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International Statistics Lindsay Johnston WISLL II, February 21, 2008.

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1 International Statistics Lindsay Johnston WISLL II, February 21, 2008

2 Questions to ask: Why is this so hard? Who would gather this data? How is the data disseminated? – statistics in published tables – online tool that allows me to select variables and create a table

3 Aggregate statistics There are a number of of organizations that compile statistics from official and non-official statistical produces and assemble them into large aggregate databases. These include United Nations agencies, International Monetary Fund, OECD and the World Bank. The link to this video provides a demonstration of the use of such aggregate

4 Sources: International Bodies United Nations and UN Agencies  United Nations Secretariat  World Bank  International Monetary Fund  UNESCO  FAO  ILO  etc.


6 Sources: International Bodies European Union Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) World Trade Organization Etc.

7 International Organization Sources: How to Choose??? Membership – what countries, other regional entities? Goals of the Organization Availability of data and statistics

8 Membership:

9 Find out the percentage of urban population in Canada and China for recent years and projections for the next 20 years UNdata:

10 World Bank – World Development Indicators Database Membership of the World Bank - comprehensiveWorld Bank Mandate of the World Bank Working for a world free of poverty Data availability – lots – some free online, some paid ie: World Development Indicators Database

11 Casting a wider net… Also: Library Catalogue searches Article indexes ie: PAIS International Databases such as the Political Risk Yearbook Etc.

12 Have these stats been gathered?? By whom??

13 National Governments: Sources Individual entries in statistical publications of international bodies National Yearbooks / National Statistical Agency websites  National statistical offices websites (United Nations Statistics Division) National statistical offices websites  OFFSTATS: Official Statistics on the Web (University of Aukland Library) OFFSTATS: Official Statistics on the Web  Foreign Government Data Sources (University of Michigan Library Documents Center) Foreign Government Data Sources

14 Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

15 Where to get help: INTL-doc EURO-doc Your WISLL friends!

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