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Oxana Smirnova LCG/ATLAS/Lund November 11, 2002, Uppsala 4th NorduGrid Workshop ATLAS Data Challenges on EDG.

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2 Oxana Smirnova LCG/ATLAS/Lund November 11, 2002, Uppsala 4th NorduGrid Workshop ATLAS Data Challenges on EDG

3 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch2 EU Datagrid project Started on January 1, 2001, to deliver by end 2003  Aim: to develop a Grid middleware suitable for High Energy physics, Earth Observation and biology applications  Initial development based on existing tools, e.g., Globus, LCFG, GDMP etc The core testbed consists of the central site at CERN and few facilities across the Western Europe; many more sites are foreseen to join soon  Italy, UK come with several sites each; Spain, Germany and others – via the Crossgrid  ATLAS-affiliated sites: Canada, Taiwan etc By now reached the stability level sufficient to test submission of production-style tasks

4 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch3 EDG Testbed EDG is committed to create a stable testbed to be used by applications for real tasks  This started to materialize in mid-August…  …and coincided with the ATLAS DC1  ATLAS asked and was given the first priority Most sites are installed from scratch using the EDG tools (RedHat 6.2 based)  NIKHEF: EDG installation and configuration only  Lyon: installation on the top of existing farm  A lightweight EDG installation is available Central element: the Resource Broker (RB), distributes jobs between the resources  Currently, only one RB (CERN) is available for applications  In future, may be an RB per Virtual Organization (VO)

5 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch4 EDG functionality as of today UI CASTOR RC CE RB do rfcp rfcp replicate GDMP or RM jdl LDAPNFS RSL OutputGDMP or RM Chart borrowed from Guido Negri’s slides Input Output

6 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch5 ATLAS is eager to use Grid tools for the Data Challenges  ATLAS Data Challenges are already on the Grid (NorduGrid, VDT)  The DC1/phase2 (starting now) is expected to be done using the Grid tools to a bigger extent ATLAS-EDG Task Force was put together in August with the aims:  To assess the usability of the EDG testbed for the immediate production tasks  To introduce the Grid awareness to the ATLAS collaboration The Task Force has representatives both from ATLAS and EDG: 40+ members (!) on the mailing list, ca 10 of them working nearly full-time The initial task: to process 5 input partitions of the Dataset 2000 at the EDG Testbed + one non-EDG site (Karlsruhe); if this works, continue with other datasets ATLAS-EDG Task Force

7 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch6 Execution of jobs It was expected that we can make full use of the Resource Broker functionality  Data-driven job steering  Best available resources otherwise Input files are pre-staged once (copied from CASTOR and replicated elsewhere) A job consists of the standard DC1 shell-script, very much the way it is done on a conventional cluster A Job Definition Language is used to wrap up the job, specifying:  The executable file (script)  Input data  Files to be retrieved manually by the user  Optionally, other attributes (maxCPU, Rank etc) Storage and registration of output files is a part of the job script: i.e., application manages output data the way it needs

8 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch7 Hurdles  EDG can not replicate files directly from CASTOR and can not register them in the Replica Catalog  Replication was done via CERN SE; EDG is working on a better (though temporary) solution. CASTOR team writes a GridFTP interface, which will help a lot.  Big file transfer interrupts after 21 minutes Also known Globus GridFTP server problem, temporary fixed by using multi-threaded GridFTP instead of EDG tools  Jobs were “lost” by the system after 20 minutes of execution Known problem of the Globus software (GASS Cache mechanism), temporary fixed on expense of frequent job submission  Static information system: if a site goes down, it should be removed manually from the index Attempts are under way to switch to the dynamic hierarchical MDS; not yet stable due to the Globus bugs

9 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch8 Other minor problems Installation of ATLAS software:  Cyclic dependencies  External dependencies, esp. on system software Authentication & authorization, users and services  EDG can’t accept instantly a dozen of new country Certificate Authorities  Default proxy lives only 12 hours – users keep forgetting to request longer ones to accommodate long jobs Documentation  Is abundant and not very much user-oriented  Things are improving as more users are coming Information system  faulty information providers, affecting brokering  very difficult to browse/search and retrieve relevant info Data management  information about existing file collections is not easy to find  management of output data is mostly manual (can not be done via JDL) General instability of most EDG services

10 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch9 Achievements: A team of hard-working people across the Europe (ATLAS VO is 45 members strong as of today) ATLAS software (starting from release 3.2.1) is packed into relocateable RPMs, distributed and validated elsewhere DC1 production script is “gridified”, submission script is produced User-friendly testbed status monitor and ATLAS VO information page are deployedtestbed status monitor ATLAS VO 5 Dataset 2000 input files are replicated to 5 sites (2 @ each) Two production-style tests completed:  100 first partitions of the Dataset 2000 are processed  Other (smaller) datasets: 4 input files (ca 400 MB each) replicated to 4 sites; 250 jobs submitted, adjusted to run ca 4 hours each. The jobs were distributed across all the testbed by the Resource Broker

11 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch10 Summary EnvironmentSuccess/failure rate Job executionData management Testbed 1.2.0GASS Cache problems, 100% failureBig file replication fails (GridFTP timeout); no CASTOR support Testbed 1.2(.1) only CERN site is available, GASS Cache “unfixed” Half of the Dataset 2000 jobs are executed, 100% success Not applicable (only one site is used) Testbed 1.2.2 All the core sites have GASS Cache “unfixed” 400 short jobs are executed across the testbed; the rest of the Dataset 2000 jobs proceeded with > 50% re- submission rate Short files are replicated everywhere; longer files are copied manually (GridFTP not fixed) Testbed 1.3 A.K.A. “The Showstopper” release To be tested (GASS Cache is expected to be fixed) To be tested (GridFTP is expected to be fixed)

12 2002-11-11Oxana.Smirnova@cern.ch11 What next  Testbed 1.3 is available for testing (not on production site yet) from today  Precise quantification of failure/success rate using Dataset 2000 partitions to be done on Testbed 1.3  ATLAS DC1, pile-up: the runtime environment is ready, scripts are prepared oTestbed feature: the “old” runtime environment (3.2.1) has to be replaced with a new one (4.0.1)  CASTOR-EDG interface has to be tested; GridFTP server on CASTOR is expected to arrive soon  Some ATLAS production sites may join the EDG Testbed soon

13 Ingo Augustin Vandy Berten Jean-Jacques Blaising Frederic Brochu Stephen Burke Serban Constantinescu Francois Etienne Michael Gardner Luc Goossens Marcus Hardt Frank Harris Fabio Hernandez Bob Jones Roger Jones Christos Kanellopoulos Andrey Kiryanov Peter Kunszt Emanuele Leonardi Cal Loomis Fairouz Malek-Ohlsson Gonzalo Merino Armin Nairz Giudo Negri Steve O'Neale Laura Perini Gilbert Poulard Alois Putzer Di Qing Mario Reale David Rebatto Zhongliang Ren Silvia Resconi Alessandro De Salvo Markus Schulz Massimo Sgaravatto Oxana Smirnova Chun Lik Tan Jeff Templon Stan Thompson Luca Vaccarossa Peter Watkins No animals were harmed in the production tests MMII

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