28 Bonus Question


30 Final Jeopardy

31 The catergory is: Make your wager!

32 Column 5, #3 The range of lightness and darkness within a picture. What is Value?

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