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IST-2001-33127 WP3 and WP4: Repository core, Intelligent maintenance and use Žiga Turk (LJU), Tomo Cerovšek, Vlado Stankovski (FGGI), Brian Clifton (Salford)

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Presentation on theme: "IST-2001-33127 WP3 and WP4: Repository core, Intelligent maintenance and use Žiga Turk (LJU), Tomo Cerovšek, Vlado Stankovski (FGGI), Brian Clifton (Salford)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IST-2001-33127 WP3 and WP4: Repository core, Intelligent maintenance and use Žiga Turk (LJU), Tomo Cerovšek, Vlado Stankovski (FGGI), Brian Clifton (Salford) IST-2001-33127 June 2, 2015

2 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionContent coverage: WP2 (part), WP3, WP4 D12, D13 (type pilot) reported in D10 due March 31stoverview context services applications demonstration of applications Scenario 1: digital library Scenario 2: eJournal demonstration of Web services the WSDL of the interfaces OAI compatibility Office 2003 “research” compatibility WP4 intelligent maintenance and use status and plans future work introduction

3 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction SciX Target Users researchers authors, readers, editors, mentorspublishers journal publishers conference organizersprofessionals readers, editorsprogrammers search for, study, review, recommend, discuss literature set up archives, journals, organize conferences edit sci. publications for professionals create websites, software … introduction

4 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Addressing user needs all except programmers they will use SciX applications via browser they will SciX services via other clients such as Office 2003, Reference Manager... programmers, integrators will build new applications by: re-using, modifying SciX applications building new applications using SciX web services interface accessing SciX data using OAI-PMH as well as SciX’s WSDL described interfaces introduction

5 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionRequirements provide building blocks that can be used to support different scientific publishing models these building blocks are the web services introduction

6 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Web Services in SciX HTTP transport for all applications are built on top of services, which are described in WSDL services XML, XML-RPC, SOAP (default) OAI-PMH (metadata harvesting) Office 2003 research overview

7 Overview Data layer VAP Business object layer providing web services to applications External 3 rd party archives (OAI-PMH compliant) Application layer providing functionality to end user (Web/servlet based) electronic journal citation management, office 2003 digital library SciX Metadata Harvester OAi-PMH Personal archives Institution archives Society archives conference support SciX Scientific User Value added publications SciX Industry User data other Metadata Harvester OAIster data web service administrati on Hosted archives 3 rd party application 1 3rd party application 2 data OAi-PMH VAP Syndication server RSS External VAP VAP Content Managemnt application AnnotationDiscussion Knowledge mngmnt. Reviews User management OAi adapter Collec- tions Repository proprietary Other User ready now ready later non SciX XML protocols over HTTP

8 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Services and applications services repository, contributions, users (user management), selections, ratings, forum, series, journal workflow, conference workflowapplications digital library English (4) itc, elpub, iaps, europia, cumincad German (2) Slovenian (1) journal conference overview

9 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Repository (P) Handling metadata and full text The repository provides Dublin Core compatibility in the sense that any Web pages it creates provide proper Dublin Core head elements. Compatible with citation management systems by providing BibTex, Refer and Harvard formats for the data input. Access rights, the repository service can be set up in various ways; in some cases anonymous users would get full rights, in others, only registered users would be allowed access. services

10 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Knowledge management (A) Current implementation is based on the Bow toolkit developed at the University of Michigan for clustering and statistical text analysis. Allows for automatic classification and clustering of works in a repository, searching for similar papers etc. Tested with one application ( Seamless integration with the rest of the system is subject to work in WP4 and D14. services

11 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Collections (P) Allows end users to publish collections of papers that they have found interesting in a repository, together with an introductory commentary The envisioned use - a teacher collects a reading list for his students and publishes that. services

12 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction User management (P) All services have a built with a notion of a user and of a group of users. They use this for access right management and personalization of the services. The generic user management service takes care of adding new users, authentication of users, log-in, preferences management etc. The service allows for user log-in, display end editing of her profile, setting and changing of the password, lost password recovery etc. The maintenance of the user identity allows other services to remember user's search history, subscriptions personalized notifications in the repository (or collection, discussion or any other service). services

13 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Reviews (P,B) Works in the repository may be reviewed. The review is part of a workflow that is different in journals, conferences or reviews that take place after a paper has been published in a repository that is not part of a traditional peer-reviewed media. Generic and conference review service have been set up. Reviewing service was only implemented for the IAPS 2004. Also implemented in itcon journal. services

14 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Discussions (P) Discussions are very similar to annotation with the following differences: they are public and they are structured in the sense that a discussion is followed by another discussion forming a tree- like structure. services

15 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Ratings (P) Rating service allows users to rate contents of other services. Typically, repository items are rated by the end users. services

16 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction News (P) News is a content management system that allow repository editors and maintainers to publish news about an application, instructions, documents etc. Also add any other unstructured information to the application. services

17 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Demonstration scenario 1: itc digital library searching advanced search export to citation manager various kinds of browsing new items, keywords, authors … machine made categorization (WP4) logging in opens advanced features creating a collection publishing a collection DL demo

18 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Live demo DL demo

19 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Demonstration scenario 1 (cont): elpub rating a paper discussing a paper DL demo

20 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Demonstration scenario 2: e-journal infrastructure Process submit a paper to ITcon automatic notification to the editor editor assigns reviewers reviewers do review technical editor does technical review editor does final verdict on the paper editor publishes the paper Only selected steps will be demonstrated eJournal

21 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Live demo eJournal

22 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Complex process... based on earlier analysis Requirements (D8) Process models (D1 and D2) Sequence diagram (D9) implemented in software (D3) eJournal

23 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Requirements (D8) 1.1 Journals/journal editors Much of the functionality required here relates to the submission and review process. 1.1.1 Managing editorial board members Editors need to be able to record and manage membership of the editorial board of an online journal, with appropriate profile information. 1.1.2 Selection of Reviewers Editors need to be able to select reviewers for a particular article based on a match with their profile. Some degree of automated support could be provided for this. 1.1.3 Submission of drafts to reviewers Drafts need to be submitted to reviewers either by sending them, or by notification of the availability of a draft at a specified location on the internet. Some mechanism needs to be in place to allow the reviewer to accept or decline a request to review and article. 1.1.4 Status tracking of reviewing and notification of events Editors need to be notified of events occurring in the submission/review/publication process, including: receipt of a submitted paper, receipt of a review, 1.1.5 Statistics about review process Editors need to see statistical information regarding the process of review and acceptance. This includes information about the responsiveness and reliability of particular reviewers as well as general information about average times to publish, etc. eJournal

24 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction The process model (D2) eJournal

25 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Sequence diagram (D9) Fig. 7 of D9b eJournal

26 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Demonstration 3: Services internal communication using Web Services paradigm WSDL Examples repository service rating service OAI Compatibility Office 2003 Compatibility POSTing data into repository service web services

27 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionWSDL web services provided by all services are described in WSDL SOAP, HTTP and MIME bindings supported used internally can be used by a generic WSDL/SOAP client such as XML spy web services

28 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionWSDL web services

29 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionOAI OAI 2.0 compliant code based on open source code by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Computer Science, Digital Library Research Laboratory on-line validation 0 errors web services

30 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroductionOAI web services

31 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Office 2003 “research task pane” API documented Nov. 7 2003 SOAP based SciX services were ready up and running now

32 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Office 2003 (cont.) web services

33 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction WP4 presentation

34 futureservicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction Next steps in development/deployment 1.1.2004... ITcon Vol. 9 uses the editorial services 1.1.2004... transition of CUMINCAD 31.1.2004... clustering, full text indexing 31.1.2004... advanced user management 31.3.2004... incorporating critique from usability studies, assessment and evaluation future

35 servicesseJournalDL demoservicesoverviewintroduction The end

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